About the phone call from this morning

- Lily Pov -

"See you later, Kaiser." After that, Fubuki-sama finally hung up the phone and looked at me with suspicious eyes, but all I could do was give her a wry smile and remain silent.

After looking at me for quite a while, Fubuki-sama finally sighed and turned her gaze away while returning my phone by throwing it at me and saying, "Then let's go meet Lily's boyfriend."

"Kaiser is not my boyfriend!" I quickly objected to what Fubuki-sama had said, but she didn't seem to take my point of view into consideration and instead looked at me while smiling playfully.

"But Kaiser didn't answer no earlier, did he?" Because I knew that Fubuki-sama would not believe me and would continue to tease me about that, I simply sat there with my mouth pursed while shrieking in my heart.

'Good, now Fubuki-sama has completely misunderstood, but it's not my fault. Yes, it's all Kaiser's fault. Why did he suddenly call me at the wrong time.'

I muttered under my breath, "I hope to clear up this misunderstanding when Kaiser arrives." Not long after that, Fubuki-sama and I came out of my apartment room, got into the car, and began our journey to the park of city C, where we would be doing the mission important for Fubuki-sama as well as the Blizzard group.


- My Pov -

I could not hide the smile that appeared on my face as soon as I hung up my phone. I quickly tied my shoelaces and walked out of my house to get ready to meet Lily and another female character, Fubuki, who was the one I was looking forward to meeting the most.

Considering that Lily is a member of the Blizzard group, it should be no surprise that she will be spending more time with Fubuki. Despite this, I still can't wait to meet Fubuki, who is very well-liked by fans due to the fact that she has an attractive appearance as well as a very erotic body.

I decided not to use my abilities because city C is located relatively close to city A, which is where I currently reside. After that, I donned my battle suit and started my ascent toward the destination I had set out for.


It didn't take long, and with the speed of my battle suit, I was able to arrive in city C in just a few minutes. Right now, I'm searching for the park that Fubuki intended for us to meet in as our meeting place.

When I finally found the park, I looked off into the distance and saw several crowds of people gathering around people in business suits.

Immediately, it dawned on me that the individuals who were dressed in the business suit were part of the Blizzard group. I was also optimistic that Lily and Fubuki were already there too.

I then started to land and hide my battle suit. I started walking toward the crowd, and I was immediately greeted by the loud voice of a woman who was standing on a small podium. It seemed as though she was giving a speech filled with words of encouragement.

"Today, I want to say to all of the people of city C that you don't have to worry anymore about monster attacks and all other forms of crime because I am Fubuki, a rank 1 class B Hero with the Blizzard group, and will always be there to protect you."


*clap *clap

"Did this woman just call herself Fubuki?"

"Eh... are you serious? Is she really the famous rank 1 class B Hero?"

"No wonder she is so beautiful."

Various kinds of comments were made by the people in this crowd, and I found that the majority of those individuals were male, and only a few women were present at this event.

Just like this audience said, the woman who was standing on the small podium, indeed, was Fubuki. However, I must admit that I was taken aback when I got a better look at her. I had no idea she was this stunning, and the way she carried herself made me want to stare at her for a long time.


"huhh... huhh... hahahahaha, I didn't expect Fubuki's charm to make me like this," After taking a deep breath, I then walked out of the crowd, and because I knew that Fubuki's speech wouldn't be finished any time soon, I decided to look for Lily's whereabouts.

Because everyone in the Blizzard group always dresses in business attire, it makes it easier for me to find Lily's whereabouts. Of course, Fubuki, who is the leader of the group, is not included.

"There she is," I could see a woman with a white lily on her head standing next to a relatively quiet little podium. I could see the anxious look on the woman's face as she looked around the crowd as if she was looking for someone.

Since I was already aware of the situation, I couldn't help but crack a small smile as I approached the woman, and as soon as I made eye contact with her, I greeted her, "hi, Lily."

"ahhh..." Lily let out a startled scream, but after she looked at me, she couldn't help but give me a wry smile while shyly greeting me. "You really came, Kaiser."

Because Lily was just standing there quietly with her head slightly bowed and refusing to look at me, I tried to lighten this awkward atmosphere.

I pointed at Fubuki, who was on the podium, and asked Lily, "Is that woman the Fubuki-sama you always talked about?"

Lily then looked in the direction I pointed at and nodded her head, "Today, as usual, Fubuki-sama went around to various cities to promote the Blizzard group to people." Although she still looked embarrassed, Lily tried to explain something to me.

I could see Lily's doubtful expression, but she continued, "About the phone call from this morning, I hope you don't misunderstand what Fubuki-sama said, Kaiser..."