
Now that she thought about it, Jonathan did notify her about a specific partnership from the Red Empire. But she had been too busy to think about it.

Eleanor felt the resentment within her accumulating instantly. She understood that Alexander would not be inclined to give up, without a struggle. But what she didn't foresee was for him to use the Red Empire.

It appears the next plan would be launched. Amassing the Red Empire was now the most crucial thing to her.

Lifting her head to look at Cassie, she blazed a gorgeous and destructive smile. "Call Jonathan. Have him authorize the contract."

Cassie was perplexed for an instant. She gazed at Eleanor. After a while, "How does that concern us, boss?"

She was lost. What concerns Eleanor with the affairs of Golden inc that she had to be notified about an external partnership deal? Even though Jonathan was her boss's pal, he was the CEO of Golden inc. Did he have to ask for Eleanor's consent before authorizing a contract?

"Everything Cassie," Eleanor replied casually. She returned her interest to the file in her hand, abandoning the perplexed Cassie standing.

Uncertain, Cassie walked away. She drew her phone and dialed Jonathan's number. After a few rings, he picked. Cassie was greeted by his ever-jovial masculine voice.


"Hello. Mr. Lewinsky, Miss Red has approved of the partnership deal with the Red Empire." Cassie was confused, but she could only do as she was instructed.

"Okay. Consider it done." Jonathan responded and hung up instantly.

Returning the phone to her pocket, Cassie sauntered upstairs to her room.

When she noted Cassie was gone, Eleanor shut the file in her hands. Plopping her face down, she sighed deeply.

This was going to be tedious...


In the McKinley Manor, Alexander was parading restlessly in his study. It was already late, but he couldn't rest.

'Just one email' he thought to himself.


His phone pinged and he disappeared to check it. He hissed when he saw that it was the Network providers.

After a moment, it pinged again. Again, Alexander ran to check the notification. It was an email!

He promptly opened the email and began to browse through it;

"..... your contact with Golden Inc has been authorized and.....".

"Yes!" He cried excitedly. He could not hide his joy at all. Golden Inc had conceded to sign a contract with them. How delighted that made him feel.

After commemorating his victory unaccompanied, he exited the study. He could sleep peacefully now.

As he lay on the bed, beside his wife, he mumbled, "Eleanor, you guess you're clever? Well, two can play this game relatively well. We'll see who gives up in the end."


"Good night kids," Eleanor said as she waved her exhausted children off to bed. They were wearied but didn't want to sleep. She had to exert some pressure on them before preparing them to go up.

After she was sure that they had slept off. She went to her room and slumped on the bed. She too was strained. She craved sleep, but her mind was not feeling the same thing as hers.

Her mind began to replay everything that occurred throughout the day. Alexander was proposing death. And she would gladly offer it to him.

After all, it wasn't like his existence made a difference to her.

After tossing on the bed for a lengthy period, she groaned. It looked like... she would not be able to sleep tonight.


When Cassie and the children descended for breakfast the next morning, Eleanor was already waiting at the table. Cassie was completely stunned. Her boss had a terrible routine of coming to breakfast late. So beholding her, up and adorned so early, she was amazed.

After the exchange of kisses, they all took their seats. The table was very silent, except for Eleanor's continuous yawning which made all heads turn to her.

Didn't she sleep? Cassie speculated inwardly. She even had panda eyes. It seemed Eleanor didn't sleep at all.

Eleanor couldn't help yawning. She had not been able to get a moment of sleep! Even her eyes were black, and she felt she looked like a panda.

No one whispered a word. They all proceeded to eat in silence. Even the motormouth Tasha, was quiet, which was very shocking.


After breakfast, Eleanor chose to go to the grocery store. Since the housekeeper would be going on a sick break from that day, wouldn't it be reasonable to top up the groceries?

Just as she was coming down the stairs, her phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID. It was Auntie Florence, her grandmother's servant. Without much thought, she clicked the receive button.

Almost instantly, a depressing and sniveling voice exclaimed, "Miss Red.."

Eleanor was panicked. A certain tension gripped her immediately, and her body started to quiver. Why was Auntie Florence sobbing? "What is it, auntie?"

"Something's happened to her.." auntie Florence said amidst sobs.

"To who?" Eleanor inquired eagerly. She had a terrible feeling about this entire stuff.

"To madam Cindy and she's now in the ICU"

Eleanor's heart plummeted to the pit of her belly when she heard auntie Florence's response.

"Hospital.." she managed to say

"General hospital. Please hurry..!" Auntie Florence eventually tore down into loud cries.

"On my way"

Eleanor terminated the call promptly. Yanking the car keys, she darted out of the house. To hell with the grocery store, her grandmother comes first!


Eleanor drove like a wacko. And a journey of nearly 30 minutes, she made it less than 15 minutes.

After parking the car, she ran into the infirmary hallway. She didn't even ask the receptionist for directions, she ran directly to the ICU.


In the ICU, Cindy was lying on the bed with her eyes close. Various pipes were attached to her body.

If it weren't for the heart rate monitor that displayed her heart was still breathing, one would think she was already lifeless.

Eleanor's feet felt unsteady and jelly-like. She couldn't stand anymore and she slumped to the ground with a thud.

She was in tears as she stared at her grandmother lying lifelessly on the bed. Even though she had been diagnosed with phase four Cancer, she had never had to use a ventilator.

But this.... watching her like this.. it stings so terribly.

"Miss Red?"