Chapter four

Alison's POV

It's the night after my sixteenth birthday.

I just woke up; damn I'm hungover.

I still can't believe my mom let me throw a party and left me in charge; boss moves. I can't really remember what happened last night but all I remember is a had a great time; I can feel it.

Everyone will be talking about it at school, I trust my gut; I can feel it.

I kind of blacked out so maybe they won't be talking about it.

But I do remember loud good music and me drinking a lot.

As I roll over in my bed someone other than me caught my attention. Another human from the opposite sex was lying next to me in my bed.

I jump up and scream.

Oh my gosh I hooked up with someone, a stranger. And I can't even remember the details.

The boy turns over to face me.

He doesn't seem a bit freaked out by me freaking out; he is probably used to this, but I'm not.

"Get out!!" I scream. I nudged him on the shoulder.

"Oh okay." He says, clearly unbothered by the situation happening.

He slowly gets up and thank God he is not naked; maybe I didn't actually hook up with him.

He slowly was leaving the room but kept looking back at me and in front like he wanted to tell me something; but he didn't.

When he walked out of my room, I feel relieved, but wait, what is his name? I can't remember.

The more the days kept passing the more memories I had of that day. Spring break was great right? Kill me.

I remember me being drunk and dragging him to my room to have sex with me.

How can I call myself a slut without actually calling myself one? I don't know. Arg.

I really need to stop overdrinking and getting drunk.

I got up and went to the bathroom and opened the tap; I was in the shower.

Its gone be a long ass shower.

[Two months later]

Spring break is finally over.

I'm in my bathroom currently sitting in the bath tub and holding a pregnancy test.

I already pissed on it; I'm just waiting for the results.

My eyes were currently closed; I was too scared to look. I kept shaking the pregnancy test in front of my eyes while they remained closed.

When I opened my eyes I see it, the positive sign. Its positive which means I'm pregnant.

My mom is going to be disappointed in me.

I'm not that shocked, I've been experiencing the signs for quite a while now but being pregnant was the last thing on my mind.

"Alison!" the maid shouts from downstairs.

"Dinners ready!" she adds.

I quickly wipe my tears from my face.

"I can do this." I whisper to myself as I began to walk out of my bathroom.

I wanted to cry so bad but I didn't want anyone asking questions.

As I made it downstairs into the dinning room, I my mom with yet another new boyfriend; another one (I internally scream DJ Khalid). That made me giggle a bit.

"I'm coming!" I yell.

My little sister Anita who is younger than me with six years. So, she's ten-year-old was sitting the far apposite side from my mother and her boyfriend. I couldn't blame her and laugh to myself.

Money isn't a problem to my family; we are loaded. My dad owns a huge successful cooperation and my mom doesn't work, we live in a Flippen mansion. My dad pays for everything it was part of written agreement in the divorce between him and my mom. My mom basically got a huge chunk of his money.

I walk over to where my little sister is sitting and seat next to her.

"Hey." I spoke.

She doesn't respond. She blames me for our parents getting a divorce last year.

Clearly not interested in having a conversation, she looks at me bluntly and looks back at her food.

I look at my plate, damn I want to puke but its fried chicken and fried chicken must I add is my favorite.

Being pregnant sucks.

I look at my mother and at this point I just want to excuse myself.

"Can I please be excused?" I ask my mother who is to busy staring and giggle with her boy toy to even hear me out.

But she does roll her eyes. I just stood up and left.

When I went into my room I quickly ran into the bathroom to puke. People say morning sickness is all you have to worry about but for me is morning sickness, day sickness and night sickness; basically, all day sickness if that makes sense.

As I looked myself in the mirror I looked like a complete mess, I guess having babies does age you a bit.

I was supposed to take the test sooner. But why didn't i?

I haven't been sleeping well for at least a week I was worried that I might be pregnant but now that I know, I very much scared.

[The next day]

I wake up to the sound of the alarm.

I feel good today.

