The Ex Boyfriend

Eleanor had barely taken five steps when she abruptly stopped and turned around. "I believe you got my offer from Lawyer Jesse last night. Choose wisely, besides am still a McKinley." She said meaningfully and continued to walk away.

Alexander gritted his teeth in anger when he heard her words.


The table in the hall was sent crashing to the wall by Alexander.

Elaine and Penny instantly drew back in fear. They didn't want to be at the receiving end of Alexander's anger.

The anger in him was only growing more and more.

"That stupid girl!" His voice thundered in the hall.

"Who does she think she is? Huh!"

Last night, after the call with the lawyer, he had convinced himself that it was nothing but a threat. But hearing it from Eleanor now, he didn't know why he suddenly felt scared.

"I'd show her what I am made of!" Alexander vowed.


The lobby of the Elegance Hotel was lavishly decorated. The marble floor was so clean and clear that it reflected the beautiful lights.

A man sat casually on the sofa and typed on his phone. Now and then, he would look at his wristwatch. It was obvious that he was waiting for someone.

His phone began to ring.

"Hello?"He said as soon as he answered the call.

"Did you meet her?" The voice on the other side asked.

"I successfully arranged a meeting with her. She should be here anytime soon."

The person on the other end was pleased. "Remember what we had discussed, Jerome. You must make sure she accepts your proposal. After that, we can move on to the next step."

Jerome nodded and said, "You don't need to worry about it brother. I'd do everything I can."

"You better. You know what's at stake if you fail to get her attention. Don't you?" The other man said with a subtle chuckle.

It was a clear threat and Jerome knew it.

Jerome frowned before he answered, "Don't do anything stupid. I'd get her attention."

The call ended instantly.

After some time, a graceful figure casually walked into the hotel lobby. With the speed of light, the man approached her in what he believed was a very charming manner.

"Thank you for coming, Eleanor! I didn't think you'd agree to see me."

Eleanor blinked at him for a while.

"Come with me!" He added, leading the way to a table and Eleanor just followed behind.

She was at Cindy's place when he called to see her. For old times' sake, she had agreed. Leaving the kids with Cindy, she had come all the way down here.

"By the way, you look beautiful. More beautiful than the last time I saw you!" Jerome was bad at flattery, yet he wouldn't desist from it.

"Jerome, cut to the chase why did you want to see me suddenly?" Eleanor wasn't in the mood for chats. She knew that for Jerome to come looking for her after five long years, something must be up somewhere.

Jerome cleared his throat after they were seated. He looked at Eleanor for a while.

She seemed to have changed drastically in the last five years. Her figure was gracious. Her beauty could make even a straight woman drool.

"El" He began.

Eleanor who sat across him just crossed her hands over her chest and stared at him with raised brows.

"I still love you, El. I've been searching all over for you for the past four years but I couldn't find you. I'm sorry for what I said the last time we spoke. I didn't mean any of those words" Jerome was solemn in his pleas.

Eleanor smirked coldly.

Jerome Reed had been her boyfriend before the issue of the marriage came up. After she had been taken away from New York City, she contacted him. When she learned she was pregnant, she informed him. Telling him how she had gotten pregnant, but Jerome had insulted her.

Eleanor looked at him, a graceful smile on her face. She placed her elbows on the table and held her chin in her palms. " Bitch! Worthless little harlot! I never intended to even marry you, all I wanted was to just use you and dump you! Do those words sound familiar to you?" She asked.

Jerome quickly looked away in shame.

Those words sounded too familiar.

Eleanor giggled before she said, "Those were your exact words when you learned I was pregnant. So why are you coming back to me now?"

"El, I didn't mean any of those words. I'm sorry!" Jerome pleaded. He had an apologetic look on his face.

If it were before, Eleanor would have been fooled by that look. But not anymore.

"Jerome, I never held those words against you. It's just that.." Eleanor pointed to herself, "I'm a mother. Five years ago, you left because I was pregnant. What makes you think five years later I'd be without my children?"

"You gave birth?" Jerome asked in disbelief.

Eleanor let out a subtle scoff. Did he expect her to abort the pregnancy?

"Was I supposed to abort the pregnancy?" She asked him.

Jerome realized his mistake and quickly said, "No! it's not that. I was only curious"

"But, I still love you, even with the child, I-"

"Children!" Eleanor quickly corrected. "I have a pair of twins, Jerome."

Jerome was rendered speechless.

She had given birth? And not just to one, but two?

Eleanor originally couldn't be bothered to pay him any attention, but for old times' sake... She could bare for a few minutes.

Her lips parted slowly. "I gave birth to an extraordinary pair of twins, Jerome."

Jerome still wasn't recovered from the shock.

After a few minutes, he said, "It doesn't matter El. What about their father?"

Eleanor nodded without much care. She couldn't be bothered to explain. Instead, she replied, "Why aren't you married?"

"Well-" Jerome stuttered.

"I couldn't see myself getting married to anyone but you Eleanor. I love you. I know I made a mistake, letting you leave my life five years ago. That was a mistake." He paused and adjusted in his seat.

"I was only being childish then. Please, Eleanor, give me a chance." He said as he tried to reach for her palms.

Eleanor quickly took her hands off the table. This made Jerome frown, but it was immediately replaced with a smile.

Nearby, a man who had just entered the lobby stared coldly at the two of them from the side.

His expression darkened. A sharp look flashed across his dark eyes. His aura had darkened, making the temperature in the lobby drop rapidly.