Chapter 3

" What did you say ". she asked.

" Mom said...."

" No, no, no, before..., what do you mean ?." She interrupted him midway, she had to just ask.

" What do you mean by mom ?". She asked again to be more specific way.

" Oh, my dear Ally ". He smirked, inching closer to her.

" I'm your big brother, remember, Jay Jay..." He said, emphasizing on his name to make her remember.

" Big bro Jay Jay...?" . That's when it dawned on her. He was the brother who went to study in a different country.

How didn't she realize this, it was so obvious from the eye resemblance and his character.

' So stupid '. As she was mentally cursing her stupidity.

She heard Jason chuckling. What was he laughing at.

" Why are you laughing now ". She demanded to know why.

" Sorry... should have seen your face...when you were looked so ridiculous.. hahaha ". He said in-between laughs.

Was he making fun of her.

She knew she was stupid but there was no need to mock her.

Alice crossed her hands over her chest and buffed out her cheeks like a chipmunk to show how angry she was at him.

But she failed miserably and ended up looking cuter instead, which made Jason laugh even more.

She was about to stump out of there when Jason blocked her way, stopping her.

" Okay, wait, I still haven't told you why I called you here yet".

" Oh, I thought you said you were here for mom." She said annoyed.

" Well yes and no. The thing is, I need your help." Jason said scratching the back of his neck, shyly.

" okay...?".

" I need your help with a girl, in this case to get rid of her." He said

" WHAT ?...I can't do that kinda thing, how can you suggest that? ". Alice asked, thinking the other way round.

" No, not that, I need you to play along with me until I can find a way to get her to leave me alone ". He said.

" You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend ?." Alice couldn't believe this.

She had just found out he was her brother and now, he wants her to do that.... No way.

" No. I'm not asking you to do that, I just want you to not tell anyone yet that were related."

Wait, that was it. For a moment there she thought... Nevermind.

" Okay, I won't. Can we go eat now I'm starving ". She whined as she held her tummy.

" Oh, sorry. Let's go eat now. Since your still new in school and I have to look after you, you can come and sit with me and the guys." He offered.

" Guys ?, No girls ?". Alice asked with a raised brow.

" Well yeah, we don't really like eating with girls, but your an exception. Aren't you honored." He said with a grin.

" Yeah, very honored." She said sarcastically. Alice didn't even want to bother with him.

They both stepped out of the music room together and were heading straight to the cafeteria when someone bumped into Alice.

Jason held her firmly in place as to not fall.

The both looked at the culprit and it was a girl.

A very blonde cheery looking girl.

She looked like all does cheerleader characters that always got the hot jocks and cute guys.

The only thing separating her from them was that spoilt bratty attitude the usually had.

But she looked cute and innocent.

" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you". She said apologetically with a sweet voice.

" It's okay, it's my fault, I wasn't really paying attention." Alice said to the girl who was still looking very sorry.

But Jason on the other hand just snapped.

" Were you listening in on us, you know I hate when people pock their nose in my business." Jason said, anger coming with him voice.

' Wow ' Alice had never seen Jason like this, even if she hadn't known him that long, till now.

" Jason, calm down, she said she was sorry." Alice tried convincing him.

" You don't know that, you don't know what she's like Alice." Jason said, rage filled in his eyes.

" I... Jason, I really I'm sorry, I promise I didn't hear anything." The girl said looking hurt, as if she were about to cry.

She looked like a puppy scared out of it's wits.

Alice saw this and tried a different method to calm Jason down. Stretching her hands out, she stroked his head softly and whispered into his ear.

" It's okay, calm down. Mom gets worked up sometimes and I do this to calm her down too."

Jason then realized he had overreacted, he calmed himself down but he wasn't going to apologized to the girl instead he turned to Alice.

" Sorry, I overreacted a little. But it was for a good reason." He said but the last part he whispered softly.

" What ?".

" Nothing, let just go and eat. Their waiting for us."

Jason then took Alice by the hand totally ignoring the girl beside them and walked off to the cafeteria but not before giving her a scornful look.