Chapter five

Chapter 5

Valerie Smith's POV

My day-to-day life is pathetic; and I can think of two ways to tell you guys.

One is my ex best friend her name is Phoenix; one of the Queen bees of my high school. To make this short she hates me with everything in her.

The other one is me hopelessly being in love with my neighbor, the guy next door.

I am currently sitting on my bed looking through his window.

Let's talk about being pathetic shall we.

Brendon Scott. Even just thinking about his name makes my heartbeat faster than before.

Every school has that guy who 80% of the girls would date, is super kind, hot and not arrogant. Brendon is that guy. Star of the football team, he seems just so perfect. His not a jerk like other jocks; that's why I love him.

I hear a notification bell go off on my phone; I got a message. I rush over to my study table and opened it.

Brendon has dated the sluttiest girls in our school but still I am in love with him.

It's a message from Brendon

Brendon: 'can you come over to your window? We need to talk.'

My heart started pounding so loud in my chest, I ran in front of the mirror and brushed my hair. Most girls at school give me death glares when they see me with Brendon. My eyes were currently twinkling with excitement.

When I was satisfied with the way I looked I walked over to the window.

Brendon was sitting on his window seal; he looked like he could fall any minute.

He lifted his head up and his eyes were droopy.

"Valerie." Brendon said.

"Are you drunk?" I asked him but he just gave me a droopy look.

"I'm coming over." I tell him.

I quickly got out of the house and made it to his.

I quickly make it to his room; a place I have been to a million times before by the way.

"Brendon come inside now." I say demanding.

"Come get me." he says like a kid.

"We'll both fall, if you were sober, you would know that." I speak.

I'm someone with no balance, I literally trip on stairs so many times. Now picture me on a windowsill.

"Right." He says while smiling; my heart is about to beat out of my chest.

He climbs out the window seal, trips and fall on top on me while I lose balance and fall onto the bed.

God my heart is beating so fast I feel like he can hear me.

"Get off me." I speak.

He rolls over, looks at me and smirks.

"Good." I speak.

"Where is Samantha?" I ask.

Samantha is vice-captain of the cheerleading squad she has been dating Brendon for two months. She's a total bitch.

"I broke up with her." He said bluntly.

On the inside I can't help but smile.

"I'm sorry." I speak.

Phoenix the cheerleading captain is Alex's ex too and like I said my ex best friend.

"She was a possessive bitch, it's okay." He speaks.

Yeah, but he released that too late.

I grabbed the blanket and threw it on him.

"Why are all the girls I date are sluts?" he says.

"You just haven't found the right girl." I say to him.

"Where is she?" he says.

"She's laying right next to you." I whisper to myself.

[The next day at school.]

"Oh, my gush." One of my best friends Kristina says sitting across from me on the table.

"Brendon broke up with Samantha." She adds.

Karima sitting beside her asks the gossip column Kristina has in her hands; yep, this school has a gossip magazine.

"But you already knew that didn't you?" Karima says.

I nod.

"He came home drunk and long story short he says he broke up with her." I speak.

"Tell me everything." Kristina says.

I tell them everything.

"I can't believe you helped him. and it always happens. He breaks up with somebody, gets drunk and needs your shoulder to cry on." Karima says.

Kristina's stares at Karima and says, "I think its sweet."

"This is not a Flippen novel waiting to take place. Reality check." Karima says to Kristina.

"I think he dumped Samantha for Valerie." Kristina says.

I was busy starring at Brendon the football team. Karima starts to wave her hands in my face.

"You are busy shamelessly staring." Karima says.

I brooked out of my trance.

Here's the thing Kristina and Karima a opposite. Kristina was a sucker for romance; the kind of girl waiting for prince charming to come pick her up on a magical horse while Karima would be the girl who looks at prince charming and tell him she hates horses.

"Yeah, like you weren't looking at Matt too." Kristina defends me.

Matt is a jock.

"I don't." Karima defends herself.

"You so do stare." Kristina says clearly not giving up.

"Okay fine, how long have you even known." Karima asks.

"You both stare at each other, its hard not to notice." Kristina says.

Karima was about to say something until someone interrupted.

"How are you losers doing?" Phoenix was standing in front of us smirking.

We were close in junior high but the night of her ex-boyfriend party she started being mean. Its like she wakes up just to ruin my life. I went over that night to ask what happened but she didn't want to talk to me, they all stopped talking to me, high school came and they all began mean girls. I'm a nerd and she's the captain of the cheerleading gang. Phoenix hates seeing me with Brendon. Brendon broke up with her after they've been dating for two years because she almost made me cry. Whenever Brendon was not there Phoenix would try to get under my skin.

