
"Hurry!" Leo said as he coughed up some blood. He got up and tried to punch through the projection but his punch just passed through.

"My attacks don't work on it!" Leo shouted as he grit his teeth.

Narlie then hurriedly carried Rick and pushed him to the outside. It was at this moment that Lawrence shouted.

"[Great Light Seal]"

A barrier made of light suddenly formed a sphere. The projection of the giant dragon appeared to have snorted and struck the barrier with its claws. The seal withstood its claws! However, small cracks appeared throughout the seal.

At this time, Leon's body was already half-way pushed outside the barrier but stopped as soon as she heard the sound of glass breaking apart. Lawrence's [Great Light Seal] was broken!

Lawrence coughed up some blood but he grit his teeth and tried to cast another seal. However, he gave up on the idea and just looked at Narlie's figure.

It was at this moment that she made a split-second decision and shouted "Give me your bags!"

Leo and Lawrence's eyes lit up when they heard Narlie's words. They knew what she meant and hurriedly threw their bags to her. She caught their bags and put them inside a spatial ring.

She then put it on the unconscious Leon's middle finger. Afterwards, she pushed him outside of the barrier.

She tried to slip through the small hole when the projection raised its claws and was about to hit her. She hurriedly leaped backwards and barely managed to dodge its claws.

The projection's claws hit the barrier but the barrier didn't even shake one bit. In fact, the hole seemed to have gotten smaller

It was at this moment that Laura appeared and shouted "Close the barrier!"

She then touched the ground with both her hands and cast a spell.

"[Absolute Chain]"

Suddenly, chains made of ice emerged from the ground and shot through the giant dragon's projection at breakneck speed.

The chains encircled the projection's neck, claws, its mouth, its body, and its tail, immobilizing it. The projection shook its gigantic body, trying to break through the chains but it seemed that the chains were more sturdy than it thought.


The projection tried to break the chain once again and this time, cracks started appearing on the chains made of ice.

"Let's close the barrier, now!" Narlie said as she grit her teeth.

"But who's going to guide the kids?" Leo said with a troubled expression on his face and coughed up even more blood.

"Let's just trust our kids. Narlie, leave them a message" Lawrence said as he raised both his hands forward.

"[Light Sword]"

A sword made of light suddenly appeared on Lawrence's right hand. He then held the hilt of the sword with both his hands as he closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, Narlie then slipped her hands through the barrier and grabbed Leon's hand. She took the ring from his hand and took out a piece of paper and a small brush from the spatial ring.

She wrote something on the piece of paper on the spatial ring. She then put the paper and the pen and put the ring back on Leon's hands.

"Have a safe trip, everyone" Narlie said with a low voice and flashed out a gentle smile.

She then touched the barrier and closed her eyes. Slowly, the hole appeared to be closing.

The chains made of ice broke at the same time the hole closed down. When the projection saw that the barrier was closed, it stopped.

They looked at the projection with anxiousness written on their faces. They were relieved for the kids when the barrier closed but now, they were worried about the danger in front of them.

Suddenly, the projection turned around and raised its head as it looked at the sky. They followed the gaze of projection and saw a transparent man floating through the sky.

"That was the anomaly you were talking about?" the projection spoke.

"That's right. Now, why don't you go back to your prison, Henry?" the transparent man replied.

Horror filled the faces of Narlie, Laura, Lawrence, and Leo when they heard the name Henry.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead? You should have stayed dead" the projection replied with a chuckle.

"Same goes for you" the transparent man said as he clapped both his hands once.

The projection then dimmed and slowly disappeared.

"You know, if we had worked together, we could have saved the continent" the projection said before it disappeared.

"There will come a time. But before that, the dead shouldn't worry about the matters of the living" the transparent man said with a low voice and took the severed horn.

The transparent man then floated and approached the barrier.

"I'm permanently sealing this barrier. From now on, the village will no longer have contact with the outside world" the transparent man said as he looked at the horrified expressions of the four

They could only reluctantly nod as they bitterly smiled. The transparent man then touched the barrier with both his hands and slowly disappeared, as if it merged with the barrier.

Suddenly, sounds of footsteps gradually approached the four. The chief and the villagers arrived at the exit of the barrier.

"What happened here? Are you okay?" the village chief asked as he looked at the four.

The village chief looked around to find the kids but didn't find them. He then asked "Where are the kids?"

"Outside and alone" Narlie replied as she lowered her head with a dejected expression.

"I see. You did your best. They may be kids but I can tell, that kid, Rick, looked dependable" the village chief assured the four.

Narlie then recalled Leon's figure who suddenly had a character development and Rick who forced himself to stay awake just so he could make sure that Carla and Leon were safe.

"You're right. Let's leave the rest to them" Narlie said with a smile as she looked at the barrier.