Find Him

Chapter 42… Find Him

At Golden Inc…

Jonathan's Office…

Eleanor was seated in a swivel chair and she twirled around with a cup of water in hand.

"I didn't expect it," she mumbled to Jonathan who was watching her from where sat on the couch.

He knew she was hurt by the sudden betrayal. Anyone would be. He didn't even know what to say to her. As far as he knew, El already had a way to deal with the culprit so, he could only five her a listening ear.

Eleanor hissed again and place a foot on the ground to stop the chair from moving. She looked up at Jonathan and cocked her head to the side.

Jonathan frowned. "What is it?"

"I was wondering…" she began.

Jonathan hissed. "Wondering what, El?"

"If I know you well - and I do - whatever it is you are thinking is not good." He quickly added to hear her let a throaty chuckle.

"You know?" She asked.

Jonathan sneered. "Like I just met you today, hmph!"