Chapter 17: A Satisfying Morning

Alea's eyes opened at the same time as usual. Her body clock has already been set for the normal training time of the barracks. She's thankful that she has it now, because she still feels exhausted and without it, she definitely wouldn't have woken up today.

When trying to getup, she felt like her body had just been hit by a truck. Her limbs were aching for rest, however she wasn't planning to satisfy them. She saw that the rest of her squad were still sleeping, she didn't intend to wake them up. Alea didn't have anything to take with her, so she hurried out towards the barracks gate. She saw where the house Raya had purchased was. Intending to surprise her, she limped slowly towards the place in her memory.

Seeing that it was early she didn't know if anyone would be awake and after arriving she saw that the gates were indeed empty. She knocked on the door and luckily the person that answered was one of the servants that had come to her house with Raya. Greeting the servant she asked where Raya's yard was.

Following the direction pointed out by the servant she came across a quaint and elegant yard. Opening the door she saw a huddled mass in the corner of the bed. Tiptoeing over she took off her outer robe and slid into the bed. She wanted to wait for Raya to wake up, but the comfort of being close to someone she trusts made Alea unable to fight off her exhaustion, and she found herself falling right back to sleep.

Raya, feeling someone else's breath around her woke up suspiciously. However she quickly relaxed when she saw the person laying beside her. If she had known Alea would come over so early she should've waited for her at the gate. "What's done is done" she thought.

Gazing at Alea, she saw the dark shadows under her eyes and knew that she needed a good rest. She didn't mind, she just needed Alea near her, whether it was sleeping or not. She traced her finger along the ridges of Alea's face. Lamenting the sight she saw yesterday, she was still frightened even seeing her alive and well at the moment.

She wished there was something she could do to lessen the risk Alea had to take, but she knew that she was helpless. She can only make sure to be there for Alea when she is needed. After seeing that Alea was sleeping steadily, she leaned in and lightly pecked her along her face. She started at her cheek, going up to her eyebrows, down to the tip of her nose. These kisses weren't lustful, they were just a way to express her adoration for her beloved Alea. She left Alea's lips alone. She didn't want their first real kiss to be robbed when the other wasn't even aware. After seeing Alea frowning from her continued disturbance, Raya caressed her eyebrows, trying to loosen them. Feeling Raya's calming touch, Alea quickly drifted back off to sleep.

Raya sat up and grabbed the book on the table next to her. As much as she'd like to sleep together with Alea, she'd much rather be there to greet Alea when she wakes up.

Raya passed on breakfast, waiting for Alea to eat together with her. She didn't have to wait long. When the mid morning sun was shining brightly Alea opened her eyes. She saw Raya sitting beside her with a gentle smile adorning her face.

"Good morning Raya. Sorry I fell asleep. Were you up long?" Alea said, her voice hoarse and deep.

"I just woke up not long ago. You don't need to apologise. I know you're tired". Raya's voice carried noticeable tenderness.

At that moment Raya's stomach rumbled. She tried to cover it up, but her blush gave her away her embarrassment.

Alea chucked "How about we have something to eat?"

Raya had no choice but to follow Alea's words, so after the blush faded she got ready to get up, but her eyes caught Alea's grimace as she tried to stand up. She took that into account when sitting down for their breakfast.

After the meal was over and the servants removed the dishes from the room. Raya asked Alea to move back to the bed. Alea was confused. Did Raya just want to rest in bed today? The answer was soon known to her after Raya turned around.

"Strip" said Raya calmly.

Alea thought she had misheard. But Raya quickly reiterated her previous sentence.

"Hurry up Alea. Take off your clothes".

Now Alea was shocked. She didn't know why Raya was being so forward today, so she blurted out.


Raya saw her shock and felt that she was molesting an innocent little omega. Amused by her thought she laughed while saying.

"I know you've overdrawn your body. I'll give you a massage to relax your muscles".

Alea felt that she should find a crack to crawl into. How embarrassing it is to misunderstand Raya. She took off the robes and upper garments. Leaving only a pair of long cotton underwear covering her lower body. She laid face down on the bed and awaited Raya's massage.

Raya was not as unfazed as she seemed. When Alea took off her clothes revealing her upper body, she felt a bit of heat running throughout her body. Alea's muscles are very well proportioned. She shook her head trying to dispel the intrusive thoughts that were beginning to plague her mind. Taking out the medicinal oil she had asked the servant to buy. She opened the bottle and poured it onto Alea's back.

Raya slowly started to exert pressure onto Alea's back. She watched as the oil slid between the ridges and crevasses of Alea's back muscles. The touch under her fingertips was both the smoothness of Alea's skin and the rigidity of her frame. Alea felt very comfortable under Raya's hands and couldn't help letting out a few grunts of satisfaction. Raya felt that she was almost dizzy with how badly she was blushing when hearing Alea. She was very thankful that Alea couldn't see her face now,otherwise she'd probably think Raya had a fever.

The massage was long and arduous for someone, but comfortable and pleasurable for another. Alea thanked Raya for the massage. She felt her body was loose and relaxed, far apart from the pain and tiredness that she was experiencing earlier this morning.

After sitting up, she asked Raya.

"Would you like me to give you a massage in return?"

Raya quickly refused. She just wanted Alea to put her clothes back on. Although she only saw the upper half, the stimulation she felt was not small. She tried to divert her chaotic thoughts by thinking of the idea, of her possibly doing something whilst here at the border and relayed that idea to Alea.