Chapter 3

Blair's POV

"Family meeting assemble." Shouted my older annoying brother Aiden while joking downstairs.

What a showoff; poser.

I dramatically rolled my eyes; what a poser.

Ever since he found out I'm a lesbian, he has been a complete jerk to me; calling me names and pushing me around, basically a bully. We haven't been getting along for over a year now.

He made silly comments about my sexuality to my parents every chance he got.

My parents didn't know I was a lesbian. I was going to tell them only when I felt really comfortable; safe. When I was ready. I had it all planned out and he stole it, he stole my moment and I'll never have it back; never!

I hate him and I highly doubt that's ever going to change.

Oh, at least it backfired on him because my parents were very much loving and supportive when he told them; the accepted me.

My mom, my dad and I was currently in the kitchen, shoving a spoonful of cereal into my mouth. I looked over at my mom and she gave me the 'here we go again face'.

"My girlfriend will be joining us for dinner later today." He Spoke.

He then pauses and looks at us for a minute.

"So basically, what it means is everything has to be perfect, everything has to go perfect." He added.

He then dramatically looks in my direction like he was about to give me some kind of warning or worse a death threat.

"And you…." He sighs and takes in a deep breath and releases it slowly while his eyes are close; definition of a male diva.

"No gay talk." He spoke.

"She might get scared and run away." He added.

Not wanting to argue. I looked back down at my bowl of cereal.

"Roger that." I spoke.

My mom would say something to defend him but we have all realized the more they tried to stop it the more he I mean it would say it even more. They gave up trying and so did i.

"Anyways I have to go." I said while making it out of the house.

"Bye mom and dad, see yah later." I shouted right before I closed the door shut.

I swinged my backpack behind me and hoped onto my bike. I rode it to work. I worked at a bookshop not too far away from my home.

I liked working there; it's a nice beautiful welcoming place.

The owner of the place Daisy; she's an old nice lady and paid me reasonable amount.

I finally spotted it while riding my bike.

I got off and walked all the way to the back and locked it; security check. I smiled.

As I walked in, the bell above the head moved and made a tink sound.

"Blair!" that's Daisy's voice.

I quickly spotted her and went over and gave her a hug.

"Hi Daisy." I greeted back.

I smiled.

"You'll have to run the shop all by yourself today. My husband and I will be going out to grab a cup of coffee, hope you don't mind and hope it's not too much to ask." Daisy my boss said.

Quick background story.

Daisy and her husband have been together for 57 years. I want that kind of love. I honestly look up to them.

I smiled.

"I of course don't mind. You guys have a lovely day!" I spoke.

I then grabbed a box with new books on the nearest table. The books needed to be shelfed.

As Daisy walked out her husband just pulled over in front of her; isn't that just romantic? I know. She waited for him to open the door for her but just before he could do that he came out with a bouget of red roses; true love truly doesn't burn out.

He handed her the roses and opened the door for her.

Her husband gave me a smile and I waved at him and he waved back.

I spent an hour packing the booking on their shelves. And right after that I was behind the counter sitting down, reading a book of my choice 'Carol'.

Reading for me is a way of escaping from reality.

If it's a good book it could entrance me and I could be lost in it for hours and hours and I won't get bored. I love a good book that changes your perspective on life.

"Excuse me?" Someone spokes.

I looked up and saw a girl standing the other side of the counter obviously. She didn't look much older than me. she had on geeky glasses, a grey sweater and black skinny jeans.

Lesbian panic mode just hit me real hard.

Wait, in that moment I realized something, I didn't respond to her. I was busy drooling and staring at her like a piece of cake.

"Uhmm, so… uhmm. I'm sorry." I said smiling.

I pointed to the book in my hand gesturing that I was entranced in it.

She laughed; sounded like an angel singing.

"It's okay, I too find myself getting lost in a good book here and there, don't sweat it." She replied.

She began adjusting her glasses.

"I couldn't agree anymore." I said smiling.

