Only Two Years Left

"Miss Red?"

Eleanor looked up to see Auntie Florence. Her left hand was on Eleanor's shoulder. On her face, tears flowed freely.

Eleanor swallowed. Her eyes stung fiercely as hot tears were preparing to flow. "What happened to her?"

"A-Alexander... He, he.." Auntie Florence was stuttering. It was obvious she was scared.

"What did he do!?" Eleanor's angry voice thundered inside the room, making Auntie Florence flinch. Her chest heaved heavily. Even her eyes held something else in them. They were not normal life-filled eyes.

"He came to her af-after the contract signing. She was out for a stroll, so he left. Today, he came back and threatened her. He said he would kill you both If she does not order you to return to ZerAnderson Group to him. Madam stubbornly refused. She told him, she'd rather burn the company than give it to him. But, he didn't like those words, so he choked her till she was almost lifeless. Mrs. Cindy... she was so shocked that she had a cardiac arrest. Luckily, she was saved in time." Auntie Florence rambled in one breath.

Eleanor was speechless.

Seeing that she didn't reply, Florence was scared that Eleanor didn't believe her. Her voice was trembling as she said, " You can ask the doctor... The doctor.. he said she would be in a coma for a while."


Her whole body was now trembling. Even her blood, she could feel it boiling in anger.

Alexander had taken things too far this time. His insatiable greed and sheer senselessness had brought him to anger her now. Even if she wanted to before, letting him go free would be over her dead body.

How heartless is he? How could he do this to his mother?

Eleanor took a deep breath. She pushed herself up from the cold floor and supported her shaky limbs by leaning on the wall as she walked out of the room.

"This score, you will pay Alexander" She muttered through gritted teeth.

Auntie Florence was scared out of her wits by what she had seen in the house, but she couldn't stop worrying about Eleanor.

"Miss Red, please don't do anything in a rush. Please come back...." she screamed but it was too late, Eleanor was already out of the ward.


Immediately she left the ward, she went directly to the doctor's office. She needed to be sure her grandmother was on the safe side.

Alexander was heartless, she had always known. But she never expected him to go this far... far as attempting to kill his mother, just for his own benefit.

And to think the bastard didn't even feel a single remorse, or even show up in the hospital... It made her want to strangle him to death.

"Come in" A female voice came from behind the door she had knocked on.

Eleanor gently pushed the door and walked in. She was met with a petite and fragile woman. The woman sat behind the desk, her head bent to read a paper in her hand.

Looking up, she smiled. "Welcome, ma'am. Please have a seat." The doctor's voice was quite calm and sweet.

"Thank you. I'm here for my grandmother. Cindy McKinley." Eleanor said. Taking her seat opposite the doctor, she noticed the tag on her chest. It read her name, 'Beverly Winters'.

The doctor smiled, her black eyes gleaming behind the transparent glasses she wore. She nodded. Pulling off her glasses, she pushed her black hair off her face, she said "Oh, right. Who are you to her, if I may ask?"

"Her granddaughter"

"Okay. You see.." Her face became serious as she spoke. "Your grandmother was barely pulled out of danger. The shock she must have experienced was too much for her, causing a threat to her heart. Which in turn led to a cardiac arrest. Thankfully, she was brought here just in time." She paused and sighed.

Eleanor couldn't seat comfortably. She squirmed in her seat. Cold sweat poured down her body. For the first time in a long while, she was feeling scared. So scared.

"But,..." Doctor Beverly's voice was a bit solemn now. Even her eyes had a look of pity in them. "Due to the shock she had, her heart had weakened drastically...

"Now, she only has two years to live..."

Eleanor felt as though her world had ended around her. Two years? This was some joke right? She would wake up soon... yes, she would.

How she wished it was a dream. She was starting to believe it was all her thoughts, until Beverly said, "I advise that you make her comfortable and happy all through the last two years of her life.

Sighing sadly, Beverly added, "I know how you feel. But, trust me, she wouldn't want you to be sad."

Eleanor wanted to cry, but no tears were coming out. She wanted to speak, but no words came out. She wanted to scream. Scream that all this was a dream, but she couldn't make a sound.

Devasted and in a daze, she stood up and walked out of the doctor's office.

She was spaced out. She didn't have the slightest idea as to where she was going. Still, she kept walking.

"...only has two years..."

Those were the only words that kept reverberating in her head. She could hear the doctor's voice repeating those words.

Still, in her daze, she walked to the parking lot. She got into the driver's seat of her car and sat down quietly. It was only then, her tears began to flow silently.

Was she going to lose her grandmother just like that?

Coupled with the immense and stinging pain, she could feel a burning rage within her.

All she wanted at the moment was to ruin Alexander. That was it! To bring him to his knees. And she would do that.

Gritting her teeth, she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She ignited the car and zoomed out of the lot and straight out of the hospital.

She didn't know where she was headed to. But she knew one thing; She needed to be alone for some time.
