Chapter 7

After what happened in school that day, Alice, Kyle and Jason didn't show up to school that day or the next.

The students had started talking about the events that happened and if it was the reason they didn't show up to school when the homeroom teacher informed them that they will be recuperating at home and won't be coming to school for a while.

So that was the case.

Charlotte heard about this, but it didn't make her irritation go away, instead she was more annoyed now.

Why did Alice have to get all the attention.

She was supposed to be the popular one, the more brilliant one, the one who got all the boys attention and all the teachers attention, the one Jason loved, but instead it had to be Alice.

No problem. At least Alice can't bother her now.

Charlotte was chatting with her girl group trying to enjoy herself a little when someone informed her to go to the principal's office.

Charlotte left the group mid way and went straight to the office.

In the office.

Jason was seated in the waiting area at the side in the office, when Charlotte stepped in.

He was just so sick of how she always puts up this innocent behavior in front of everyone. How can someone be this fake.

" Good day sir, you called..."

Charlotte greeted the principal politely, like a cultured young lady. When she spotted Jason sitting in the waiting area, his leg and arm folded underneath the coffee table, like that of a boss.

" Hello, Lady Mandarin. Mr Jason here and I have been waiting for your arrival. please do sit down."

He offered the seat opposite his.

Charlotte looked over at Jason, wondering what business he could have with the principal.

" I'm sure you are aware about the incident that took place yesterday that caused Lady Caddel and young master Lavine to recuperate at home."

" Of course ".

Charlotte didn't know where this zucchetto question was going to but she tried to act calm and not normal.

" Well, Mr Jason here just presented a hard drive which has a footage of you starting that fire that day."

' What....but how is that...wait, the security cameras, she should have known. Charlotte face turned grim and she went silent.

This will probably get her expelled.

She can't get expelled her family will kill her. They were really strict and Jason knows this.

They had been childhood friends and lived next door for years.

They were really close friends and often play alot together, so much that their families set them up together to get marriage.

Charlotte was happy about the idea but Jason was not.

Then something happened and it drew them apart, since then Jason hasn't been on friendly terms with her.

Maybe this was probably for the best. Jason wasn't going to save her anyway, she knew the chances of that was low.

She didn't want to get her hopes up, she had to come to the fact she was going to military school.

" Mr Jason here suggested we give you a three weeks suspension and not to expel you."

" Re... really ?" Charlotte stammered in surprised, she looked over at him and he was starring right back at her.

For a moment their eyes met, she thought that perhaps he had forgiven her for what she had done but no ,Jason looked as expressionless as ever. He didn't care.

He was only doing this for the sake of their past relationship and the respect he had for the Mandarin family, he knew just how strict they were.

On the other hand, the principal only let her go, because Jason had decided to cover all the damages and offered 1.6M to the school funding. He didn't care about the rest.

Rich kids were definitely scary.

After that, they both stepped out of the office.

" I... "Charlotte was about to thank him and try holding his hand, when Jason brushed her hands off and spoke instead.

" I don't what to hear anything from you. I only did that in regards of uncle and aunty and the Mandarin family. I don't have any plans of forgiving you for what you did.... but from now on, I owe you and your family nothing".

Jason said with a grim expression not looking at her once.

Charlotte stood stopped in her tracks, totally heart broken. Her long hair covering her face as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She know she couldn't erase or change what had happened all does years ago, it was an accident and it also hurt her too. He wasn't the only one hurting, she didn't mean for it to happen.

She was heart broken, for that day she had lost someone really close to her and now she was losing him too.

The one person she didn't want to leave her, the one person who once cherished her, the one person she still loves.

She saw as Jason kept on walking not turning back once and she broke down.

' Jason.... ' Charlotte thought tears still trailing down her cheeks, her eyes now puffy from all the tears.

' If you don't want to love me anymore, fine....but don't you dare come crawling back. cause I will never will regret this ' Charlotte thought with a smirk on her face.

What she did that time was an accident and she regretted it but this time, he'll be the one to regret it.

With that she turned around and walked the other way.