Standing up I noticed she was shorter than me so eye contact could be little bit difficult. I basically just have to look down to make eye contact. I guess it's not that difficult like I thought.

"What can I help you with?" I said still smiling.

"Last week I ordered a book, and today is the day it should have arrived?" she said.

It sounded more like a question than a statement. Like she was trying to make sure it's here.

She was busy taping her fingers on the counter; nervousness I guess, probably anxiety, but I'm just guessing through observation.

I turned my body to face the computer.

"Can you please tell me your name?" I asked.

Ready to type and search it in the system.

"Alex Brown." She replied.

"Found it. Ah the books name is Dracula, right?" I asked to be sure. Sometimes the system can make a mistake.

"I'll go get for you." I spoke.

I walked around the counter, to the stock room.

A I walked into the store room I sighed.

"Of course, she's pretty, but control yourself. She's just here to get her book and you are the one that has to give it to her. Chill for fucks sake." I tell myself.

I needed that.

I got the book and as I walked out, I spotted her looking through the horror books section.

"I too love a good horror book or movie, don't really matter." I said while walking behind the counter.

"Me too, except movies." She spoke.

I scanned the books she was looking at.

"Anything else you want?" I asked politely with a smile.

"No thanks." She spoke.

She paid for the book and I smiled at her for the last time.

"Have a great day then." I waved with a smile.

"You too." She says turning around and walking out.

A few hours later.

I just finished. I closed up and took my bike and rode it back home.

I had to be on time for that stupid dinner thing with his new girlfriend. Argh!

I opened the door.

"I'm home." I spoke.

As I walked into the kitchen my dad said "Hi honey."

The table was already set and man did it look good. All I can say is most of the food had cheese.

"Good you're here. But honestly, I was expecting you to be late, we all know punctuality isn't your strongest trade, might have something to do with you and liking other women's private parts." He shoots.

It caused me to roll my eyes.

I don't understand why he has such a problem with me being a lesbian; my sexuality. He's not even religious.

He thinks it not natural you know. The whole women and created for man blah! Blah! Bullshit.

I wonder what his girlfriend thinks about this?

'Knock knock' a knock on the door.

Aiden stands up and rushes to open the door. I guess we about to find out if she is homophobic cause that's clearly her.

I couldn't quite see her cause that piss of ass called my brother was blocking her view.

When he finally moves my mouth went open.


The only thing missing was her geeky glasses but she looked beautiful.

"Family this is my girlfriend Alex and Alex meet my family." Aiden says.

We make eye contact and she smiles. I guess she remembers our encounter from earlier.

"My names Melisa and my husband is David." My mom says extending her hand.

"Nice to meet you both." She says smiling.

My dad walks to the oven and tells Aiden to follow behind him.

"Aiden come and taste." My dad says.

Aiden walks past me and whispers, "Go to her and introduce yourself."

I couldn't resist but rolling my eyes.

I made my way to her and caught her attention because she looked at me.

"Your house is beautiful." She says while smiling.

"Thank you." I speak.

"I'm Blair by the way and it's nice to officially meet you." I say while smiling.

She laughs; like an angel.

"We've already met." She says laughing holding up her hand to shake mine.

"True." I speak.

I dropped her the moment I realized we've been shaking each other's hand for a while.

"Th food is done." I speak.

As we both seat food was being served.

"Thanks dad." I speak.

"Thank you, Sir." Alex says.

"You're both welcome." my dad says.

While we were busy eating my parent began asking Alex a few questions.

"How did you two meets?" my mom asked.

"In a café." Alex replied.

"Yeah." Aiden added, while shoving food in his mouth. He was a horrible food eater. Just disgusting looking at it; all of it.

"Do you have a job?" my dad asked.

"Yes, Sir I do, I work in a café in town." She replies.

"Bean!" I asked.

"Yeah!" Alex says smiling.

After dinner I helped with the dishes while Aiden and Alex were having an alone time in his room.

My parents had gone for a walk.

