Chapter 6

The lab incident caused a lot of panic amongst the students, but the teachers managed to evacuate all students out safely.

When the fire alarms went out, they thought that maybe it was a false drill, but when the smoke got to the hallways, they immediately evacuated.

Outside, the students couldn't stop murmuring amongst themselves. Who could be so despicable to start a fire in the school.

Soon after, the rescue team arrived.

The fire wasn't that bad anymore, it only managed to cover the lab and hallway leading there, they quickly rushed in to put out the fire.

The lab didn't look like it could be saved as the fire had totally burnt down the roofing.

Two of the rescue team went to get reinforcements.

Just a minute after they left, there was some banging sounds coming from the lab room.

" They're still students in there! Quick try to move that boulder and you go tell them to be quick with the reinforcement ".The one leading the team ordered.

The managed to clear out some rumbles and other obstacles blocking the entrance, the reinforcement came and together the cleared the path blocking the entrance.

" Hey kid. Are you guys alright." He said to the two students inside.


A few moments ago, Kyle had heard from Jason that Alice was waiting for them by the hallways after the studio.

He went their looking for Alice, that was when the alarms went off and he saw smoke coming from the Lab.

He saw Alice through the window right before she passed out on the floor and broke down the doors. He quickly rushed to her side, checking whether she was okay, luckily she wasn't hurt anywhere and had only passed out due to too much smoke.

He carried her up in his arms heading to the exit, but just then a piece of the roof which had been burnt came crashing down totally blocking the exit now.

The fire was still blazing intensely. Kyle searched through the cabinets and found what he was looking for. Some towels, wetting them in a bucket of water, he rapped them around Alice and himself, covering their body from the fire.

He too was about to pass out due to all the smoke he had inhaled, when he heard some noises coming from outside. He gently settled Alice down by the corner, making sure she was properly covered up.

He tried getting the person's attention by banging on the door and gladly, it worked, cause soon after he heard them call out.

" They're still students in there! Quick try to move that boulder and you go tell them to be quick with the reinforcement ". Finally, there were going to get out of there.

" Hey kid, are you guys alright ?, is there anyone injured ?". The one leading the team asked.

" She's... unconscious... hurry up and help...her ". Kyle said with unsteady breaths, he couldn't take it much longer, and he was worried that Alice might have gotten hurt.

" We'll get you both out, step by the side we're coming in, just try to remain calm."

They broke down the remaining rumbles blocking the door and quickly put out the fire.

Kyle carried Alice out of there, where they were assigned to the medical team and both given oxygen masks.

They were then taken to the hospital for some check ups, in which Jason followed them.

Everyone was in a frenzy about what just happened. The whole situation was just so unbelievably and unexpected. Who could have caused this.

Everyone was then assigned to the school's gymnasium to discuss about the event that just happened.

The one responsible for the accident in the lab will be reported to the principal's office and be given a proper punishment, and if there were any witnesses of the accident, they should speak up.

Charlotte saw this as the opportunity she's been waiting for, her plan was working perfectly.

School will still be commencing as it was only the lab that was destroyed and was now off limits, till repaired.

Charlotte went to the principal's office as a witness of what had happened and told the principal everything that had happened, but in her own version.

She had some few connections and power in the school, so the principal took her words in.

" Sir, it was awful... Alice told me she had some business in the lab and wanted me to follow her... not thinking about it, I followed her ....She said she wanted to work on her chemistry as she was doing poorly in class... I ...I told her to ask for permission first but she said she'll be done soon.... But sir, as she mixed in the chemicals...she must've gotten it wrong and that's how the fire started..." She explained crying with each sentence.

" Sir, I ran out cause I was really scared...I...I didn't know she was still in there....I could have saved her..." She cried louder, making it seem like she was at fault and didn't mean for any of this to happen.

The principal bought her story and was trying to calm her down, he really pitied the poor girl, so he ensured her that he will look into it more and that nothing will happen, she was not going to be in trouble for this and should head to class.

" Thank you sir ". Charlotte said while leaving the office, looking soo sullen.

But the minute she turned around, she giggled.

' What a stupid man. Whatever, I'll just make do with him for now. I can't wait for that stupid eyesore Alice to be expelled.' she thought while skipping to class.

Meanwhile, at the hospital.

Some time had past since Alice woke up , Kyle had already woken up way before her and now they were both just waiting for Jason to arrive.

Jason came in after some time and sat beside their beds.

" Did you get it ". Alice asked with a smirk on her face.

" I did. But Ally, I have to say, you are one crazy girl." Jason said while shaking his head downwards, he couldn't believe what this innocent looking girl was capable of doing, until now.

" I'll take that as a compliment ". Alice said, smiling sweetly at him, but instead it sent shivers down his spine.

" Please don't smile like that, it's a little creepy ". Jason said, robbing his arms, as it became a little chilly.

" How is it creepy ". She said pouting her lips at him, cutely.

" But that was really risky. We should really be more careful on our next step." Kyle warned them. There was a gentle expression on his face as he looked at Alice, he didn't want her getting hurt.

" Agreed ". They both said in unison.