We are just two idiots in love

I grabbed the cushion with both hands, and slammed it hard on his face.


I swung the cushion back and slammed it on his side, again and again and again. "How! Could you! Do this! To me!" I hit him after every word I screamed off, feeling my eyes heating and my body shivering.

Natha just sat there looking at me with widened eyes as I hit him over and over again. What--did he think I wouldn't get angry?! Did he think I would get all sappy?! 

"Do you know how hard it is for me all this time?! Do you know how confused I am about everything because you resembled the doctor so much?!"

I poured every frustration, agitation, and anxiety that I had been feeling for the past six months into my arms that swung the cushion. At some point, the cushion was ripped from the metal cuff and chains on Natha's outfit and his horns, sending feathers scattering all over us. 
