I... I can explain it Fubuki-sama...

- Lily Pov -

This morning, Fubuki Sama invited the Blizzard group to go somewhere early, and I had already guessed what we would do at that place. And right now, Fubuki-sama came directly to my small apartment to pick me up along the way.

"Hurry up, Lily. Fubuki-sama is already waiting in the car!" I could hear their screams coming from outside. I was warned to get ready by a member of the Blizzard Group.

"Wait a minute," I replied as I looked in the mirror to adjust the lily flower in my hair. Once I was satisfied that my appearance was flawless, I began searching for my small staff weapon.

Because I don't want to make Fubuki-sama and the other members of the Blizzard group look bad, I need to give an excellent appearance in front of all of them.

I yelled out in a bit of nervousness, "I hope Fubuki Sama isn't mad at me!" while still searching for my weapon here and there, and since my room was a bit messy, it made this job even more difficult.

"I found you!" A Three-section Staff was found lying in the middle of a messy pile of clothes that I had put on the bed, and without further ado, I immediately took it and hid it beneath my black suit.



Nevertheless, as I was getting ready to go out, I felt a vibration from my pocket, and I knew immediately that my phone was ringing. Sure enough, I could see the notification of an incoming call, but I was a little taken aback by this call.

"Ahem... what's wrong, Kaiser?" Yes, the person calling me right now is the mysterious man I met the other day, and since I have a good impression of him. Therefore, without further ado, I accept the call, even though I am currently in danger because Fubuki Sama will most likely become angrier now.

"Lily, can we meet now?" When compared to this mysterious man, of course, I prefer Fubuki-sama, but for some reason, I also can't refuse him. I immediately didn't know what to say because I felt a dilemma that I shouldn't be feeling.

*knock *knock

In the midst of my confusion regarding this situation, suddenly, I heard a loud knock coming from the door of my apartment, which was followed by a woman's voice that sounded aggravated, saying, "hey, Lily, why are you taking so long!"

I pulled my phone away from my mouth and apologized to Fubuki Sama, "I'm sorry, I'll be out in a minute." However, immediately after saying those words, I began to experience some bad feelings.

On the other hand, Fubuki Sama remained silent, which contributed to the eerie calmness of the atmosphere. Shortly after that, the door to my apartment was easily opened, even though I had locked it. However, given the immense power that Fubuki-sama possesses, this was a simple task for her.

"So you kept me waiting because of that phone call, Lily!" a young woman with a curvy figure, chin-length, dark green hair styled into a bob walked slowly into my room, and her light green eyes glared at me, making me freeze nervously on the spot.

"I... I can explain it Fubuki-sama..." I tried to explain things calmly, but because I was nervous, I stuttered and looked even more suspicious.

"Hooh... don't worry, Lily, you can continue your call. I'm sure that's more important than me, right?" said Fubuki-sama in a monotone while maintaining a charming smile on her face; she then began to move towards the bed and affixed herself to it in an elegant manner.

I had the urge to end this call right away, but something inside me told me to at least do it more politely. As a result, I continued talking on the phone while Fubuki-sama watched beside me.

"meet? Now? ... I have no problem with that... but... hey, wait a minute..." But before I could finish my sentence, Fubuki-sama stood up from the bed and immediately snatched my phone from my hand. So I hurriedly begged, "Please, Fubuki-sama, hand over the phone to me..."

But it seemed like it was useless because Fubuki-sama just looked at me with a big smile on her face and immediately took over my phone call and said something that really surprised me.

"Hello, are you Lily's boyfriend?" Instantaneously, my face began to feel hot, and even my heartbeat, which had been racing before, began to become increasingly erratic.

I hurriedly tried to retrieve my phone, but that was impossible because Fubuki-sama, who was obviously stronger than me, easily dodged it. I could only look at Fubuki-sama with an expression that wanted to cry, but she just ignored me.

"Fubuki, B-Class Rank 1 Professional Hero!" I had no idea what Kaiser was talking about on the phone when all of a sudden, Fubuki-sama introduced herself. In the meantime, all I could do was reassure myself by telling myself, 'me and Kaiser just started becoming friends a few days ago, so I don't have to worry about anything.'

"ohh, so your name is Kaiser," Fubuki-sama seemed to be enjoying the situation because she kept on continuing this phone call, and it didn't seem like she intended to end it any time soon either.

Sorry, Lily is busy right now, so you can't meet her," Even though I was a little disappointed that I couldn't meet that attractive, mysterious man, I was relieved that the conversation between the two of them didn't lead to anything weird that could embarrass me more than this.

"Kaiser, do you really want to come and help Lily?" When I heard that, I couldn't help but be a little taken aback, but it also made me even more anxious, to the point where I started breaking out in a cold sweat because I knew what would happen if Fubuki-sama ever crossed paths with Kaiser.

"All right, you can meet us at the park in city C."

"See you later, Kaiser."