Time Of The Month

When Eleanor woke up, the kids were no longer in the room with her. She was least bit worried since Becca and Bella were infatuated with twins like them.

Eleanor took a quick glance around the room as she folded into a sitting position. The room was not as big as her bedroom at home but it was warm and cozy. The royal blue and white colour tone of the room did not come off as a surprise to her as she knew about her mother's obsession to those colours. Guess it was in the genes after all; she and Tasha had that obsession.

After taking a hot water shower, she put on her favorite leather pants and decided to tour the closet since she hadn't seen it.

Eleanor noticed a small door at a corner of the room. It was hardly noticeable as it had been painted to blend so perfectly with the royal blue wall surrounding its area. She thought for a while what lies behind the door. After a minute, she decided to push it open and was surprised to find it unlocked.