yes, yes, you are amazing

My attention is riveted on the night sky, which appears like a treasure chest adorned with twinkling stars and the moon as the most precious thing up there. Somehow, the tranquility and calmness of the atmosphere actually caused my heart to skip a beat.

"Do you like it?"

But everything became even more confusing when I heard the soft voice of Kaiser, who was standing next to me. Whenever I looked at him, my face immediately felt hot, so I shyly tried to look away from him instead of staring at him directly.

I responded honestly, "Not bad, at least now, you know how to appreciate me," because, after all the mean things this human has done to me, a present like this isn't bad at all.

'Instead, I hope he continues treating me like this because maybe...'

My train of thought was abruptly broken by Kaiser's voice saying, "this is a reward for being a good girl today."

'What good girl! didn't you almost kill me twice today!' I yelled a little bit inside with some annoyance, but I did not dare to express it for some reason.

When I was at a loss for words, Kaiser suddenly approached me, and he started to reach out his hand to stroke my lips gently.

'ahhh, I really despise everything about myself. In situations like this, I always become petrified, and even later, when Kaiser does those... perverted things... I still do nothing.'

I have a pretty good idea what Kaiser is going to do next, so I close my eyes in a nervous attempt to prepare myself, but other than the sensation of Kaiser's finger touching my lips, I don't feel anything else out of the ordinary.

So, while still keeping my eyes closed, I asked out of curiosity, "are you going to do that mean thing to me again?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act stupid, don't you want to do that... perverted... and embarrassing... thing to my body, right?"

Unexpectedly, now I can feel Kaiser's palm on my cheek, and I tried to work up the courage to open my eyes. At that moment, Kaiser starts to say in a gentle tone that makes my heart feel a little calmer when I hear it:

"Tonight I'm tired, I'm sure you're tired too, right? So, we can just chill out in front of the tv while try to relax."

After that, Kaiser immediately took my hand without waiting for a response from me and invited me to sit on a soft sofa in front of a wide black screen. Soon after, this wide black screen started to light up, leaving me a little surprised.

Without any shame, Kaiser casually started to embrace my body tightly enough so that it stuck to his body, and he now began to ignore me as he concentrated on the screen in front of him.

'It seems I've reached my limit for the day. At this point, I don't even care to argue anymore.'

After taking a few slow, deep breaths, I could start relaxing my body and focus on what was happening on the large screen that Kaiser and I were watching together.

[ According to the most recent report that was released today concerning city Z, after the chaos that occurred in the city for several hours, you can now see that the residents are being helped by heroes and other volunteers, and they are all working together to clean up the rubble of buildings and organize the city so that it can return to normal and can be made livable properly ]

[ In another location, still within city Z, you can see many people attending a mass funeral, where the bodies of citizens and heroes are buried. Even the Hero Association built a small memorial as a tribute to the heroes who have fought their lives against monsters, thereby ending the threats that the monsters posed ]

I yelled out in excitement to Kaiser as I pointed at the large screen in front of us displaying photos and videos of the drying corpses in Z city and explained that the majority of them were humans whose blood I had harvested.

"yes, yes, you are amazing."

Kaiser then rubbed my head gently, and I ignored his actions and refocused my attention. I just laughed in amusement when I saw the pictures and videos of the damage I had caused to the city. But, without me realizing it, I had been trying to distance myself from Kaiser earlier, and now I'm slowly starting to move my body closer to him.

[ Look, in front of us now there is Genos, a mysterious cyborg who helped defeat the threat, now he has just left the Hero Association building Z city branch because it was reported that he was not registered with the Hero Association, so he was detained for questioning, there are also rumors that saying this mysterious cyborg is actually being recruited by the Hero Association ]

I thought to myself, 'ohh, this cyborg, I caught a glimpse of him, and when I saw him fighting Armored Gorilla, I was shocked, but in the end, he won, huh, what a disappointment,' and when I turned to the side to see Kaiser reaction, I became astounded when I saw him smile.

'looks like Kaiser also saw the fight between this cyborg and Armored Gorilla.'

[ This is a picture and video of the monsters that attacked City Z, and although some of them managed to escape, viewers at home don't need to worry because the Hero Association has already sent class A heroes to try to find and eradicate the monsters' whereabouts ]

Aside from the photographs of the creature from House of Evolution, I didn't discover anything out of the ordinary. It wasn't until I saw a fuzzy picture of someone who resembled me in some ways that my brows began to furrow.

"Is that my picture, Kaiser?" I queried out of sheer interest.

"Don't worry, they don't have any clear evidence, and even if they have your picture, they can't do anything about it."