I heard sounds I didn't want to hear.

I walked upstairs, but the sound stopped.

"Where are you going?" Alex was talking to my brother in his room.

I was ears dropping.

"To take a shower, and best be going cause when I'm done, I'll be on my Xbox. I'll text you or sum." He speaks.

"Oh okay." She speaks.

'What a dick' I think to myself.

I shook my head. Of course, he uses her for sex and tosses her out of his room like trash. I walk to my room and jump on my bed.

I honestly thought he was better than that, but then again, he is homophobic so I'm not that surprised.

Aiden's room door opens and Alex walks out.

I stood up and walked to my room door.

"Hey." I speak.

"Hey." She replies with no smile.

Dang. Ouch!

"You going home?" I asked.

"Yeah." She speaks.

"Let me walk you out." I speak.

That made her smile; she smiled. I made her smile; me.

I'm more of a ladies' man than my brother.

As we made it to the stairs, we walked past a couple of pictures.

She stops and stares at a family portrait.

"Are you two still that close." She asked.

I remembered that day, it was a good day.

"Nope." I said not wanting to talk too much.

"That suck. Why though?" she asked.

"Nothing, it's stupid." I speak. Wanting her to drop it already.

She takes the hint and stops. And walked her to the door. I opened the door smiling.

"It was nice meeting you again" I say.

"It was nice meeting you too Blair." She speaks.

We were both smiling.

I couldn't see a car in plain view so that made me ask.

"Alex? Are you walking?" I asked.

"Yep, my house is only like a ten-minute walk." She says and that smile never left her face.

"Wait for me, give me a sec." I speak.

I grabbed my coat from the living room coat hanger and walked back out.

"You don't have to." She speaks.

"It's dark, and I don't mind spending more time with you." I say.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"Cold?" I asked.

"No." she says but I could see her shaking.

I took my coat off and gave it to her.

"Here." I placed the coat around her shoulders.

"Thank you but what about you? Aren't you feeling cold?" she asked clearly concern.

Its adorable.

"I have a sweatshirt duhhh!" I speak.

She laughs.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I added.

The rest of the way was silent.

I can't believe my brothers girlfriend is wearing my coat.


When we finally reached her home, she thanked me and we exchanged numbers.

Before she walked into her home, she gave me my coat back.

I could actually smell her perfume all over my coat. I inhaled the scent deeper. Coconut flavored.

I sound like a creep but I'm not. I'm a maybe a hopeless romantic.

The walk back home wasn't that long; maybe 5 to six minutes.

The only thing I could think about was how my idiot of a brother didn't deserve to be with someone like Alex.

I shook myself back to reality as I got out the keys to the house in my coat pocket; I unlocked the door. I stepped in and shut the door behind me.

Guess what? Aiden was standing in front of me, wet and with his towel.

"Where were you?" he asked.

Damn I want to punch him so bad.

"I walked Alex back home." I said trying to pass him, but he blocked me. trying to start some shit.

"And why would you do that, huh?" he asked.

He can be so stupid sometimes.

"Because its dark and she can't walk home alone in the dark at night." I spoke.

I shoved past him and rolled my eyes as I release a long sigh of disappointment. He can be really dumb honestly.

I was angry.

Angry at him for how his been treating me, angry for how he treats Alex; I'll say it again he doesn't deserve her. I do. I needed to stand up for her.

I know I can treat her better than he can, and any girl like her deserves to be loved and treated like a lady.

He walked into the living room; ass.

I made it upstairs and into my room. I jumped on it. And checked my phone.

Alex: Hey I just want to say thank you for the coat and walking me back home.

Blair (Me): no problem. No need to thank me.

I smiled as I typed the message.

Alex: See yah around Blair.

And I forgot to reply and drifted off to sleep.

I'm Blair… just Blair plain old lesbian Blair who works in a lovely bookshop.

Nice to meet yah all; including all your homophobic people gagging at my story.

I'm a lesbian and proud, and I am proud of my colors so fuck off.