Then this event has officially started

Not only class A heroes but everyone from classes B and C was told to congregate in a field where a small stage had been set up. The atmosphere became lively, but everyone fell silent momentarily when a gray-haired old man entered the stage.

"Hey, isn't that Silver Fang!"

"I didn't think there would be a S class hero coming here, ahhh... I really want to ask for his autograph!"

"This is the first time I've seen a S class hero, I heard that each of them is very mysterious, their appearances in public are very rare if it weren't for the monsters."

They all recognized Silver Fang right away, and he seemed pleased with himself, his gaze sweeping across the audience, 'I hope I find one or two interesting people who want to enter my dojo.'

That was the primary reason he was here. Silver Fang volunteered as the event's supervisor after learning of its potential. He wanted to advertise his dojo and recruit students at the same time.

"Ehemm... good morning everyone, I'll just start by congratulating all of you who have the courage to take part in this event."

Silver Fang began by encouraging everyone present. Seeing that they were all becoming increasingly curious, he continued to explain in detail what they would be doing today.

The Heroes Association is attempting to provide some training to these professional heroes, who can be considered their employees, in light of their recent poor performance. Another compelling reason they do this is the pressure of the prophecies about future threats.

They will first be asked to enter the forest behind them. To help everyone develop in a safer and more effective manner, they will be divided into groups.

Some may already have their own groups, such as Fubuki's Blizzard Group, but many professional heroes prefer to work alone, so if they can all help and learn from each other while this training is going on, The Heroes Association would be overjoyed if that happened, so they were not stingy with their gifts.

"Don't fight alone, make sure your group has 3 or more people... if you face a monster that you can't beat, you can work together with another group."

After that, everyone became preoccupied with themselves. Class A heroes didn't seem too concerned because they were confident that many people would want to form a group with them.

Saitama and Genos appeared to be standing in place among the crowd as if they had no intention of looking for a group, but judging by the pale expression on Saitama's face, he appeared to have his own problems. Meanwhile, Genos kept scanning his surroundings.

"Hey Genos, you won't leave me, right?" Saitama looked concerned that his student would seek out a group with other people. Unfortunately, they must form groups of three or more people, so if they want to form a group, they must find one more person.

"Don't worry master, I will stay by your side, but..." Genos' voice became unsure because most people had already formed their own groups, while the rest were still unsure which group to join.

"I know, wait a moment, I'll try to recruit those people," but unfortunately for Saitama, the first person he approached was a class-A hero, and he got insulted instead.

"You idiot! A class A hero like me won't be in the same group as C class like you."

"Hell no! I'm not going to be in the same group as you! scram!"

"What did you say? You want to recruit me to your group? I forgot, who are you again?"

Saitama keeps getting rejected, even from class B heroes, and worst of all, all of class C appear to have formed their own groups.

"Fuck! Why are they so annoying? They also keep staring at my head as if rejecting me because I'm bald!"

Saitama had felt insecure about his appearance since he went bald, but as time passed, he didn't care about it anymore. But this time, he was so irritated that he considered wearing a wig.

"Attention, everyone. I hope you can all lower your egos and form a group with anyone right away. This event will continue for a short time. If you don't have a group by then, you won't be able to participate."

Saitama looks increasingly panicky. He tries to ask Genos for help because he is a class B hero, but currently, only a few class A heroes are left, and they are well aware of how arrogant they are.

They both attempted to go to class A together, but before that, someone called out, "Can I join your group?"

Saitama's gloomy face instantly brightened, and he thanked the person repeatedly, while Genos continued to pay attention to this newcomer before opening his mouth:

"You are Mumen Rider?"

The man appeared surprised that Genos recognized him, but Genos could remember anyone's face and store everything about them in his brain because he was a Cyborg.

"Hehehe, I came a little late and everyone already had their own group, luckily I saw you guys who were still looking for someone."

Mumen Rider simply smiled gently. With his outgoing personality, he could make friends with anyone. Genos' suspicions about him vanished, and they are now officially a three-person group.

"Then this event has officially started, you can enter the forest now, you can rest at any time but before twelve o'clock you will not be given food and drink."