After that trip things were lil different between me and Yesha. I don't know why but we were drifting apart. May be because i was being too much sticky. Yesha also ignored my calls and messages and this made me mad, just childish me.
Me: Why are you ignoring me?
Yesha: I am not ingoring you its just that exams are coming so i am a lil busy.
Me: if u don't wanna talk to me i will leave.
Yesha: it's not like that Sooraj.
Me: by
I was such a jerk that i behaved rudely with her. I was not even listening to her. I started showing her that i am ignoring her. Whenever she passed by i acted like we don't know each other. But she knew how to convience me.
Yesha: Hey listen
Me: what?
Yesha: i wanna show you something.
Me: Show
She pulled out her key and showed me her keyring. It was the same keyring that i gifted her.
Me: wooah!! its looking nice
Yesha: Yupp
Me: Thank you very much
Yesha: no need we are friends
Me: (happily) yess
That made my day. I was so happy that i forgot all my anger. I thought things would be fine between us again but it was not so.
Now exams were coming and we both were busy in our preparations. We also stopped talking to each other on calls.
After nearly a month I called her on 15th Jan. It was her birthday. I wished her at 12 am sharp.
(on call)
Yesha: hey
Me: Happy birthday
Yesha: oh you remembered. Thank you.
Me: No need good night
I cut the call because i didn't wanted to disturb her.
But i called her in the evening that day once again.
This time we had a long conversation and she was very happy and because she was happy, i was happy too.
After that our pre boards started. I used to submit my paper as soon as possible so i could go near her class and see her. At our last pre board i brought a rose for her. She was going with her friends. We met each other for a while but I didn't give her the rose. I was scared of how she would react. The she left and i threw that rose there only.
Now after some weeks our board exams started. We used to sit together in the same hall. She used wave me from her seat and i used to wave her back. I gave all my exams only after seeing her and all my exams went well except for social science becoz that time she was not in my hall and i was unable to saw her. She isa really a lucky charm for me.
After one of our exams i again proposed her
Me: Yesha I love you and seriously i am not attracted to your body. If you want, I will never touch you.
Yesha: But i don't want any relationship
Me: okh
After that i left for home. On my way to home i was just thinking about her. I was really sad. After reaching home i called her.
Me: (crying) Yesha i can't live without you. It's fine for me to be your one sided lover but pls always be my friend.
Yesha: Ya i have no problem in friendship
Me: thanks
I was really sad that day. In the night i went out of house and cried on a deserted road. I was seriously this type that time. Scared, broken, sad, immature and very under confident child.
Anyways after that i made my account on Instagram and sent a request to Yesha. She accepted my request but didn't follow back. So i asked her to follow me back on my last exam.
Me: Hey Yesha why didn't you follow me back
Yesha: I have already a lots of following so i didn't want to increase one more
Me: But its me Yesha. Please follow me back
Yesha: okh i will after reaching home
After reaching home i left for my aunt's house as it was the last paper. I again showed my follishnes and called Yesha more than 5 times but she didn't pick up my call. At night she called me back
Yesha: Hey listen
Me: yess
Yesha: don't ever again call me
Me: what happened but?
Yesha: do you have any idea how many times you called me? I was sleeping and my mom saw all the calls she was being angry on you.
Me: ok i will not call again
After that i got emotional and started crying. I wanted to hear Yesha's voice for the last time. And i called her again. But I was unaware that this call is going make my worst nightmare come true.
Me: hey Yesha listen to me for the last time
Yesha: (yelling) don't you understand. I don't want to talk to you. Don't even try to talk to me ever.
Yesha for the first and last time in my life yelled at me. I was pissess off with my own self. That night i wasn't able to sleep.
Next morning i texted Yesha and said sorry for more than 50 times and she being a sweetheart accepted my apology. She asked me not to repeat this mistake ever again. After so many mistakes made by me ,she still chose to forgive me. Thats the most beautiful quality of Yesha . She respects other's feelings.
But that day i came to realize that things are never gonna be the same between me and Yesha. My love life was going to be really painful. But if it's about Yesha , i can happily bear all the pains for her.