The Trip

(Sooraj continues..)

And finally the day came. On the night of 31st October 2018 at 8 pm we all gathered at our school campus. After half an hour our buses left the school for Jaipur and our journey begun. I was exited and worried at the same time as i was going to propose Yesha soon. My heart rate was increasing furiously.

Yesha was not in my bus. She was in another one. I was trying to text her but she wasn't replying. Might be she was enjoying with her friends.

After an hour or two , our buss stopped at a restaurant for students to fresh n up and have some food if they want you. We all gathered together sat at the outer area of the restaurant. Most of the students were from Yesha's section and other sections too but from my section, I was the only one. Yet i knew many of them as some were my batch mates too. Sam, a classmate of Yesha and a friend of mine, tried to introduced me to Yesha. He was unaware of the fact that me and Yesha already knew each other. But still we kept this secret and tried to pretend strangers infront of him.

Sam: Yesha meet my friend Sooraj. He is from B section.

Yesha: Hey

Me: Hey

Sam: He is a nice guy. Perfect to be a friend.

Yesha: Ya he seems to be.

I was just lost in Yesha's eyes that time. Yesha was also noticing it but she didn't react.

(After a while Sam left)

Me: So how's your trip going?

Yesha: It hasn't started yet. But still i am enjoying.

Me: nice

Yesha: I am going to buy a cup of corns. You wanna have something?

Me: No thanks. You carry on

Yesha: Ok

After that she got busy with her friends and I was just admiring her. I decided to propose her that time only. I called her and asked her to meet me in the parking. After a while i saw her comming towards me. With her increasing steps my heart beat was also increasing. My body got cold and that was a very different and new feeling for me. I had never felt like this before.

Yesha: So why did you call me here? Is everything right?

Me: I have to tell you something.

Yesha: what?

Me: I am scared.

Yesha: Relax sooraj and just go on.

Me: ( Seeing in her eyes)

You are my truth,

You are my trust,

What i feel for you is pure,

It's not at all a lust,

You are my dream,

You are my life,

You are the only one,

I wanna be my wife,

You are the spark,

You are the thunder,

You are the only light,

In my dark world of my wonder,

I don't know what you feel about me,

Or how important i am to you,

But the only thing i know is,

I Love Y(ou).

After listening to this Yesha completely got stunned. She was unable to speak a word. She was just trying to figure it out that what had just happened. I knew she is going to say no but she didn't want to break my heart so i stopped her.

Yesha: Thank you and...

Me: don't worry i Don't want any reply

Yesha: okh but it was really a beautiful poem.

Me: not more than you.

After that we both geo into our respective buses and left. I was continuously thinking of her. But as you know me and my insecurities, I texted her.

Me: hope you are not offended

Yesha: Not at all

Me: So we are still friends?

Yesha: of course.

I knew that what i did can either make our bond more stronger or it can ruin our friendship. I was ready for the best and the worst too.

Next day we all reached our hotels in Jaipur. We got into our rooms , got ready and reached the hall for breakfast. I saw Yesha there and she saw me. We were just looking at each other and that was a wonderful feeling. After having lunch we left for sight seeing. Yesha was very excited to see Jaipur and I was excited to spend some time with her.

We visited a lot of forts. We were together all the time. I was really enjoying her company. She was very kind and friendly towards me. After enjoying the whole afternoon, we got back to our hotel to have lunch. After having lunch we rested for about an hour and then left for Jaipur market.

After reaching the market our teachers set us free for 2 hours. There i thought not to become sticky to Yesha and left her with her friends. I carried on with my other friends. There i came across a key ring shop where i say a beautiful keyring of initial 'Y'. I bought it for yesha. When we returned, after seeing the whole market, I went straight to Yesha to give her the keyring.

Me: Hey ! Yesha bring your hand forward.

Yesha: Why?

Me: oh just bring it

( Yesha brought her hand forward and i put the keyring on his hand)

Yesha: It's beautiful. For whom did you buy it?

Me: For you.

Yesha: But i can't take it it seems too expensive.

Me: Its not that expensive and come on you have to take it. It's a gift for you from my side.

Yesha: But..

Me: No but. And if you will not keep it, I will throw it.

Yesha: Okh Okh I will keep it. And thanks for the gift.

Me: No need sweetheart.

After that we left for the hotel. I was really happy.

After reaching the hotel we got ready for the dance club. As we reached the dance club I saw Yesha. She was wearing a beautiful black dress and was looking damn beautiful. I was just adoring her. That was the best moment of my life. We danced together and had a lot of fun. After that we had dinner and left for our rooms.

Next day in the morning, we got ready, had breakfast and checked out of the hotel.

We left for narghar fort. As we reached narghar fort I again saw Yesha and this time in a beautiful blue top with a Black hat. She was looking gorgeous and somewhat like a foerigner. And here i did a very stupid thing. I called her despite of the fact that she was just few metres away from me.

Yesha: ( on call) Hello!!

Me: Hey!

Yesha: Ya what happened?

Me: you are looking like a foerigner

Yesha: (with a awkward smile) okh

This was a lame act. But that time i was not in my senses. I was just lost in her love.

After that we started roaming in the fort. The fort was really beautiful and the presence of Yesha magnified it. We took pictures had fun and just lived that moment to the fullest.

After visiting the fort we left for Birla temple. There i saw the statue of Radha Krishna. They themselves are the symbol of love. I prayed to them for well being of Yesha. There i again proposed her.

Me: Hey Yesha can i say something?

Yesha: (shying) go on.

Me: God is the witness and i swear to him. I love you and not by your body but by your soul, I love you from the bottom of my heart. My love is purer than the purest. And i will keep loving you not just till death, but even after that. In every world and every life I will always be urs.

Yesha: I respect your feelings but i don't want relationship now

Me: okh no problem. But in future if you ever feel for me just tell me.

Yesha: okh I will.

I was feeling great that time. The feeling of love is really the most beautiful feeling in this world.

After that we left for Chawki Dhani. It was going to be the last destination of our trip. As we reached there and saw it we all got super excited. It was a very beautiful place. There were folk dancers, stuntmans, magicians , animal rides, boating and a lot more. First of all we all went straight to the boating area. It was a very beautiful and a peacefull ride. But the only problem was that only 5 people could go in 1 ride. So we got distributed into two groups of 5. Yesha was in the first group while i was in the second. I was unable to go with her. And i regret that till now.

After that we roamed around the whole place, played gamed , danced, had dinner and had lots of fun. In the end, when we were about to leave Yesha asked me to show her the magic show as she had missed that. But i don't know why i said no to her. And i regret that too till date. Yesha asked me one thing just one thing and i didn't fullfill her wish. How stupid i was. I still get mad on myself sometimes for that mistake. Anyways after that we got into our buses and left for our home town. That trip was really a memorable one. Those two days were the best days of my life. That was the only quality time i spent with Yesha and enjoyed to the fullest. I was in love with a girl for the very first and the last time. I was enjoying that feeling but was unaware of the fact that this love is going to be the biggest battle of my life.