Chapter 4

They soon arrived at the cafeteria. To be honest, when the guys saw him with a girl, the were a little surprised but more excited than surprised.

Jason could see some of the guys almost drooling over Alice and shot them a look. Good thing the immediately caught the hint and behaved.

Kyle gestured for them to sit down and the both sat down beside Kyle with Alice being in the middle.

This surprised the guys even more and half the cafeteria.

" Ahem, ahem ". Someone cleared their throat.

" So, who's this ". One of the boys asked.

" I.... " Before Alice could say a word, Jason spoke instead.

" She's someone very special to me, so you guys should behave ". He said with a smirk and hooked his arm around her neck.

Almost everyone was looking at them now, it made her feel uncomfortable

and she could feel daggers starring at her.

For a moment she thought it was Kyle, she looked over but he still had that lazy expression he usually wore.

What was she even thinking, how could it be him, it was probably the girls in the cafeteria.

She almost felt like smacking Jason on the head but decided to give him some face.

Before she could clear up the misunderstanding, the was a loud ' bang ' caused by a tray hitting the floor followed by a girl's scream. It was the girl the same girl who had bumped into Alice, Chorlette.

" It's you again." Jason said grimly, dark clouds appearing over he's head. It was so different from he's usual self, the difference was clear like night and day.

Even Kyle had the same expression, which made her wonder what she did, that was so bad.

" Jason.... What did you just say ?". She asked, anger laced with her words.

" None of your business. Alice come, I'll buy you launch, later. I just lost my appetite and don't wanna stay here anymore." Jason said calmly to Alice. But she could hear discomfort coming from he's voice and she was honestly worried.

" Okay, let's go. Do you wanna hold my hand out." She suggested trying to cheer him up.

" Sure, why not. let's go ". He smiled at Alice, took her hand and walked out the cafeteria, Kyle following behind.

Chorlette was still by the door way, looking really embarrassed.

Before passing by, Jason told her something quietly which made her tense up. Alice wasn't really sure what is was about but she heard him say something like " Don't you dare repeat the same mistake twice or the next time I won't take it easy on you and your family." what was that about. She didn't want to probe and from the way it was looking, she'll ask another time.

Aside from the cafeteria incident, everything else went smoothly.

There were no more dramas, no more incidents and just like that, the day was over.

When she got home she basically collapsed on the bed.

What a day.

Exams were coming up and she was already this tired.

Over the days Alice had grown used to sitting with the boys at launch, Jason and Kyle also seemed to have been used to it too, as the kept sending her to her classes.

And she even found out a little about Chorlette but not what could have caused the guys to react like that. Apparently, she was also on the chat of the rich families, but not as rich as there's. And according to the rumors she did something that cause a deep wound on Jason, but no body really knows what happened. She was a real bully and not innocent in any way. She was the real wolf in sheep's clothing. She had even bullied Alice most of the time, but she chose to forget about it.

It was finally time for exams. Alice had learnt from someone and the school that Kyle had never gotten any other results other than first place in all he's classes, and Jason in second, after him.

' Hmm, very interesting '. He was actually known for he's smarts and beauty.

Just like that, exams were over, it was time for the results to be announced, and all students were gathered at the results board. And they were causing a bit of a commotion.

Alice, Jason and Kyle managed to squeeze through and were searching for their names on the board.

As usual the two school princes names were at the top, but Alice was still looking for her's. Just then Jason tapped her, grabbing her attention.

" Alice, your name is right here."

' Wait what '. Alice thought as she saw were her name was located. She couldn't believe it.