
His disposition seemed normal, but his grip on the ball pen had tightened slightly. But both Eleanor and Lawyer Jesse ignored it.

"I believe that does it," Alexander said, his eyes moving to lawyer Jesse's face.

Lawyer Jesse had been in the legal system for quite a long time. Even though he was way over his fifties, his facial and body structures were still enough to interest any girl. His long, black hair was tied at the back. His brows were thick and full, making him look like Red from the angry birds movie. His lips were thin, and the side was a toothpick that played freely.

"Except for one more thing..." Lawyer Jesse slid the contract papers to Eleanor. "Miss Red... Pls."

"Yes, Mr. Jesse."

She picked up the pen and pinned her signature on every place it was needed, making the contract sealed.


She looked up at Alexander with a smile on her face. Alexander was aching from loss, but his feelings were least important to her.

Pulling back his chair to stand up, Lawyer Jesse gathered the papers and carefully placed them in an envelope. He stretched his hand to Alexander.

"Nice doing business with you Mr. McKinley."

Left with no other choice, Alexander shook hands with both Eleanor and Jesse. After all, business was business.

With a look of loss on his face, he watched them walk out of the restaurant.

'I will make sure you remember this day, Eleanor. I promise..'

Alexander was still in pain as he left the restaurant. He couldn't believe he had just let the ZerAnderson Group slip from his hands.

But not for long, Eleanor. Not for long...


"For the past five years, there has been no record of her in New York City. It looks as though... she had not been in New York through those five years sir." Eddy reported.

Damien sat on the couch, legs crossed as he sipped his favorite Jasmine tea. One would think, it wasn't him Eddy was reporting to.

"Five years ago.." Eddy continued, "..she was known as Eleanor McKinley, the eldest young miss of the McKinley family. But recently, she returned as Eleanor Anderson-Red. The sole heir to the Anderson-Red family wealth."

"ZerAnderson Group?" Damien's eyes lit up at this new information.

The Andersons were the second, most influential family in New York City after The Winters which was his family.

How was she related to the Anderson family?

Eddy nodded with vigor. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he looked down at the paper in his hand. He continued.

"It also says here that she has two kids. About..."

"Kids?" Damien's brow furrowed. Eddy didn't know why his boss looked displeased because she had kids. Wasn't a woman supposed to give birth?

"Yes, boss..."

Eddy's forehead creased as he read the next few lines of information to himself.

"Surprisingly, her records state that she had never been married. Could it be that Miss Anderson had gotten pregnant on the streets?" In the latter part, he asked himself in a mutter but Damien had heard it.

Damien's cold glare made the temperature in the office drop crazily, making him shut his train of thought. And he swallowed the rest of his words...

What did he say wrong now?

"Continue," Damien said coldly.

Eddy was glad the angry tiger did not pounce on him. He quickly continued as he was ordered.

"Hmm... The kids are only about four years of age. A pair of twins."

"Look them up" Damien placed the teacup on the table. He stood and made his way to the door.

"Yes sir"

"The Callaghan's contract..." Eddy reported as he followed his boss out.


It was already late when she dragged her tired self back to the house. After the signing of the contract, Eleanor made sure to go to the senatorial office to acquire the seal of the Senate.

She was so tired, she couldn't even keep her eyes open. She didn't even notice Cassie who was chatting happily on the phone. Eleanor forcefully dragged her sore feet upstairs. Her feet were sore from the heels she had been wearing all day.


After taking a shower, she laid back on the bed. Her eyes were trained on the ceiling. She smiled.

"One down mama... Many more to go" she whispered.

She achieved her first milestone by acquiring the ZerAnderson Group. It was back to its rightful owner now. Before coming here, she had made sure to send a copy of the notarized contract of transfer of ownership to Alexander.

The issue of ZerAnderson Group going bankrupt was not a problem at all. At the right time, she would do what was needed. For now, she needed to screen the workers. She would carefully handpick the ones who would stay.

With a smug smile on her face, she muttered, "Father, wait and watch. One by one, I will reclaim everything that rightfully belongs to my mother."

Hugging her pillow tightly, she drifted off to sleep.


The next morning...

It was already ten in the morning when Eleanor woke up. After washing up, she came downstairs. She needed to inform Cassie of the new development.

She found Cassie sitting on the floor in the living room. Her eyes were trained on the television set. She was so lost in her emotional world, that she didn't see Eleanor come in.

Eleanor didn't disturb the girl who was sitting on the floor in tears. There were used tissues all around her. She sighed. She couldn't understand how a simple movie would move someone to so many tears. As much as she wanted to interrupt, she didn't. Instead, she pulled out her phone and started to grow through her social media.


When Cassie was done with her 'emotional movie', she and Eleanor discussed the company that was now in their hands.

When they were done, Eleanor was about to stand up when suddenly...

"Eleanor, why didn't you ever fight back when the McKinleys treated you badly?"