Chapter 5

Just like that, a month had passed and it was their first months exams.

The exam was mainly to test their knowledge of what they had learnt recently in class.

When Alice learnt that Kyle and Jason were always at the top of their class, she struck a deal with them.

" Okay guys, this time you aren't going to come in first and second but second and third places as I'll be taking first". Alice said with all seriousness, confident in her words.

But they just both ended up laughing at her face.

" Hahaha... that's so funny, good one ". Jason said, swiping the tears coming off he's eye after laughing so hard.

" Okay... then it's a deal. If that happens, you guys have to do what I tell you to, later." She said

" And if it doesn't ". Kyle asked with a raised brow, actually showing interest in the game.

" Then I'll be you guys slave for a week ".

Jason and Kyle both looked at each other for a moment before replying " deal ".

The day of the results were finally announced on the notice board.

Alice was a little anxious about the results, because during most of Kyle's time was usually spent at the library you could even say that's he's second home during school hours, he's first home during school was on the roof, sleeping.

Jason and Kyle had already spotted their names at the top of the board.

Alice was still searching for her's when Jason tapped her, grabbing her attention.

" Alice, you name is right here ".

" Huh ?". ' Wait what '. Alice thought as she saw were her name was located.

Jason scored in 3rd place with 368/400 points, Kyle in 2nd place with 389/400 points and Alice in 1st place with 396/400 points.

She didn't actually think she could beat Kyle, life is truly unpredictable.

" Yay, I won the bet."

" So what are your demands princess " Kyle asked with a playful tone.

" Hmm, not here. you guys should come over to my place on the weekend as the exams are over now. I'll tell ya there. she said with her cheeky sweet ton, trying to convince them to come over.

" Okay then ". They both agreed.

The rest of the way , Alice was literally skipping to class, as she was so proud of what she had just done.

At the corner, close to the Janitor's closet stood a very irritated Chorlette, she had been watching silently as Alice grew closer to Jason and Kyle, becoming more popular with the other students and classmates in school. It was really getting on her nerves, to the point it drove her to bully Alice every time she gets the chance to, she just couldn't bare to see her happy especially with Jason.

She hired some private investigators to investigate on Alice's background, but they all failed.

It looked like Jason was using his family's background and connections to cover up Alice details.

But those investigators didn't come cheep and were still top notch, they managed to find some private information on her and discovered she has a condition called aquaphobia, which means she was scared of water, which means she could set her plan in motion, which means she could have some fun with her before getting rid of her.

She would make her life a living hell and make her regret ever crossing her part.

And with that she set her first plan in motion.

Alice had just finished arts class and had stepped out of the studio, waiting for Jason and Kyle like usual.

When suddenly Chorlette approached her with one of her signature innocent smiles.

" Hi Alice, long time no see, you do remember me right ?, we sit in biology class together ".

" Of course, why will I forget you Chorlette ". She replied, returning her fake smile back to her.

" Good, cause I was wondering if you could help me with something in the chemistry lab ". She said with her hands clapped together in a pleading way.

Alice didn't know what she was up to, so she decided to play along.

" Okay..."

" Thanks alot". Chorlette looked like she was really glad that Alice was going to help her out but Alice new better than to trust her.

On the way there Alice kept on looking at her phone and this irritated Chorlette even more.

' Did she think she was so important that she didn't even bother to look at her during this whole time, what did she take herself for, well she was so going to get what's coming to her '. Chorlette thought with an evil grin slowly creeping up her face.

They both entered the lab, Chorlette pointed at some chemicals and flasks. They walked up to it and Alice was rather confused. What did she need her help with.

Without saying a thing Chorlette mixed in some different chemicals after another, and soon it cut on fire.

" What are you doing ". Alice shot Chorlette a suspicious look.

Was she crazy, she clearly knew not to mix those together but she did anyway.

She wasn't sure whether it was the fire caused by the chemical reaction, but she could see a burning rage of desire in her eyes, like a psycho.

" What does it look like, I'm getting rid of all my problems permanently, starting with you ". She said sounding like a total psychopath.

" Your crazy ". Alice yelled at Chorlette who was already by the door.

The fire had totally separated them and was blocking all her roots of escaping.

" Hahaha.... that's a compliment. I guess you won't be needing this then ". She said waving Alice's phone. She had grabbed her phone when she was distracted, this girl really had gone crazy.

When Chorlette said that she locked her in from the outside.

At that moment of panic Alice didn't really pay attention to her surrounding, she tried calming down and take in breathes but she could only inhale more smoke, that's when she noticed a pole.

She tried to use it to break down the door but she was already to weak, there was no way it would work.

She didn't know what to do anymore.

She was losing oxygen and if someone doesn't come to help her soon, then....was she going to die here.

She was becoming even weaker by the second and couldn't hold on much longer, she gradually felt the world slipping away from her.

The smoke was making it harder for her to see.

The last thing Alice could remember was someone breaking down the doors, they rushed in, calling out to her, before she blacked out.

Alice didn't know who it was or who it could be but she was already glad someone had come.