But... not all monsters have such noble goals, right?

As the Heroes Association stated, this forest is home to many monsters, and the concentration of monsters in this location is surprisingly higher than in other areas. No wonder City Z is their next favorite place to cause trouble.

Many people are still unaware of the origins of monsters, and it's strange that the Hero Association, which clearly has that knowledge, refuses to share it with the general public. As a result, they can only speculate, and many people believe that monsters were created because of humans themselves.

Whether it's pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, or even laziness, all of that gives birth to monsters that have always been a threat to humanity. Because if one thinks about it carefully, one will realize that every time they appear, they are attempting to prevent humans from further destroying the earth.

"But... not all monsters have such noble goals, right? I've seen one who enjoys killing for no apparent reason," Mizuki would never show empathy to monsters, so hearing what Kaiser said made her nervous.

"Everyone is free to have their own opinion, I'm just telling you what some people believe," Kaiser's red eyes glowed with sunlight, concealing deep emotions that the women around him were unaware of. His gentle smile was just the thing to hide everything.

He then extended his hand to Mizuki, assisting her down from the top of a large fallen tree trunk, but not long after, she ran up a large rock, covering her eyes from the glare of the sun as she scouted the surrounding area.

Everyone sighed, especially Lily and Fubuki, who couldn't stop staring at Mizuki with envy. Her current appearance is very appropriate for what they will be doing in this forest, especially with her running shoes, and she appears to be excited to be able to explore all the places.

"I didn't expect this forest terrain to be so extreme. If I had known this, I would have worn appropriate clothes," Lily's complaint was justified because her movements were severely restricted in her formal suit.

Kaiser then turned to Fubuki, who was still lagging behind, dressed in tight clothes that were completely inappropriate for their current situation. She was undeniably a troublesome part. But, given the mess and monster corpses all around them, they were doing just fine in terms of strength.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Listen, I'll be fine on my own, so you can catch up with them," Fubuki said, motioning to Mizuki and Lily, who were already walking far ahead.

She still couldn't forgive Kaiser for the previous incident, judging by her irritated expression. After arriving late, he suddenly came, bringing a strange woman before asking her and Lily to join them. His shameless behavior left Fubuki speechless.

"If I did I would just be a fool."

"What's wrong with that? Your attention full of lies just makes me sick," Fubuki was still confused by Kaiser's stubbornness, which was unusual for him, but she sensed something was wrong.

"Don't tell me you want to harass me again, you are waiting for the right time for just the two of us-" When Kaiser suddenly pointed his hand at Fubuki's face before flicking it, she felt a slight stinging sensation on her forehead, which caused her to fall silent.

"You are really stupid, what happens if those people decide to gang up on you."

"You think everyone is a perverted beast like you, besides if that happens my words still stand firm... I can take care of myself."

Fubuki was pleased to see Kaiser sigh and continue on his way. She had managed to make him give up pathetically, which was a rare sight, but what he said next made her panic.

"If you don't mind those Class A heroes attempting to destroy you, please... I'm sure they'll enjoy Fubuki-sama's body, which many people idolize, during the process."

Fubuki, who has been ranked first in Class B for a long time, understands the fierce competition between professional heroes, especially now that she has moved up to Class A and is part of the top ten. She could feel how those people looked at her, especially the jealousy they were trying to hide, which was very worrying.

As she imagined what it would be like if ten or more Class A heroes surrounded her, each with their own bad intentions, but their main goal was only one, namely to overthrow her, Fubuki's steps became hasty. She no longer cared about the dirt on her dress or the leaves that got stuck in her hair.

"Please don't leave me alone!... I'm sorry!... Kaiser!"


On the other side of this vast forest, several groups of people were seen fighting to the death with an unusual monster. They discovered not one but three centaur-like monsters, with their lower half resembling a horse with four legs and their upper half resembling a human, more specifically, a man.

"What the heck is this? Since when did monsters get this smart?" said Glasses, a man who didn't appear to be a professional hero, but behind his green tracksuit and glasses, he was class B, ranked 21st.

His words may sound condescending, but the monsters humans have faced thus far have not been very intelligent, so when they faced this group of well-prepared monsters, it was natural that they were taken aback.

"Thank you. If you hadn't arrived on time, I would have died," said one of the professional heroes, as Glasses helped one of them lying on the ground before returning his attention to the three monsters.

"We will attack again after we finish off those here," said one of the centaur monsters wielding a knight's sword. Meanwhile, his two companions, who were holding large shields and arrows, made their group appear very intimidating. Their appearance seemed to come out of a fantasy world itself.