the confrontation

so they come out at night to feet,

it is Thursday at 9:47 pm, they come out to feed, and the nightclub is open; one walked out of the club to get a bit, "[ is the trap set one is on the move,] said. Mitchell. "[ the live chicken is clucking away, and the box is wired with Uv, Ryan are you set with the live rolls, ] said Deacon, " [we are, we going up the wall tight C,] we are, how? I looked at him, it smelled the chicken, and I walked up to it; Ledge and Pete popped the door, and it closed on it, "[Ryan Clover go now, everyone fire aim for his heart,] said, Mitchell, Ryan with me on his shoulders scaled the walls of the nightclub, the vampire exploded into ashes, we went inside of the window unseen and undetected " [we are in Slice if you are coming I have a rope and will help you up,] they let the door down and ran behind the club one by one climb up and inside of the window, " [ me and Blazes set the benzos in the freezer, Ledge, Pete and Rachel take out the floor we meet by the steps, guys be careful to hide your heart,] said. Mitchell, they walked out of the room and split up, and got to work; the music, my ears! I groaned and kissed, " C can we be my Semi tonight? Block out the music said, Ryan. Block out the music how very easy for you to say; he went from room to room setting up the dolomites, " [ we are set Slice,] I pick up something, but this time it was different, I drop my tail and back down, "[ elder is near guys she got a waft of it,] they ran back up the steps, " Clover predator mode, become the hunter, not the hunted, said. Mitchell, how they forget that I am a baby still, but is that what you want? I hissed at the door they kicked it in, and the elder turned around in the chair. " you dare to bring a dydrid into my club, it said. " correction he is a she a semidyrid, the elder vampire eye got big, my tail straight up hoo let me at him, " easy girl, we save you some, they cocked their guns and open fire on it, he disappeared out f sight, " we got a pop this not the , " main elder, he would never be in the open, said, Mitchell. " is she picking it up, asked. Ledge, nope i don't like this new plan take them up blow the club, the is near, we find him take him out, said. Mitchell easier said then done, do you four know were it is at? " she thinking what i thinking do we know where the elder is at, top it off once we blow we going to have heat on us now, said. Deacon, " one thing at a time them the club, elder, first, it's going to be pissed, and going to want revenge, he may not come to day or year but he will come looking for blood, said, Mitchell, they got their guns and walked on the floor shooting every last vampire, exploding them into ashes, " go get it girl turn it into ash, he set me free, and I ran after one, " Semidydrid! he turns and hall tail. " don't run she a baby don't tell me you freaks scared of a kitten, said. Deacon, it jump up land on the top floor, I groan, "Come girl let's chase his tail down, we jump up on the second floor, and ran up the steps, some ran down the hallway, Ledge and Pete ran after them, Ryan and Mitchell turning them into ashes, the one I after burst through the window, and plump women with blond hair was in the way of it trying to get away, it grabs her and bit her on the neck, she screams, I jump on it sinking my teeth in it, then my claws, " freaking cats why they had to create a semidydrid, it burst its ashes, I shake the ashes off, I hissed at the women, " [ we got a problem guys, a civilian is bitten,] down C, ease girl.after they killed everyone and blown up the nightclub, they walked up, " Sh#t this is not good, we going to have to kill her, the elder doesn't take in stray vampires, Pete hands him a surge fill with a UV gel, " it's quick, life as a vampire drinking blood, not the life you want and we sorry you had to fall prey if your tail was hot out tonight after man because you are horning or lonely you wouldn't bit, let god have mercy on your soul, " bro that was cruel, said. Ledge, " put true our kind put there self first long we take and get what we want no one else matters, why should we care who we hurt, she has taken from offers, hurt others, step on others, have you it too late to be sorry now, there is no cure for being bitten, said. Rachel, "Being bitten like cancer there is no cure from death, we make it quick, your family thinks it a freak accident that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time give it to her Pete, said. Mitchell, he sticks in her neck, as she trans shifted into the night it burning her from the inside, she screams in burst into ashes, they prayed for her, they got in the cars and left heading home, " [ what you made Pete, ]-[ " death release for those that gets bitten, before I release them, I give them a speech about the way their arm, hope I never again,] Pete pulled up at his house, his wife and daughter s is in bed, he put everything I the case and grab his lab cases and got out, "[ you never know, ] said, Ryan. they are all at their homes,