"Valerie, I'm here to apologies for everything I put you through."

What? the fuck? She just called all of us losers.

"You just called all of us losers." Karima says to her.

"I said favorite losers, it's a complement, take it. And I'm really sorry." Phoenix says.

Bullshit. She's doing this to get back together with Brendon. Who was busy watching us from where he was sited.


"Omg, I can't believe we are going to Phoenix party." Kristina says happily.

She then squeezes my hand too hard; ouch! Karima looked at me sympathetically; she felt sorry for me but she too was happy. Matt asked Karima out and this is going to be their first date. Everyone's happy; but not me, I'm not happy. Its okay not to be okay… right? Finally going to a highschool party and potentially making out with a total stranger that is what Kristina is looking forward to. And she was more excited about Karima's first date with Matt and so was i. Phoenix actually stopped picking on us; I sometimes see her picking on this other girl with a hoodie; Teopolina. I feel bad for her. We don't talk though. After that makeout scene they had in the cafeteria I thought I was going to lose my shit but I kept my composure. But I can't say the same thing for Samantha. She lost her shit. I think Phoenix would have died if Brendon couldn't have intervened by pulling her off Phoenix. Screaming, scratching, shouting and pulling all went down in the cafeteria. I kind of wish Brendon did not intervene. And let these two supposed friends plus bullies knock each other out. Probably loose a tooth or two. For the first time the gossip column came out early; the next day; today. Five pages long. And it covered everything. The front page was covered with a picture of Phoenix kissing Brendon; Ewwww. Phoenix has been meaning to me since the night of her ex-Nick's party, suddenly she's kissing my ass.

Kristina and Karima both fell for her nice girl act but not me.

This is how the conversation went:

Kristina: I'm sure he'll break up with her soon.

Karima: this is probably a good time to wake up. Just move on he choose Phoenix.

Ten minutes later we got an invitation to her party; Ewwww.

We were all shocked but Karima was the first to recover and said yes.

I on the other hand did not want to go. I had a handful of excuses to give her, I just had to pick the perfect one. Karima and Kristina on the other hand begged me to come with them. But Brendon gave me a smile and asked me if I was coming and I hopelessly in love said 'yes'.

I'm currently standing at the bottom of the staircase in my house with Karima and Kristina. Kristina wearing a midnight blue dress and her black hair hung loose on her shoulders. Karima wore a black simple tight dress and her hair was in a beautiful afro.

And last but not least me; the main character. I was wearing blue skinny jeans and a black top and my hair tied in a bun. Fashion Queen? I know. When Karima and Kristina saw my outfit, they both rolled their eyes. They always ask me why I wear the saddest clothes in my huge closest. I have really fancy clothes that can put even Kylie Jenner to shame. My mom made sure she got me the best of everything; designer clothes I had it all. My mom is the head of the most fashionable agencies in the world. My room basically covers the entire floor of the one part of our house. I have a walk-in closet and a huge bathroom. Karima and Kristina were both arguing about my makeover; both having different reasons why they should give me a makeover. Karima wants me to move on and says if I looked pretty other guys will notice me and approach me but Kristina says if I wear makeup Brendon will notice me and leave Phoenix for me; I know delusional, but in a way, I was hoping for her scenario instead.

I worry about Kristina sometimes. We came to an agreement; I wear whatever my heart desires and they give me a makeover. A bit of mascara, eyeliner, pink lip-gloss my hair was still in a bun though. I will admit to one think though. I looked amazing.

Karima snapped me out of my trance "Matt's here." She speaks.

I gave her a big hug and a smile. She looked really excited; I hope everything goes well.

"Wishing you both all the best." I spoke


"You better give me the details." Kristina says while giving her a hug.

"You know we are going to the same party?" Karima says as she began laughing and we all joined.

"Just in case you both have other plans." Kristina says winking.

I roll my eyes.

Karima looked shy but she nodded and went to the porch to join Matt.

Phoenix house is down the street so we all agreed to walk.

"Just so you know, I am the maid when she gets married." Kristina says.

"First date." I quoted, pointing the obvious fact out there.

"You never know." She says giggling while we walk down the street.

Natalie's house is big and white, living next to her is Alison. She goes to our school. She too throws really dope parties, but it's been a while; I wonder why.

Every town has a rich neighborhood, yep that's us.

"Are you ready?" Kristina says.

We were currently making our way towards a maze of cars parked weirdly.

I'm going to a party by my ex best friend who is having the love of my life. Of course, I'm ready.

