"She might die giving birth," Martha said.
"What?" Alene grimaced.
Saya and William, who were busy cooking, came near us.
"Why is Alene crying?" Saya said.
"Professor Douard! What is happening now? And Alene is on the floor crying." William asked, concerned.
"She is fine. It's just that she remembered her parents and became emotional." Martha tried to shift the mood.
"Really! Being a werewolf is not the cause?" William raised his voice.
Martha looked at Ned and me. Ned nodded his head, confirming he knew the truth.
"If it is like that, then listen. Alene has an entanglement seal, and it's possible that she will die giving birth to her babies."
Saya and William, who barely could grasp Alene being a werewolf, became more shocked to hear this.
"She won't die!" Saya held Alene's hands.
"But maybe there is a way.." Douard stood up and said.
"Ruins!" he exclaimed.
Martha's eyes grew wide.
"How do you know that?" she said.
"Do you also know that?" Douard was surprised. "If you know, then it will be the only way to save her and her future children." He said.
Martha looked hesitant about what to do.
"But I will never guarantee it will work." She said, uncertain.
But this gave me a last strand of hope which I was searching for. I held on to that thought and collected myself.
"Please tell me, what is that? If it can save her, I'm willing to even die trying it." I said.
Alene brought her fingers onto my lips and closed. She broke out in tears and hugged me.
"Never say such things, ever. I can't live without you. It will be me first, if one has to die." she said.
She became unstable. So, Saya took Alene to her tent. After that, we continued.
I turned towards Martha and Douard.
"Please explain what you were talking about earlier." I said.
"Ruins where Geld and Timothy got sealed can help to find out how to solve Alene's problem." Martha said.
"But it lies near the vampire area." Ned added.
Douard was listening to Martha carefully. He felt something was missing in her story.
"Did you know that seal which captured Geld and Timothy from legends is transferable?" He said.
"What are you talking about? If that is possible, then they would have already broken free and been born again." Martha looked towards Douard.
"Geld and Timothy are souls with blood ability when sealed centuries ago." Douard said.
"We need to check the place where the seal is. If it is undone already, we can't do anything." Ned said, concerned.
Time flew without reign, and we searched for the place of seal, where Geld and Timothy died. But something unexpected was waiting for us.
After 3 days of search, we found the place. Ned checked the surrounding area and asked, "Martha, do you think the seal is here?"
"Place itself is sealed but…." She said,
"But what?" Douard asked.
"Only a vampire and a werewolf can work together to uncover the secret of the place of seal." Martha said.
I am a werewolf and others too. Problem lied that there was no vampire among us pinpointing the place exactly.
"I brought ruin's topic because….." before Douard could finish, Martha cut his words.
"Alene! She is the key to this one. She has both of them."
"But she can't bring her wolf or vampire out together." Ned said.
And it was the problem. We needed to know about the seal and undo it on Alene, but we needed a werewolf and vampire to do the work.
There was no vampire among us. Only Alene was. She is a hybrid but the fact that she can't use it totally makes ability useless.
"What if Alene acts as a reactant and pinpoint seal?" Douard said.
"That. could be possible." Martha agreed, unsure of.
"Let's bring her here." Ned said.
"But.." Douard choked on his words.
"If it's the only way, then bring her here." I insisted.
Douard looked lost, and I asked, "What is it?"
He shook his head.
"It's just a blurry memory but I think this place is close to where I met Emerald 37 years ago with baby Alene." He said.
"So?" Martha responded.
"It's just a guess that the seal is not here anymore and the seal which Alene carries is a real seal," he said.
"Although that being the case, we need to bring Alene here to confirm." Ned intervened.
"If Alene is carrying the actual seal then, there is nothing we could do." Martha said.
We returned to camp.
(Alene's POV)
After about half an hour later, Frank and others returned from their search.
"Let's go!" Frank said, reaching his hands out to me.
"Where to?" I said, confused.
"To the ruins." Douard answered.
Frank looked stressed and lost. Being surprised this way, I looked at Martha.
"You'll know when we reach there." She said,
'Why is no one saying anything? It made me even more curious and nervous. What if it is another heart shattering news like before?' I trembled in fear.
"What happened?" Frank held my hands tight.
"Is it going to be another bad news?" I asked, worried.
"No, Alene. We just need to confirm something." He smiled.
Saya and William stayed back at the camps, and we moved towards the ruins.
After we raced towards the ruins for a few minutes, we came across an alley covered in moss and plants. Inside opened with a sizable area and stone in the middle, which looked like an altar. There was a broken wooden pole too. Distinct marks and patterns of different shapes and sizes. It looked majestic to my eyes.
Being an explorer and ruin geek for my whole life, I couldn't stay calm. Ned smiled on looking at my behavior.
He viewed me as cowardly and weak, but it's just an emotional part. My explorer inside woke up to this unprecedented view of ruins and buildings inside such a deep forest.