
" No, I'm not going to do this ". Alice said sternly over the phone. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

" Please, Ally. Do this for me ". Alice mother tried begging her but she wouldn't burg.

" Mom, how could you even do this to me ". Disbelief was clearly coming with her voice.

How could her own mom agree to a marriage contract and not burder to ask her, does she not care.

The atmosphere was tense, so tense you could cut it with a knife.

It went silent for a while. Alice could hear her mother trying to calm her breathing over the phone.

" Alice..." She started off calmly with a gentle voice, breaking the silence.

" Ever since your father passed away in that accident, things hasn't been easy for me ".

As Alice was reminded about that accident, she paused for a while. Maybe she had taken it way too far, all the anger that was building up, seemed to calm down.

She let out a heavy sigh and with a heavy heart she agreed to her mum's request.

She had to start from school though and the marriage will begin afterwards. She just had to settle her living arrangements, she didn't want any fancy villa's or to live in the dorms, just a simple decor will do.

" Of course, sure. Oh do you need me to send he's detai...." She asked halfway before Alice interrupted.

" They'll be no need for that ".

" Okay, the driver will be there to pick you up by noon tomorrow. Be ready, bye, mommy loves you ". She said.

" Love you too ". Alice bade her farewell before the call was disconnected.


The next day by noon, the car arrived and she was all ready to go.

Thirty minutes into the trip, Alice kept looking out the window not wanting to think about the journey ahead and just enjoy the view outside.

Going to a new country, especially country M was going to surely be an adventure.

Who knows, this could actually be a pretty interesting trip.

She smiled at the thought of what could come after this, hehe.