I got my ass out of bed and began with my usual morning routine. I took a long ass shower, came out and curled my hair. I applied a bit of makeup, not too much though just light makeup.

I wore a blue ripped skinny jean and a pink hoodie.

I'm really popular at school so I got to look cute all the time. If I show up at school with sweatpants people are going to be talking; not a good thing.

"I look okay." I say to myself as I look in the mirror of my bedroom.

I'm skinny and my belly is kind of already showing but it looks like an after-dinner belly; like its stuffed with food and I'm only two months jeez. But I'm sure I'm the only one who can tell.

I made my way downstairs the aura of breakfast hit me so fast; breakfast is ready.

My mom can't cook or do anything that's why we have a maid. She's the best.

I made it to the kitchen grab a plate of food and devoured it; I am really hungry.

I was basically shoving the food down my food pipe thingy.

"You, okay?" The maid asks. Her name is Lily.

"I'm fine." I speak.

I hear a honk.

My ride is here, my best friend Olivia is my ride, she takes me to school every day. I would but I don't have a license.

"Hey, you look extra pretty today." Olivia says as I enter the car.

"Well thank you." I say with a smile.

"You getting a little bit fat though." She adds.


We finally reached school and I got out as fast as I could. Olivia made feel like really self-conscious. I'm not ready for anyone to about my current situation yet.

"Hey Alison." A boy I just walked past says.

"Uh hey." I respond.

He looks familiar though.

"Its me Alec." He speaks.

"Uhm nice to meet you, see you around." I say as I walk away from him really fast.

I was not trying to be rude like I said I don't feel like socializing today.

I couldn't get the thought that I know him from somewhere.

As I was about to enter my first class, I felt like puking. I quickly ran to the bathroom. I rush into the first stall but then again, I could have been the second; I don't remember.

I kept puking a lot. Then it stops.

"Are you okay." A male voice speaks from behind the stall I was currently in.

I open the door and see Alec standing there.

"What are you doing in the girls bathroom?" I ask.

"I saw you running in here. Just want to make sure you good." He speaks.

"I'm fine." I speak.

"I'm guessing judging by your reaction; you don't remember me." he says while looking down.

"Am I supposed to remember you?" I ask.

"You did take my virginity so yeah." He says awkwardly laughing.

"What." I say coughing small.

"Yep." He speaks.

And it all came rushing to me. wait? Is he the father-? Nah.

"I got to go." I say as I walked away.

Reality is starting to sink in after that conversation.

School went by pretty fast actually.

I want to tell my mom but she would tell me to either get an abortion or she just wouldn't care.

I can't tell my friends; rumors spread like wild fires in high school.

I was walking back home. I know who to tell, Lily; she's like a mother to me.

As I walked into the house, I spot her right away wiping the living room counter.

"We need to talk Lily." I speak.

"Sure sweety, what's wrong?" she asks.

"I'm pregnant." I speak.

She gasps and pulls me into a tight hug. My tears start to fall from my eyes as I was still leaning on her shoulder.

"Can you please take me to the doctor for a checkup?" I ask.

"What about your mother sweety? Aren't you going to tell her?" she asks looking genuinely concerned about the whole situation.

"I'll tell her when I am ready." I speak.

"Who's the father?" she asks.

"Some boy I met at the party." I speak.

She nods her head in understanding.

[2 hours later]

We were currently at the doctor's office. We booked a follow up appointed. But before that Lily convinced me to take another pregnancy test because the one, I took was a home pregnancy test.

The nurse took some of my blood and said it will take hours before the results come out.

Lily and I went back home. Drive home was silent; awkward.

I was nervous; I was in my room waiting.

My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hello Alison." The nurse spoke.

"I'm calling for your results." She speaks.

"You are pregnant. I'll need you come up for a follow up."

I blanked out. I kind of knew I was pregnant but still, the phone fell to the ground as I began sobbing.

I'm not ready for such a huge responsibility. What do I do from here on?