the recovery

Cool morning

They pulled up at the restaurant, Ryan put the harness on, and I let out a yawn, "Sleep good C? I guess you can say that, they got out of the hummer, and walked in, Rachel walked up to them, " the new is saying a freak accident happened at the night club last night, said. Rachel, a freak accident in a way huh? I yawned again, " Ryan you don't keep her up did you? Asked. Rachel, " nope she was sleeping in Uncle Deacon's room we slept like a baby until Dad woke us up, said. Deacon," We got a busy morning today there is no time for sleeping in Blazes, said. Mitchell, " she had her breakfast, Dad and Uncle Ryan and Uncle Deacon see you later on, he handed her the leech. She takes it and picks me up., " We are going to have so much fun Clover, got a playroom in the back, some yummy formula for you, Rachel. "thanks Rach, they left and went to their business, she walked into the playroom, took the leech off me, I ran and jump on the tree and start to climb up it, " don't climb too high sweetie, Aunt Rachel will be back later have fun, said. Rachel walked out of the room and clothes the door, at the pawn shop, the city is busy this morning, while the terror in the darkness is sleeping or waiting, some is mute to the sun, walking around, and one just walked in the Dinner, I jump off the tree and hissed, pop bear and Uncle Deacon and uncle Mitchell grab their guns and ran out of the shop in the dinner, " Rachel get in the room with Clover, they cocked their guns, she open the door and walked in, I ran out the room, " Clover come back! I leap and land on the Hybrid, bitting it, it screams and moves around crazily, It throws me off hard I hit the wall, I whimper in pain, " Deacon get Clover to Pete she hurt bad, Mitchell take it down now! said, pop bear, they open fire at it, uncle Deacon run up, I trying to stand but can, I lick myself, " shh, I get you little one, Rachel ran up and give him a towel, he wrapped around me, and gently pick me up, and walked out, I am crying panting, " that my kid #ss! they reload and aim for the heart, uncle Deacon knock on the door, " this not a vet try down the tree, " they are family and she a special client what the h#ll happen, give her to me, " can tell you when an Bystanders are preanst sshe went for the kill, that my girl. " she still a kitten D a baby she not able to go for anything yet, they walked in side, he hand me to him, Pet start to examine me, " she okay, asked. Deacon, "Nothing broken, what were you trying to do you little goofball Huh, he stroked my fur, and I started to purr, I love it when they treat me like a kitten, Deacon kneeled down, " we, not a big cat yet sweetpea you to little to take on some full-sized, you still my girl nice job, " did you just give Clover perks for almost getting herself killed Deacon? asked, Mitchell. " hey the Ace was doing her part Spike, said, Deacon, "still Snowmen too dangerous and a close call, C do not do that again please, no matter that your uncle is a numb-skull, how bad is it? said. Ryan, " daze but nothing is broke, Clover no more trying to take on something that bigger than you, next you will not be soo lucky, said, Pete. " rest and rest, she should be out of that, what you want me to do? that Dybrid was in the dinner what you expect me to do? Uncle Pete wrapped me up in the blanket gently picked me up and handled me over to Pop Bear, " okay little misty let's get home and get you in bed, I stay with her, said. pop bear, " we got the shop, and we relief when it's shift jump, said. Mitchell, they walked out of the clinic, " thanks Pete, said. Deacon, we went home, and they went back to the shop, pop bear walked into the house, and into the living room, he cut the TV on to the news, and he lay down on the couch with me on his chest, I start to purr, " feels good huh how about some milk? asked, pop bear, milk I can drink, why was there a break in the news he walked into the kitchen, it was time for Uncle Deacon's break, pop bear poured some milk into my bowl and sat me down on the floor gently the floor, I was wobbling, he hand to hold me up so I can feed, " that's a girl lets get that strength built back up, said. Pop Bear, Uncle Deacon walked inside, " Slice C, called Uncle Deacon, "Kitchen, drink it all up baby, said Pop Bear. Uncle Deacon walked into the kitchen, I just finished drinking my milk, and I licked my mouth good? asked, Uncle Deacon, Popbear picked me up I growled, "Excuse you little one who are you growling at, I rather try walking to gain, I'm not a pet you know, " I got her see you when you get off, said, uncle Deacon. " alright stay with Snowmen I see you both tonight, she had lunch, said, pop bear, he hand me to him, and kissed me bye, he safe, uncle Deacon got him a soda and walked, lay on the couch put me on his chest why he drink his soda, " so they want our help C, you see the world is not safe anymore, honestly were you going to hide at, asked, Uncle, Deacon. true the world you live in is a cover-up from the one beneath it, I looked at him, and stand up stretched, and yawned, "Am I boarding yo, hey I am not a scathing post my niece, said. Uncle, Deacon, what I am not a cat my uncle, I just stretching, Rachel and her family at the door. " they lived in a castle? asked, her husband.