Chapter 2

His dark sea blue eyes felt like whirlpools pulling her in, it was just so mesmerizing and whenever the light from the window touched them, it was like she was looking at the Galaxy with bright dazzling stars.

It was truly fascinating.

As Alice was completely lost in thought, she didn't notice when he had asked her a question.

" Sorry, what did you say again ?, I wasn't listening." She asked a bit embarrassed because she didn't catch he's question as she was looking at....

" I said, your the new transfer student, right ?." He asked.

" Yeah, I'm Alice."

" Kyle ". He introduced.

" Well, nice to meet you Kyle." She said, smiling politely.

But he only replied with a " Hmm ", putting his head back down on the desk, totally ignoring her.

' Wait, was that it. Well that was disappointing.'

Luckily the lecturer had just stepped in and started the lesson, it would have been really akward if he hadn't.

Through out the lesson, Kyle didn't raise his head once. Alice was beginning to worry a little, ' Had he passed out. Or did he just seriously fall asleep through out the whole class '.

He was going to miss the lesson though. It's not like she could blame him, she's not really paying attention either, ever since she was little, she had been with private tutors and always got straight A's whether she studied or not.

So most atimes she would doodle away or look outside the windows.


It was soon launch time, the lesson was about over.

Alice decided to check on Kyle and as expected, still asleep. She didn't want him to sleep through launch too, cause he looked like he was about to sleep through the whole day.

So she decided to wake him up.

But when she tapped him to wake him up, the whole class gasped and then went silent with shocked expressions on their faces, heck even the teacher was surprised.

They looked like she had just done the unspeakable.

' What did she do this time, was she not allowed to wake him '. Alice had just finished that thought when she remembered a girl once say, he doesn't like when people touched him, especially girls.

But it was too late now.

As Kyle looked up with those cold eyes, the atmosphere became somewhat tense, she almost felt goosebumps.

" Sorry, it's almost launch time and I thought you might be hungry ". Alice whispered to him, breaking the silence.

She didn't want any trouble, she was just a little concerned, so she'll just apologize.

Kyle didn't reply and kept on starring at her like she was dum. But after a while he just smiled at her.

And boy, was his smile one to behold, the way his lips curved with does eyes were just so... waw. And it looked like she was not the only one in a daze. The whole class was stunned.

Just then, the teacher cleared his throat to get everyone back on track.

Alice spent the remaining lesson just thinking about that smile.

And the way her heart skipped a few beats. Was she too stunned by the whole situation ? why was her heart behaving like this ?.

Launch time came and Alice was to meet up with Jason in the music room.

When she got there, there was no one there, so she decided to wait inside until he shows up.

But the moment she stepped in, the door slammed closed and Jason appeared right behind her.

" Jason...why..." Alice was about to ask him why he called her here and what he was doing, when she was interrupted by Jason covering her mouth with his hand.

" Shh... Keep it down " He hushed her.

" mhun ". She mumbled under his hand.

" What ".

She gently smacked he's hand away and repeated her question.

" why ?".

" Cause they will hear us." He said.

" Who's they ? ".She asked curiously.

" You ask too many questions ".

How was that too many questions, besides she had the right to know since he closed the door and was also the one who called her.

" Okay, why did you call me here then." Alice was persistent on knowing why. But he didn't even answer her question and said instead.

" You know, you look even prettier than when I first saw you ".

' Wait what ?'

Alice didn't know how to respond, her face turned slightly pink and her heart was bounding again.

what was happening, was she sick today. She being called pretty by a handsome guy made her feel weird, but in a good kind.

But Jason didn't stop there, he then brushed a strand of hair off her face which made his finger tips touch her cheeks, making her turn even more pink and her heart accelerate.

' God, what was going on... ' As Alice was trying so hard to register what was happening, Jason tilted his head to whisper something in her ear.

With a mischievous smirk, he said with a husky voice.

" Ally dear... ". He said first. " You're blushing ".

' Oh God, was she really blushing. But what did that even mean '.

Jason patted her head and told her something, but she was still lost in thought and didn't hear what he said.

" What did you say ?". She asked, her heart becoming more steadier by the minute.

" I said, Mom wanted me to tell you to eat healthier and that I will be in charge of you through out your school year ".

" Huh ? " Alice starred blankly at him.

' What did he just say ?'.

' Mom ?'. ' WTF... is happening '.

She could literally feel the world spinning with all this confusion.