
"Grandma?" Eleanor called gently.

The old woman's eyes instantly snapped open while the other two finally realized another presence in the room.

Becca who sat on the other couch screamed, "She's here!"

Grandma Sophie stood up excitedly and stretched her arms. "Eleanor? Is that really you?" 

Eleanor nodded and fell into the old woman's warm embrace. "Yes, grandma. It's me. I missed you!"

"Oh, child." Grandma Sophie laughed loudly.

Becca frowned when the duo didn't break from each other for a while. 

"Ahem!" She cleared her throat, "Hello! We're not invisible!"

The other woman by her side who looked alot like her giggled and said, "You actually are invincible, Becca."

Becca turned to her sister and pinched her. "Bella, you're only jealous because Eleanor loves me more than you!"

"That's not true!" Bella retorted. She turned to the old lady and said, "Grandma, see that?"