Sealing Magic

"What does Sealing Magic have to do with instant-cast?" Leon asked with a curious expression on his face.

"You know how Sealing Magic works, right? Tell me what you guys know about Sealing Magic" Narlie asked the trio with a smirk on her face.

"Sealing Magic is a type of magic that seals objects, living beings, mana, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Sealing magic can also be used to restrict movement or unseal objects either from within something or someone" Leon recited.

"Hmmm... The presence of a seal is marked by the appearance of symbols or formulas. Also, the barrier surrounding the village is actually a type of sealing magic" Carla added.

Narlie then turned her gaze towards Rick who rubbed his chin in thought for a while.

"Sealing Magic is... wait a minute. Teacher, did you use Sealing magic to seal the magic formula?" Rick exclaimed in realization as he looked at Narlie.

"Smart" Narlie said as the smirk on her face slowly disappeared when she heard Rick.

'Geniuses indeed. Can't they just let me have a moment of glory as their teacher?' Narlie complained inwardly with a sigh.

"The spell's incantations and magic formula were recorded through Sealing Magic. Now, I don't have to manually follow the formula nor do I have to recite the incantations since the Seal would do the job for me, allowing me to instantly cast the spell the moment I release the seal" Narlie said as she demonstrated the process.

"A long time ago, this continent was divided by different countries. At that time, magic wasn't as widespread as it was now. Even warriors back then only used their physical prowess to fight while Sealers didn't even exist yet. Only mages were able to call upon the power of mana and use spells.

Those countries didn't live together in harmony but there was a strange balance of power that maintained the continent.

However, everything changed when the Demons attacked. They were invaders from another continent. They were ferocious and brutal as they terrorized villages and the people. The countries who often warred with each other were forced to join forces to form one massive army of mages and warriors to repel these invaders.

At that time, warriors were weak while mages required too much time to cast their spells. Two heroes rose to fame during that war. One of them was a young warrior named Braham while the other was a young mage named Luric.

Braham gained inspiration from the Demons and used Mana to enhance his Physical prowess while Luric invented Sealing Magic from scratch. The sudden rise of these two heroes tilted the war into the humans' favor.

Braham taught warriors how to utilize mana as they fight while Luric taught mages how to instant-cast through Sealing Magic. Together, alongside the armies of the combined forces of this continent, they were able to repel the Demons.

After that war, both Luric and Braham disappeared" Narlie briefly narrate the history of Arica continent.

"What happened to the different countries after the war?" Rick curiously asked.

"Hey, slow down. I just briefly narrated the history of Sealing Magic" Narlie said with a sigh.

"It's not really that much of a secret anyway so you'll eventually find out when you leave the village" Narlie said with a shrug.

"We're leaving the village!?" Carla exclaimed in shock as she looked at Narlie.

"Ah.. I shouldn't have said that... Well, who cares. You'll find out eventually too" Narlie said as she was sweating bullets on her face.

"Teacher, when are we leaving the village?" Carla said with enthusiasm as her eyes sparkled in excitement. Leon was somewhat unprepared and afraid of the outside world while Rick just smiled as he listened.

"Ahem... I've already said more than I should. As I said, you'll find out eventually so you better learn as much as possible about Sealing magic before you explore the outside world so that you can protect yourselves. As you already know, Milan is a village of Sealers so this place is the best place in the world to learn about Sealing Magic" Narlie said as she quickly composed herself.

Narlie explained more about Sealing Magic while the trio listened carefully as they absorbed knowledge like a sponge.


Meanwhile, in the village chief's hall, chairs were lined up horizontally as 20 figures can be seen sitting on those chairs. In front of them is the figure of the village chief.

"Rick Gordon, Carla Ferlon, and Leon Vargas. Three years from now, we're sending them to the outside world" the chief dropped a bombshell as the audience gasped as they whispered to each other about their opinion.

"Chief, the outside world is dangerous! There's no way I'm sending my son to the outside world, not to mention that he has the talent to learn Life magic" a burly bald man complained as he stood.

"That's right, my son Rick is even more talented with level 6 Mana Capacity and an affinity for Space Magic, not to mention that he also has the affinity for Wind and Ice Magic! That's three elements in one child!" Laura added.

"My daughter's elemental affinities aren't as outrageous as theirs but she's not bad either. I will allow her to explore the outside world but not as a twelve-years old girl!" a pink haired man in robes added.

"Silence! It's already been decided. We have holed up in this village for too long. It's about time this village shows itself to the world. Also, the Seal is weakening" the chief shouted as he lightly slammed the cane to the ground.

"We just have to reinforce the seal then" a villager elder suggested.

"I'm talking about the Seal we're supposed to guard" the chief replied, silencing the villagers for a while.

"If that's the case, at least allow us to accompany our children. They'd be safer that way" Carla's father said as he looked at the chief.

"Don't worry about their safety. Lisa will handle those kids" the chief said as the corners of his eyes narrowed.

When the audience heard the name Lisa, they were silenced once more. However, the trio's parents seemed to be even more worried.

"I don't think this is a good idea, chief. Lisa's prowess is reliable.. but you know.. she's rather-" Laura replied with a low voice but her words were cut off by the chief's next words.

"She already agreed" the chief said. Afterwards, there was a long pause before one of them broke the silence.

"Well, that brat Rick has been mischievous lately. It's about time he learns his lesson" Laura said. The other villagers laughed when they heard her words.