Going Out

"My kids need me." Eleanor got up and walked out straightaway. She boarded a taxi and left.

A confused Jerome was left frozen. He couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Why would she walk out on him?

Was she playing hard to get?

That must be it!

Eleanor went to see lawyer Jesse. It was already late in the evening that she finally dragged her tired self back to the house.

As soon as she opened the door, she overheard Cassie's conversation with the kids.

Since she knew she would be late, she had told Cassie to pick the children.

"Aunt Cassie, does that mean we don't have a father?"

"No my love. Don't say such words.

"Do you want your mother to be worried?"



"Then stop saying such. Your father is alive and he will come back to make your family complete okay?"

"Okay Godmother"

Eleanor who stood by the door frame was already close to tears. Cassie had gotten the children to believe her tonight, but what would happen if they ask after their father tomorrow?

' Where are you?' She thought sadly.

Eleanor walked into the living room and saw Cassie and the kids all lying down inside a tent. They had set up a large tent in the spacious living room.

Hearing her footsteps, they came out and looked at her.

"Mommy, you're back. I missed you so much!" Tasha ran and hugged her legs.

Eleanor sighed as she rubbed her head affectionately.

She was sleepy but tried to resist it. She wanted to spend time with the kids.

"How about we sy together tonight?" Eleanor suggested.

"Yay!"Tasha and Cassie jumped up in Joy.

Nathan shook his head irritably. "Mom, I'd just be here."

Eleanor frowned at him. Can't he spare some of his ' serious time '.

"Please Nathan?"

"Okay" Nathan pursed his lips and squeezed out the word from between his teeth.

They marched upstairs happily to Eleanor's room.


In Damien's Villa

"Boss" Eddy's lazy voice called. He was barely keeping his eyes open.


"I just received an email. The contract with the Reed's and Co. will be signed next week." Eddy informed as he stretched.

Damien glanced at Eddy with a raised brow. Turning to the clock, he saw it was almost midnight yet Eddy had been working all day.

He sighed and turned to Eddy. "Eddy, it's late. Go get some rest."

Eddy was overjoyed. He had been feeling sleepy but couldn't speak. This, of course, was a relief.

"Thanks boos! Good night!" Eddy said happily as he opened the door to leave.

"Where are you going to?" Damien's husky tone brought him to an abrupt stop.

Eddy's heart had fallen to the pit of his stomach as he turned to face Damien.

He was close to tears already. Didn't he just say he should get some rest? Or did he change his mind?

' Oh I hope not!' Eddy thought.

"Home sir"

Damien stood up and walked towards the door. When he stepped out and saw Eddy wasn't following, he said impatiently, "Are you planning to just stand there?"

Eddy didn't need a second invitation. He quickly followed behind his boss, no idea where they were off to.

Damien stopped before a door on the second floor and pushed the door. "Pass the night here." He said casually and turned to leave.

Eddy couldn't believe his ears. He was sure his ears were deceiving him, so to clarify, he said "Wh-what?"

"Butler Mike would prepare something for you Eddy." Damien didn't bother to turn around.

Eddy was dumbfounded as he stood before the open door. His mouth was wide open and so we're his eyes.

Did Damien just offer him a room?

As long as Eddy had been working with Damien for the past eight years, he was very aware that no one had ever passed the night in his house. Not even his family!

' This is a golden opportunity!' Eddy screamed inwardly as he stepped into the room. He was all smiles.

Eddy collapsed on the king-size bed. It was covered in black sheets and it was soft. He could lay here for a whole week and not get tired.

After he was done bathing, he heard the Butler's call. So he rushed down to eat.

After eating, he went back to the room. He did need to rest properly.


The next day...

Eleanor had just woken up and was walking downstairs when she heard Tasha and Cassie's loud voices coming from the living room:

"Take that!"

"Tasha! Dodge!"

"Dummy! You can't get me. Hehehe!"

"Hehehe, do you want to try my upgraded weapons?... Hey duck!"

Eleanor sighed as she walked into the living room and saw the duo standing on the couch.

She knew how crazy and foul mouthed Tasha and Cassie can be once they start playing video games.

Hearing her come in, Cassie paused the game and they turned to her.

"Mommy! You're awake..." Tasha had a bright and innocent smile on her cute face.


"Where's Nathan?" She asked, her eyes searching for him in the living room.

"In the library." Cassie replied, walking towards the table. "Mrs Tina made breakfast."

Walking to the table, Eleanor recalled Mrs Tina, the housekeeper, had asked for the next two days off. "She's left?"

"Mhm" Cassie said. She pulled a seat for Tasha and started to walk upstairs. "I'd call Nathan."

"Thanks Cass!" Eleanor gleamed.

After they had breakfast, Eleanor decided to take the kids out. Since they arrived New York City, she hadn't taken them anywhere.

"Get dressed kids. We out in 10mins!" She ordered.

"Okay mum" They chorused and left for their room.

Even though they were only four, they were independent. Eleanor couldn't be bothered as they knew how to bath and dress up too.

In less than 5mins, they had come downstairs. Tasha's smile was as wide as a Cheshire cat's, while Nathan's frown was more than enough to dry up a river. But, Eleanor decided to overlook it.

Noticing Cassie's absence, she was about to ask, "Where's Aun-"

"I'm here!" Cassie announced as she ran down the stairs.

Eleanor looked at her and shook her head. She and the kids had both dress up identically. They were in black trousers, white shirts that had hearts in the middle. Then they paired it up with simple white sneaks.

In all, they looked like triplets.

"Let's go!" Eleanor led the way out.

Though they had no idea where they were headed to, they all followed the driver, who happened to be Eleanor, to the car happily.