Teleportation Attempt

One Year had passed since Rick had undergone magic training. He has learned quite a few spells since then. He had learned four spells for each affinity except space and four Sealing spells and one of them is a self-created sealing spell at that.

As for his spatial affinity, he hadn't touched upon that yet. Narlie strictly prohibited both him and Leon from tapping into life and spatial magic.

He asked the chief about what to do with his spatial element but to his disappointment, he was rather clueless about what to do with it too. There were a few Spell scrolls within the village but they were all rank 4 spatial spells. The chief said that he may start learning rank 1 spatial spells outside the village.

Since Rick didn't have a direction when it comes to his spatial abilities, he decided to learn from the concepts from his previous world. He didn't have that much knowledge about the concepts of space but he recalled a few anime characters who have spatial abilities like Black Clover's Finral.

After Rick's relentless persuasion, he was allowed to read a few spatial spell scrolls to learn more about spatial magic but on the condition that he doesn't even attempt to cast those spells. Rick broadened his horizons on how spatial magic works due to those spells but he still doesn't have a clue on how he should proceed.

It's like he knew how computers work but he didn't know how to create computers.

However, he learned a lot about Sealing magic. He came from a clan of sealers. In fact, most of the people from this village are knowledgeable about Sealing Magic.

Rick learned a few Sealing spells like Mana Restriction, Four Elements Seal, Sound Seal, and Spatial Seal.

Mana Restriction is a sealing magic that restricts mana, making the sealed target unable to channel mana. Four Elements Seal is a type of Sealing magic with a similar principle to the village's sealing barrier but on a smaller scale. It is used to imprison small creatures. It can even prevent mana from leaking outside the barrier.

Sound Seal, just as the name says, seals sound by creating an invisible barrier. All sounds generated within the barrier will not make it outside the barrier.

Spatial Seal, on the other hand, is a self-created Sealing Magic that seals space. It had a similar principle to Mana Restriction but instead of sealing mana, it seals space instead.

At this time, he was alone on the training grounds of the village. The training grounds was just a spacious area with a few wooden dummies. Today was supposed to be a break from training.

He recalled a notable character from Naruto, the fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato and recalled that he used kunais as coordinates for his jutsu for him to teleport to.

He suddenly had an idea and combined spatial magic with sealing magic through objects.

'Wait a minute, don't they call it a space-time jutsu? Wouldn't I need to combine it with Temporal magic even if I was able to replicate it then?' Rick thought to himself as he rubbed his chin.

'Well, whatever. Let me just try this idea of mine first' Rick inwardly said as he shook his head lightly.

He then grabbed a small rock from nearby and cast Spatial Seal on the rock, sealing space inside it. He then memorized the spatial coordinates of the rock. Afterwards, he lightly placed the rock about 5 meters in front of him.

He then closed his eyes and tried to sense the rock through the coordinates he memorized. He then felt spatial fluctuations about 5 meters in front of him.

'Holy shit. It worked!' Rick shouted inwardly as he loudly and crazily laughed in excitement.

It stated in the Teleportation spell scroll that the hardest part of teleportation is sensing the spatial coordinates. Rick had done just that and only needed to cast the teleportation spell to teleport in the rock's direction.

He then read the spell book once again and memorized the contents of the actual teleportation process. He was familiar with the process about an hour later and at this time, he was sweating bullets.

'Should I do it or should I not?' Rick thought as he hesitated on actually casting the teleportation magic.

'Bah, blast it. Whatever happens happens. If I don't take a step forward, then I'm destined to be one of those mediocre guys with spatial affinity' Rick slapped both his cheeks as his eyes flashed with resolve.

"Supreme entity of space, allow this humble one to harness your power" Rick said as he cast the Teleportation spell.

Suddenly, he felt the space around him warp as the scene in front of him changed a bit, the wooden dummy that was supposed to be 5 meters in front of him was now at arm's length. He then looked down and saw the rock with the mark. It was the rock he marked earlier!

"HOLY SH*T. I DID IT!" Rick shouted his lungs out as he loudly and crazily laughed like a madman. Fortunately, no one was nearby on the training grounds. After a few seconds of laughing like crazy, he calmed himself down.

He had the urge to brag about his accomplishment but he shook his head and decided to give them a surprise when the time came.

"Alright, let me try it again" Rick said with a low voice as he placed the rock on the left corner of the training grounds and rushed towards the right corner. The distance was a lot farther than before.

He then tried to sense the recorded spatial coordinates on the rock and felt its spatial fluctuations.

He was just about to chant its incantation but he decided to record its magic formula and incantations in the Space spell slot first. This time, he was able to instantly cast the spell without incantations.

"Teleportation!" Rick shouted.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed. He looked down on the ground and saw the rock below him.

'Alright. That's one spatial spell for now' Rick thought to himself as the corners of his lips curled upwards.