The Plan..


In the McKinley Manor..

Alexander was restless. He paced up and down the living room. Elaine and Penny who were seated in the room, couldn't help it anymore.

"Get a grip on yourself, Alexander. I feel dizzy watching you already." Elaine said.

Alexander stopped before her. His gaze was scorching.

"Dizzy?" he asked in a slightly high voice. "You only feel dizzy? I'm about to lose everything I've worked for over the years and you tell me to get a grip on myself?"

He was angry and couldn't help it.

Earlier, he had received an email from Lawyer Jesse. It was a reminder that he needed to make a decision, fast. Or the matter would be taken to court.

Alexander was not dumb to know that what lawyer Jesse said was the truth. If the matter escalates and gets to court, he would not only be forced to give up the ZerAnderson Group, but also, he'd have to give up 40-50% of his wealth to Eleanor.

The wealth that the McKinley family boasted about belonged to Eleanor. And Alexander was sure that she knew. But he couldn't understand why she was not bothered by the houses, small industries and the money that her mother had left.

Why was she only interested in the ZerAnderson Group? Was there something he was not aware of?

"Since we have the smaller industries, we should let her have the ZerAnderson Group." Elaine's voiced out her opinion.

Alexander sent a glare towards her. Was she out of her mind?

"Are you crazy? If we do that, we don't stand a chance against Eleanor anymore."

Elaine stood up and walked towards him. Placing her arms around his shoulders, she smiled.

Penny who was watching her parents, shivered. She was aware that whenever her mother smiles, something was about to be done.

"My dear husband.." Elaine began in a sweet voice. "Sign the papers and have them off your back for the meantime."

"What do you mean?" His voice was now calm. Alexander knew his wife had a plan. She always had a good brain for planning evil things. It wasn't bad he married her.

Elaine turned away from him. A sinister and mischievous smile came to stay on her face.

"When she has the ZerAnderson Group, she'd be busy working her ass off to resuscitate it. During that time, we would focus on the smaller industries... especially the Red Empire." She paused and turned back to him.

"The Red Empire has a greater tendency to grow. We would work on it for a while.. Giving her the idea that we have given up. But when the ZerAnderson Group gains a place in the business world, we'd take it back from her, not just it... everything she has. That would give us an upper hand and she'd be left devastated." She flashed a wicked smile at the end of her words.

'Alexander, just do as I say... This is the last phase of the plan..' Elaine thought inwardly.

Alexander was silent for a while as he pondered on what his wife said. She had point there, but...

"What happens after that?" he asked.

"Leave that to me, darling"


Penny's feet had gone cold after hearing what her mother said. Her mother was the female version of Lucifer. She couldn't say she was good, but her mother was beyond evil.

She did not feel so good after watching the couple's plan.

Making sure her footsteps were unheard, Penny tiptoed to her room.

She hated Eleanor, but deep down she couldn't sit back and watch her parents play with her either.

What could she do now?

It was out of the opinions to call Eleanor and tell her what to do.

After thinking for a while, she came up with the perfect idea.


During this time, Eleanor was chasing Tasha to bed. "Tasha... you need to sleep. You're not allowed to be awoke by this time."

Tasha looked at her with swollen eyes. It was true she needed sleep but she didn't want to sleep.. At least not now.


"No excuses young lady. To bed now!" Eleanor said sternly.

Realizing that this was a lost battle, Tasha reluctantly went to bed.

Eleanor sighed in relief when the little girl got to the bedroom.

Although Tasha looked okay, it wasn't alright for her to be up for too long.

During delivery, Tasha had a complication and as such, she needed sleep more than others.

At least ten hours sleep.

Eleanor stretched lazily and made her way to her room after making sure the security system was working fine.


The next morning, she was woken up by a call. Eyes closed, she answered the call.

Alexander's voice rang out from the other side.

"Inform Lawyer Jesse that I'd be signing the papers today."


"Why do you want the ZerAnderson Group, Eleanor?" Alexander decided to ask. Something in him was saying it was not just because it belonged to her... there was something else.

"Because it mine" Eleanor replied, but she did not open her eyes.

ZerAnderson Group was going through a tough phase right now. There total annual income approximated $7.500000. She was aware that the money has been in Alexander's possession ever since her mother passed on.

Even though it didn't produce much, she would rather destroy it than to give it to thoughtless and greedy people like the McKinleys.

Alexander was not convinced.

"I know that's not the reason. So speak up Eleanor." After a seconds silence, he added sarcastically. "You know... you could also sell the company to me, right? I'd be willing to give you $3,000000 for it."

He chuckled and said, "Besides, I'm sure you haven't seen such amount in your life"


Was he kidding right now?

Eleanor wanted to laugh at his pittance, but she refrained from doing so.

Only her house was worth more than $3,000000. Not to talk of everything other thing in it. Even her account was worth more than that.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Alexander said again, "Eleanor, let's face it you can't handle the ZerAnderson Group. It's been going downhill for years. How naive of you to think you could do something to help it grow? If you sell the company to me, you'd make a lot of money.. I mean three million dollars is more than alot. That way, there might still be a chance to cut off the losses you'd encounter."

"Why do I even bother explaining to a dumbass like you? It's not like you understand a word out of what I'm saying! Don't cut your coat larger than your size Eleanor! The company will only go bankrupt and you would be left broken. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Eleanor was already tired of the call. A little annoyed, she spoke, "..Yeah yeah. I'd inform Lawyer Jesse."

"Consider my..." the call ended abruptly before Alexander could finish his statement.

'Good riddance' Eleanor thought as she tossed the phone aside.

Lying down comfortably, she fell into a deep sleep once more.

Whatever it was Alexander wanted, she didn't care.

For all she cared, the McKinley family could die a thousand times and she wouldn't bat an eye.
