Giant Dragon's Projection

Narlie then cast a [Concealment Seal] and [Wind Barrier] around the bodies of the trio and marked their location with a beacon. Afterwards, she rushed back to the village to inquire about the situation.

When she arrived at the village, she directly went to the village chief's hall and found almost all of the adults of the village inside the hall. The villagers noticed her arrival and turned their gaze towards her.

The trio's parents immediately rushed towards her but before they could get to ask her anything, she said with a loud voice "The kids are currently unconscious but safe in the forest. I've placed a [Concealment Seal] and [Wind Barrier] for their safety"

The trio's parents heaved a sigh of relief. They were tempted to ask more questions but they knew that Narlie had more important things to talk about with the village chief.

Narlie then approached the village chief and asked "Chief, what do we do with Carla, Rick, and Leon?"

"This is a difficult situation. I'm afraid we have to send them out to the outside world as soon as possible. That roar signified that the seal is about to break" the chief said with a troubled expression on his face.

"Chief, allow me to accompany my daughter. I'll take care of the two as well" the pink haired man in robes who appeared to be Carla's father said with a determined expression that won't take no for an answer.

"Chief, I'll accompany them as well. I trust that Lawrence can take care of the kids but someone has to provide for their needs in the outside world" the burly bald man who appeared to be Leon's father said.

Lawrence looked at Leon's father and nodded.

The chief saw their expressions and knew that he couldn't persuade them anymore and sighed.

"Alright. Pack your things, including the child's now and come back here as soon as possible. Make sure to bring some food as well" the chief said as he held his cane.

The trio's parents then rushed back to their homes to pack their things.

"Narlie, you'll also accompany them in the outside world. Your task is to teach them magic and how the outside world works until they turn 12" the chief said with a solemn voice.

Narlie nodded and also rushed back to her home to pack her things.

Afterwards, they came back with their bags that seemed to be full.

"I leave my son to you guys. Take care of him but make sure you don't spoil him" Laura said as she looked at the duo with a worried expression.

"Leave it to us. We're all in the same boat, after all" Lawrence replied with a comforting smile.

"I wanted to come with you but unfortunately, I have things to do here in this village" Laura said with a sigh.

"Everyone who is staying, come with me to reinforce the seal" the chief said as he walked out of the hall. The villagers followed him with solemn expressions.

"Alright. Let's depart now. Follow me" Narlie said as she rushed back to where she left the kids behind.

Shortly afterwards, they arrived and unsealed the seals Narlie placed around the trio. They then carried them as they headed to the exit of the second layer.


At this time, at the center of the village, there seemed to be a giant glass sphere of darkness. The villagers are normally forbidden from entering the area around this sphere but now, the chief and the villagers gathered around the sphere as they touched the corners of the sphere with their eyes closed.

Suddenly, the glass sphere trembled as cracks spread throughout its top. However, the villagers grit their teeth and the cracks appeared to be slowly healing. More cracks spread out as the villagers slowly healed those cracks.

The stalemate continued for a while until a small hole appeared on the upper part of the glass sphere. A horrifying giant skeleton dragon's head slowly emerged from the small hole.

Horror filled the villagers' faces as they hurriedly did their best to close the hole. Finally, the skeleton dragon's head was forced inside the sphere when the villagers closed the hole.

One of its horns was severed from its head when the hole closed as it fell around the villagers. The villagers ignored the horn as they focused their attention on reinforcing the seal.

Suddenly, the horn levitated from the ground and shot to the sky. One of the villagers noticed the horn and exclaimed "T-the horn! It shot to the sky in that direction"

"Leave it be! Focus on reinforcing the seal!" the chief shouted.

"But that direction.. it seemed to be heading towards the kids" one of the villagers replied. The chief's brows frowned when he heard those words.

"I'll go" Laura said as she quickly rushed and chased through the horn. The chief didn't even have the chance to refuse and just sighed.

'I can only hope he wakes up on time' the village thought to himself.


At this time, Narlie, Lawrence, and Leo stood on the exit of the second layer as they carried Rick, Carla, and Leon on their shoulders. The three of them put the kids down on the ground as they touched the barrier.

A few moments later, a small hole at the size of a small window appeared on the barrier.

"It's too small" Leo complained as he looked at the hole in the barrier.

"It's better than nothing" Lawrence replied.

Suddenly, their eyes lit up and quickly turned around. They saw an object that seemed to be heading towards them at breakneck speed.

"Narlie, hurry! Take the kids outside. Leo, give me some time to cast a seal" Lawrence said as he closed his eyes and touched the ground with both his hands.

"Leave it to me" Leo leaped through the sky and intercepted the object with a punch that seemed to be blazing with fire.

"[Fire Fist]!"

Narlie then carried the unconscious Carla and pushed her through the small hole until she made it out.

The horn was stopped for a moment. But then, it suddenly glowed with red light as a projection of a horrifying giant dragon came out of it.