04 | Back Down (Kaden)

// Kaden's POV //

Amabella Knight.

The sexy little brat knows something is off between me and her mother.

Evangeline cursed me to hell after I told her what Bella had said to me on the way home from the mall. She said she would talk to Bella about what happened, but I forgot to follow up to confirm if she ever did. We also never got an apology from Bella.

After throwing around those accusations about our marriage, Bella has been avoiding me and Evangeline like the plague. When one of us enters the room, Bella leaves it. When we try speaking to her, Bella gives us the silent treatment in response. She's acting like she's three instead of twenty-three, and I want to tell her I'm not stupid either. I see the game that she's playing with me and Evangeline. It's a smart one. Bella is shutting us out until one of us breaks character and tells her the truth about everything that has been going on behind the scenes.

I don't know how badly this silent treatment is affecting Evangeline, but I couldn't care less if Bella never utters another word to me. My biggest problem with the brat is keeping my hands to myself whenever she's nearby.

From the moment she stepped foot into my house, I've had this overwhelming desire to take her to bed. I want to know what it will feel like to have my cock buried deep inside her. I want to know if she tastes as sweet as she looks. I want to know every tiny little detail about the feisty brunette.

With all the signs that Bella has subtly been throwing at me, I think she wants to get to know me in all the same ways. But, because of that goddamn deal that I made with Evangeline, I can't be selfish and go after her daughter. Things would immediately fall apart if Evangeline found out that Bella and I had gotten romantically involved. I would end up losing my fake family and my actual family at the same time. My failed marriage would only prove to my parents that I'm still irresponsible and lacking discipline. I can't let that happen.

Evangeline and Bella will formally meet my parents after they fly back into town tomorrow, and once my folks see how much more I've matured, they'll have to admit I've come a long way from the disaster of a man that I used to be.

It took a near-death experience while swimming drunk in the Bahamas to scare me straight and have me change my life around for the better. That was years ago, but I got a second chance at life and took full advantage of it. I sobered up, got my shit together, and was overjoyed when my parents allowed me to come to work at Fortran. I started out doing clerical work and progressively climbed up the corporate ladder to success since my parents were not the type to pull strings to get me a high-ranked position at the company. Everything that I have today, I'm proud to say I got it because I earned it.

"Jesus Christ!" Bella shrieks after hitting the light switch on the kitchen wall. "Why are you sitting in the dark? You scared me half to death! I almost knocked you out with this."

I turn around to see her holding an expensive vase in her hands. I quickly set my glass of bourbon down to take it from her before she breaks five thousand dollars.

"You depressed or something?" she asks.

"No." I roll my eyes while putting the vase back where it belongs. "I just don't see the point in wasting electricity when the moon is providing enough light." I point to the window above the kitchen sink after hitting the light switch again, turning them off. "See? Moonlight."

"Sure. Whatever you say."

"What are you doing up, anyway? It's almost midnight."

"And? I'm not a child. I don't have a bedtime anymore."

I return to my seat at the kitchen island, ignoring Bella's smart mouth. I watch as she opens the refrigerator and pulls out a jug of orange juice. I smirk, only slightly agitated to see her drink straight from the jug. She's clearly trying to get under my skin.

"Is there something you want to get off your chest, Bella?"

"Nope. I'm just here to have a nice refreshing drink."

She purposely bends over to place the jug on the bottom level of the refrigerator, showing me all of her backside. The flirtatious action draws my attention to her outfit—a tight tank top and skimpy pajama shorts. Both are the color white, and from the looks of it, she isn't wearing a bra or panties. I down the rest of my drink when she comes to take a seat beside me.

"You look tense, Kaden. Is there something you want to get off your chest?"

"You're not funny." I push my empty glass aside before turning to face her. Her blue eyes look even more vibrant at night. "And you should stop while you're ahead because you really don't want to play this game with me."

"I'm sorry. What was that?" Bella holds a hand up to her right ear. "Did you just say that you're ready to tell me the truth about why you married my mother?"

Chuckling out of annoyance rather than amusement, I grip her firmly by the chin, forcing her to keep her eyes on mine. She doesn't push me away. She sits still with her hands on her knees. I lean in close as if I'm going to kiss her. She blushes when I use my thumb to caress her full bottom lip, and it's a shame I can't do more than this.

"I said you don't want to play this fucking game with me," I speak softly, letting my words carry the threat rather than my tone. "And I'm only going to tell you this once..."

*Careful, Kaden. You can't have this girl.*

"T-Tell me what?" A quiet moan escapes her after I lower my hand, resting it on her throat. "Fucking say it already."

"You need to back down, stay in your lane, and stay out of my business with your mother." I squeeze a little, and she presses her thighs together in response. It makes my cock spasm, and I wonder how wet she is right now. "Nod if you understand me, Bella." She obeys. I smile and pull away from her. "Good girl." I stand to exit the kitchen, deliberately leaving her hot and bothered in her seat. "See you tomorrow morning for breakfast."

I head upstairs to my bedroom and thank God when she doesn't follow after me. Despite the show that I put on, I wouldn't have turned her away if she had asked to come inside.