03 | An Opportunity, Part 2 (Bella)

// Amabella's POV //

The drive to the mall with Kaden wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be.

I pretended the sexual tension that we both know is brewing between us didn't exist, and instead focused on making casual conversation. That was easy to do when Kaden brought up topics I liked, such as swimming. He commented on my frequent visits to the giant pool in his backyard, which caused me to run my mouth about it.

The only thing I left out is that it was my father who'd sparked my passion for swimming. We barely kept in contact after he stepped out of my life. I don't talk about him if I don't have to, so I'm glad Kaden never asks about him.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?" I ask Kaden after we secure a parking spot close to the front of the mall. "I want to hear all about the trouble you used to get into before you settled down like an old man. I did my Googles, so I know you were a bit of a bad boy."

Kaden laughs, then surprises me with his honesty. "I was a total shit show before getting with your mother. Still lived life like a reckless teenager. Partying and drinking every night. Sleeping with all types of—" He pauses, chuckling nervously. "Long story short, I was a mess. Then I met your mother. She made me want to be a better man, so I got my act together and became one."

"That's so sweet," I respond, unsure of which parts I should believe. "And where is it you two met again? I forgot what Mom told me."

That's a lie. The same day that I came home because of what happened with my apartment and I found out my mother had gotten married, I relentlessly grilled her about her relationship with Kaden. She said they bumped into each other inside a coffee shop downtown and it was basically love at first sight. The story was quite nauseating.

But now that I have Kaden alone and in a less tempting environment, I plan to grill him just as hard to see if their stories match up.

"Evangeline and I met downtown inside a cozy little coffee joint called A Cup of Heaven," Kaden replies, and his answer is identical to my mother's. "I like to stop there before heading into work. One day, I go inside and see this gorgeous woman standing in line. I don't know what made her turn around to speak to me, but..." He meets my gaze and gives me his signature *fuck me* stare, making me shift in my seat. "... when she did, her pretty blue eyes immediately enthralled me. At that moment, I'm certain I would have done anything she wanted."

"Anything?" I burn with embarrassment at the way my voice cracks.

I can't help but think he's talking about me instead of my mother. The smirk on his handsome face all but confirms it. That or he just gets a kick out of making me flustered.

"Anything," Kaden repeats, then removes the car key from the ignition. "I couldn't leave without getting your mother's number, and the rest is history."

We exit the car after that to head inside the mega-mall. It's one of those that has a ton of different stores inside and is always packed full of people. I don't hide my frustration as Kaden and I drift from store to store, many of the items being outside of my price range.

It's funny how I'm the complete opposite of my mother. She blows through her money without a care in the world, and here I am wanting to cry every time I have to fill up my gas tank.

"Having trouble finding something you like?" Kaden asks after we leave a fourth store empty-handed. He doesn't sound annoyed, but genuinely curious.

"More like having trouble finding something within my price range because I'm a massive cheapskate."

Kaden laughs. "You're a Matthews now, Bella. Money is never an issue for us."

I gasp when he takes me by the hand and walks us towards a secluded area of the mall. No one in passing bats an eye at us, an older man holding hands with a younger woman, and I bet it's because my stepfather doesn't look a bit his age. The stress that comes from running a billion-dollar business doesn't show anywhere on Kaden Matthews.

Before I Googled him, I thought my mother had snagged a beer belly toting, salt and peppered haired old geezer. That's how most men in power look these days, scruffy and unbothered. I get it, though. When you're that filthy rich, who really cares about appearances? Admiration and love can always be bought by the affluent.

So, imagine my surprise when I met Kaden in person for the first time and he turned out to look the opposite of an old hag. My stepfather is in fantastic shape, has unblemished skin, and all of his teeth. It honestly makes me a little angry that he looks closer to my age of twenty-three than I do. Meanwhile, here I am still getting carded when trying to buy liquor from the store. It's a damn shame.

"Please don't ask me how I know about this place." Kaden takes us inside an expensive looking store called Georgina's Boutique. We go to the checkout counter first and I watch as he pulls a black card from his wallet, passing it to the clerk. "Whatever she gets, put it on the card."

"Kaden, wait—" I start.

"I know I don't have to do this, but I want to."

He then calls for someone to assist me in picking out clothes. I decide not to waste energy by arguing with him. I could literally buy everything in this mall and it still wouldn't be enough to put a dent in his bank account.

