The name on our lips

It was dark, again, and he was still floating; a speck of light in a vast galaxy.

He remembered now; it wasn't a dream. It was a memory. He'd been here before, for a long, long time. 

Or at least, he thought it was a long time. There was no way of knowing how much time had passed here.

But he remembered waiting. Drifting and waiting for his soul to be whole again.

And then, as he drifted, he heard a voice. The center of the universe, whispering into his cracked soul. 

--find me

Where? He asked. 

--find me when you're whole

What was that even mean? He drifted confusedly, rolling around inside the vast galaxy. He had been drifting on a fixed orbit, but he rolled out of it unconsciously, and bumped into another speck of light. 

Another broken speck of light. Same yet different. 

Like a twin. 

Like another part of himself.

And with astonishment, he touched that broken speck of light. 

* * *