Chapter 18: Discussing The Future

"Alea. I'd like to find something for myself to do while I'm here". Raya proposed hesitantly.

She understands Alea isn't like those arrogant alphas that only think of omegas as objects to declare their status. But being educated in this society, she still falls into self doubt every now and then.

Alea wasn't surprised by Raya's statement. She had been thinking about the same thing. She wasn't going to keat Raya wait around worrying about her, and about their safety here in the border. But the main reason is she wanted Raya to have a reason to want to get up in the morning. Even if she knows Raya wants to make their marriage real. She doesn't know if she can come out of this alive. After the first battle, she was frightened. Had it not been for her being able to calm down because of her previous experience in her last life. She has no doubt that she'd already be dead by now. She doesn't want Raya to focus too much on her. If she has another outlet to divide her time on, a way for her to be self sufficient. Not just earning some silver from a shop she has no control over, but perhaps businesses that belong solely to her, started by her, and run by her decision. Then even if Alea dies, it might give her the strength to continue on.

"I completely agree. You don't need to worry about my opinion with these things, but if you're having trouble you're more than welcome to ask me for help". Alea said smiling.

Raya didn't know Alea's inner thoughts about her proposal. If she did, she'd definitely dismiss her plan immediately. Alea's thoughts were too much like a person making out their last will. Unfortunately because Alea had remained topless she didn't dare to look at her, missing the hopeless look that flashed in her eyes.

The next few hours were spent brainstorming a possible path. Opening a shop was basically guaranteed, but there were dangers associated with certain types. Restaurants were easy to make trouble, and the border was in a state of anxiety. There were very few people who could strut around Kaesan, wanting to eat a meal. Iron and salt production were under government control. For basic necessities, only clothing was in demand. There were very few businessman staying in the border, and the majority of them were grain merchants hoping to make a pretty profit off of the army's constant need for food. A callous practice, but they're not called profiteers for nothing.

This has left a large gap for clothing. It's not that there isn't in stores selling clothes in Kaesan, but they don't have enough supply to keep up with the demands. The stores usually hire some betas and omegas to embroider the clothes after the materials have arrived at Kaesan and because they don't dare to send too much material, in case the bandits rob it. The profits they can earn are very low.

However Raya and Alea don't care much for the profit. As long as they are making a profit, it's enough. So that means they're willing to hire well reputed escort teams to bring the caravans here.

With Alea's help, the two were able to finalise Raya's future direction. The plan was simple. The cotton in the south was relatively inexpensive, but the cost to transport and the danger associated with it has left many businessman unwilling. Raya would capitalise on this and hire a team that was stationed in the border to run back and forth. She wouldn't ask hers nor Alea's family for help. Doing so would be pointless. They'd just take over the process leaving Raya with nothing to do again.

A shop would need to be bought, and a place for the embroiderers to make the garments would also need to be purchased close by. Shopkeepers and guards would be needed not only for the shops, but also to follow the escort team as Raya didn't want to leave Kaesan if Alea was still here.

Raya wasn't in a rush. She would buy a few more servants from the tooth shop. She'd give them training on how to deal with those businessman in the south and with the guards she'd let them train under the head guard of her home.

This would take a few months to implement, but here they have nothing but time. Alea had said that the battle would definitely be dragged out. The barbarians seemed to want to break the morale of the border by sending small groups to keep the northern army constantly worried. She knew this war would take years, so she didn't have any trouble waiting.

As the sunlight began to fade. Alea needed to head back to the barracks. They were both unwilling, but they knew that this would become a common occurrence when they were here. Raya walked up to Alea and wrapped her arms around Alea's waist, resting her head on Alea's chest. Alea was no better, she hugged Raya and whispered in her ear.

"It's alright, it's only a month. Then I'll be back. You have to remember to eat your meals on time, you know? Don't be perfunctory when it comes to keeping healthy and make sure to go out for a walk everyday. The sun is good for you, and so is a little bit of exercise".

Raya giggled at Alea's worries. She didn't expect Alea to be such a worrywart. But she still replied honestly.

"OK I know. You have to be careful when you go back. Remember that you have a wife waiting for you at home. Don't go and make me a widow so young".

Raya said those words in a joking manner, but there was deep worry prevalent in her beautiful amber eyes.

"I'll do my best to come back to you. You can just wait with peace of mind".

Alea looked down at Raya. Seeing Raya's confusion, she bent down and kissed the edge of Raya's lip.

"Payback for this morning". Alea said cheekily. Before Raya could react, Alea had already rushed out of the room leaving Raya standing there dazedly touching the corner of her mouth.

After Raya reacted, she stood at the doorway looking at the running back in the distance. A dazzling smile adorned upon her face.