Found Out

Chapter 41… Found Out

The alarm blared at six a.m. Eleanor lifted a hand sleepily to turn off the ear piercing cry of the clock. All she wanted to do was to lay in bed -cuddled up by the warm covers- all day.

Yesterday, she had to deal with a slight fever and thought it to be the effect of stress. So, she had ignored it. 

At least it was simply a fever until night came and she was struck by a splitting headache and she couldn't sleep. All she did to lessen the pain seemed abortive until she had to resort to the last option -grandma Cindy's extra strong pain killers. And instead of the usual prescribed one pill, she had opted for two. Only then did she feel better and was able to close her eyes in sleep.

Groaning, she sat up and let her eyes adjust to the little light that was coming in from the window.