I make a quick nod while Kristina rang the bell, the door opens, and Phoenix was standing in front of us; I should jump her and rip of her wig.

She wore a fake; China made smile.

"You guys made it, I'm so glad." She speaks.

She moved to the side, and we entered.

Hallways was filled up with teenagers holding red plastic cups and some were already passed out; damn. The sting of alcohol was everywhere; jazz. When I looked to my side Kristina was already gone; I sighed and headed towards the kitchen. I finally reach the kitchen. I took punch from the bowl on the kitchen counter and poured myself a cup and took a sip. When I looked up Phoenix was standing in front of me.

"I'm so glad you could make it; we had a little disagreement and it's all in the past." She speaks.

Four years of making me feel horrible? Yeah, a little disagreement you could say.

I was about to open my mouth and say we good but I can't fake it. Instead, my brain resorted in me laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. The more I kept looking at that fake plastered smile on her face. Her face was beginning to twitch, okay I need to stop. I think she's been smiling for too long she's getting tired; oh, poor her.

"If you are done lets, go." She says leaving with me following out of curiosity behind her.

The party was more crowded. Phoenix led me upstairs, to a room where truth and dare was being played. Just the popular were there. I didn't want to participate; peer pressure doesn't get to me. I am trying to look for the exit until a boy suddenly pukes all over Phoenix shoes, Nike airs.

This might be fun after all.

Phoenix screams, pushes me aside and runs upstairs screaming on her way there. Thank God the music was loud enough to just see that she was screaming and not actually hear it.

The moment she disappeared from the stairs I made a quick run for it. I needed to escape this party. If Kristina saw me, she would overreact and tell me how much of a bad best friend I am, that I am betraying her, so she can't see me, not at all. Me just being the first person to be invited to a truth and dare game, just douche the offer. To make things clear my best friend Kristina who loves to gossip would have loved being there. Honestly, I don't care about rumors. I was only invited because Phoenix is trying to show Brendon that her and I have no bad blood. It would be a character defect if she was being nice to me according to her free will. She's only being nice because she has something to gain, Brendon.

I finally made it out; I can smell the fresh air and out of my pure luck I walked straight in Brendon's chest.

It hurt, I looked at him and I felt like I was melting.

"You are leaving so soon?" he asked.

"I uhm, i…." I began, but for a second my mind drifted elsewhere.

Besides at that moment he wasn't paying much attention to me, his attention was drifted to some boy who I couldn't quite see in time because he disappeared back into the house all I saw were black hair.

"Valerie come back to the earth." He speaks.

That broke me out of my trance.

"Let's go back to the party." He speaks.

"Okay," I said softly. I couldn't help myself.

He doesn't like me; I wish he did. Most people would too but in a few minutes his lips will be all over another woman. I think I need to make Phoenix jealous, right? Was my punch spiked because normal me wouldn't be thinking like this. Brendon just gave me his smile and lifted me bridal style and carried me in the house and upstairs. My heart was beating so fast. Phoenix saw us and she was really mad; I've never seen her that mad. She gave me a look that told me I was going to die soon and slammed one of the doors.

"What is wrong with her?" he asked.

"You're dating her, you should know." I speak.

"Why are you taking me there" I ask.

"You're my friend." He speaks.

"Plus, I think one of my friends have a crush on you." He says and my mood drops.

A few minutes later we were all in the room where truth and dare were being played.

"Truth or dare?" phoenix asked me.

She was sitting on the opposite side of me, next to Brendon with her arm around him. right next to her sat Florence and her boyfriend, right next to me sat Samantha who kept starring at Phoenix like she was about to kill her and Brendon any moment now. Samantha brought a date just to make Brendon jealous, but clearly it wasn't working.

I looked at Phoenix and said 'truth'

"Tell us about your first kiss." She smirked like she just won an award after asking that question.

"I was 15, we were in your room playing truth and dare and Brendon was my first kiss." I spoke.

"She was my first kiss too." Brendon added.

Phoenix eyes went wide, and so did everyone else in the room. Truth is I lied, my first kiss was with a boy I hated more than anything, I was 14, summer camp. I don't want to get into that.

"Oh, anyways, it's time for the dare." Phoenix spoke smirking.

"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven." Phoenix spoke.

"Okay." I said sighing.

I walked over to the closet and walked in. Next moment the door clicked, and someone walked in. it was Samantha's date.

"Can we finish this?" I spoke.

He grabbed me and kissed me. it wasn't bad, but Brendon was on my mind, and I pushed him away. I was trying to get away. When I pushed the door, I hit someone.

"Ouch" Brendon said.
