Chapter 1

It was already late in the afternoon by the time they had shifted all of Alice stuff into the house.

She told her mom she didn't want something luxurious and fancy and thank goodness her mom granted her request. She was relieved, it was quite simple.

As she reached her bed room, just when she was about to pounce on her fluffy bed, the sound of her cell phone rang. Looking at the screen ' MOM ' was written boldly. Picking it up, an ear piercing scream followed.

" Hey baby!!!"

" Ouch, my ears. Mom keep it down please." she complained.

" Okay, okay... Did you arrive safely, mummy misses you already...."

Her mom kept rambling on and on and on, giving her no space for reply.

' She such a drama queen ' Alice thought rolling her eyes.

" Are you rolling your eyes at me?" she questioned.

" No...." She said quietly. ' How did she even know '.

" I know because I'm your mother ". she said.

" Oh my gosh... are you even human ?. Why did you call again." She asked wanting to get this over with.

" I have a surprise for you when you get to school , just calm down when you see it or should I say him." She giggled.

That piece of information suddenly caught her attention.

" Huh ?...Who ? ". She asked suspiciously raising a brow, but all she heard was the sound of her phone ' beep '. She hung up.

She was so confused, who was she referring to.

She tried calling again but it didn't go through.

She wondered who her mom was talking about, was it her contracted husband ?.

Alice didn't want to bother herself with the thought, pushing it aside, she retired to bed as she was really tired from the flight. And so she slept off.


' Beep...beep...beep...'

Alice woke up to the sound of her annoying alarm clock.

The day was bright, the weather was nice, but for some reason, she felt this day wasn't going to be normal.

All her life, Alice has been raised by girls. Her family, all girls, her school, all girls, her vicinity, girls.

Ever since her father died in that accident. Her mother decided to leave the city and the relocated to country A. Her brother, who she has bearly been in contact with, was sent away to study. And for the past few years, she had basically lived in the girls dormantory.

So going to a school with mixed genders was a new for her.

Alice decided to take this school as a way of a normal free life before the contract.

She quickly showered, groomed her hair and had breakfast. Since the school location wasn't far from home, she decided to stroll to school.

Arriving at the school gate. They were already security guards stationed at the gate even if it was still pretty early in the morning. Because this was one of the top notch schools in the country, it required a school ID card to get in.

After they had confirmed she was a student, she got in and headed straight to the dean's office for a student transfer verification.

On her way out of the office, she noticed some group of girls surrounding a particular sports car.

She stood at the corner wanting to see what the commotion was about. In it emerged two really handsome guys. One of them had jet black hair, light skin and cold sea blue eyes that seemed to glint anytime it gets exposed to the light under his hair.

And the other guy was slightly taller, has a soft tanned skin, amber green eyes and dark blonde hair.

They both looked like models who just came here to see what commoners looked like.

No wonder all the girls were going crazy.

She didn't want to be part of the crowd, so she strudded out of there.

But as she kept on walking, she realized she didn't have were to go.

Alice then remembered the dean say to head to the pillar at the front of the hall door, that someone will be with be her shortly. So she headed straight there.

Quietly waiting at the hall door, someone approached her, when she looked up her eyes met with a glittering set of amber green eyes, which was oddly the same color with her's.

Alice realize it was Jason.

Just after the commotion at the parking lot on her way here, she had heard a lot of rumors about them.

Apparently, the dark blonde hair guy was Jason and the jet black haired guy was Kyle, the two school princes.

Jason was the school's rich prince charming type, who flirted with girls but never really dated any of them, he's favorite hobby was flaunting his money around and from the looks of that sports car, it was definitely true.

' What a spoilt little brat '. she thought as she rolled her eyes.

And Kyle is the school's dark prince, he's known to be cold but not rude, he's also rich but doesn't like to flaunt his money, likes to mind his business and doesn't like anyone touching him. He seems cool.

Just in the midst of her thoughts, Jason snapped his fingers at her face.

" Hey, you're Alice right?". He asked with a smirky smile.

" Yes, I am ".

" Hi, I'm Jason. The dean said to show you around." He said with a gentle tone.

' Oh so he was here because of that '." Sure." Alice replied.

As the were strolling down the hallway, she could hear the girls formulating some exaggerated rumors.

" I heard she's his maid that he took pity on and enrolled in school and she takes charity for feeding, I mean just look at her clothes, haha". One of them laughed.

" wow, really, he's such a nice guy ". The girl next to her replied admirably.

" Well, I heard he's going to date her and dump her by tomorrow." another girl said with an arrogant tone.

" Really ?". A brown haired girl asked curiously.

" Yeah, you don't really expect one of the school's prince to go out with a cheap girl like that, do you ?."

The kept on coming up with other ridiculous stories the whole time, don't they have better things to do.

Plus she wasn't even poor, her family was one of the richest people in country M, what did these girls even mean.

The next moment the bell rang and they scattered off, running to their classes.

' Jobless people really had nothing to do '.

As Jason then showed her to her classroom which was their final destination, class B, he told her to meet him in the music room as he had something to tell her. Alice didn't question him as she was already late for class and just said " okay ", before he walked off to his class, which was class A.

Alice then proceeded to entering the classroom. The moment she stepped in, she strudded off to sit by the window in the second row, at the back of the class.

As she was pulling out some books from her bag, someone lightly tapped her shoulder. When she turned around, she saw that the person who tapped her was... Kyle.