Roughly an hour later, I have six shopping bags waiting for me at the checkout counter and am still trying on clothes in the changing room. I bought a few outfits to wear when in a professional setting, and the rest is what I got to replace what I lost in the fire. Kaden has been my one-person audience and more helpful than I thought he would be. He doesn't sugarcoat his opinion and tells me straight if something doesn't look right on me.

"Red is most definitely your color," Kaden comments from the seating area after I step out of the changing room in a mini sundress. "Should I have them ring this one up as well?"

"I don't know. It's a bit snug on me, don't you think?"

The dress stops several inches above my knees and is a little tight around the waist and bust area. Overall, it's flattering for my shape. I don't miss how Kaden is staring at me, almost like it's taking all his willpower to not rip the material off my body so that he can touch what's underneath.

I like the hungry look in his eyes, so I do a spin for him just to be extra.

"There's a difference between snug and uncomfortable." Kaden moves to stand behind me as I examine myself in the mirror nearby. I hold still when he places his hands on my waist, his fingers lightly pinching at the sides of the dress. "Do you like how it hugs your body, or does the feeling make you uncomfortable? That's the question you should ask yourself."

He's standing so close to me that I can feel his warm breath kiss the back of my neck.

We say nothing for a while. Just stand there and stare at each other in the mirror, and I swear the look that he's giving me is one that he's never given his wife. The butterflies in my stomach go crazy and I hate him for it. I hate his ability to tempt me by doing nothing but the bare minimum.

"The feeling doesn't make me uncomfortable." I place my hands over his to let him know I'm talking about something else besides the dress. "I think I'll get this one, too. And while we're here, we should also get something for Mom. She loves surprise gifts."

Kaden's expression shifts to discomfort at the mention of my mother. I barely contain my laughter as he slowly backs away from me, probably remembering he's off the market.

"Mom also looks good in red, but we should get something in her favorite color." I turn around to test him again now that his guard has lowered. "You know what that is, right?"

Kaden scoffs, crossing his arms defensively. "Purple."

"Right." I smirk as he confirms my suspicions. I step back into the changing room and get dressed in what I came with.

Having bought more than enough to fill my new closet, Kaden and I finish checking out. We walk back to his car in silence. I help him put the bags in the backseat before we hop in the front and pull out of the parking lot. I don't drop the bomb on him until we're halfway home.

"You were wrong."

"About what?"

"Mom's favorite color isn't purple," I reveal. "She doesn't have a favorite color. It's weird how you two have been together for over a year and you don't even know whether or not your wife has a favorite color. That kind of thing typically comes up in the early part of dating, right?"

"Bella." Kaden sighs, then clenches his jaw. "Where are you going with this?"

"I just wanted to know if you'd lie or tell me the truth."

"The truth about...?"

"Your marriage," I snap. "I'm young, but I'm not naive. I know you and my mom are keeping secrets from me because you're shit at pretending to be in love with each other. Every time I see you two interacting, you both make it look like it's a chore that needs to be done rather than something that is supposed to happen naturally. And that coffee shop story?" I laugh, shaking my head. "Scripted bullshit. Mom stopped drinking coffee years ago."

"Coffee isn't all that's sold there, Bella. Your mother was buying—"

"Stop lying!" I yell, my emotions getting the best of me. "I don't know why you guys did it, but I know you didn't marry for love. I wish one of you would come clean and tell me what is really going on. As a member of this fucked up family, I have the right to know."

Kaden doesn't utter another word. Not until after we park in the driveway of his stupidly large mansion. He shuts the car off and turns to face me with a hardened look. I meet his eyes, not backing down at his pathetic attempt to intimidate me.

"I'm sorry you got the wrong impression of me and your mother, but I assure you we are in love," Kaden says. "I have no clue why you think either of us would enter a marriage under false pretenses. I'm a very busy man who doesn't have the kind of time required to go through with carrying out a fake marriage. I'm sure your mother doesn't either. When she gets home, I'm going to tell her about your little outburst. I expect an apology from you in return."

"You must be joking."

"We'd be laughing if I were."

"Fine. I'll give you an apology after you give me what I'm owed."

"What you're owed?"

"The truth about your fake ass marriage." I exit the car and slam the door out of spite.

Kaden has me severely fucked up if he thinks he's getting an apology out of me for what I said. And since he wants to play daddy and order me around like I'm a child, I'll leave it to him to bring in all the bags from the car.