Chapter 8

Alice and Kyle had already been admitted out of the hospital.

Alice told both of them to come over to her place as promised, seeing as they could not escape the situation they agreed.

On the way there, Jason asked Alice what she wanted them to do when they get there, as requested in the bet.

" Oh...I just need both of you to.... spend the night with me ". Alice said with all smiles.

" WHAT!!? ". Jason who was driving the car almost missed a turn and quickly slammed on the brakes to slow down.

" What ?".

" Alice you can't just say something like that " Jason said rubbing his temples.

" Why, it's just a sleepover, I do it all the time with my friends." Alice didn't really get why it was such a big deal.

" Aren't your friends all girls ".

" Yeah ...."

This time both Jason and Kyle slapped their palms on their head. ' Didn't boys have sleepovers too ', Alice was confused. She didn't really get what was wrong with a sleepover that made him have such a reaction.

On the other hand Jason didn't really like the sound of this. How could two guys and a girl stay under one roof without something happening.

" Alice are you sure you don't see anything wrong with this ?" Jason asked again but she still didn't see it.

Jason sighed then turned to Kyle for help, but Kyle looked like he was deep in some thoughts.

" Kyle...?". Jason snapped his fingers in front of him and that was when he finally snapped out of it.

" Talk to her... ".

" Well I'm with Alice on this one..." Jason was a little stunned by this, he didn't really expect Kyle to say that of all things.

" Why ?"

"Dude... we promised her we'll do whatever she wanted, so just let it be ".

Is not like Jason was against it or anything, he knew that it was actually okay for a sleepover like this, infact it was pretty normal, but still something didn't feel right.

But he brushed the thought away when he saw Alice's ecstatic face.

Perhaps she was just a little bit lonely and just wanted to have some fun.

She hadn't made alot of friends as she was still new here.

Plus he loved he's baby sister, how could he resist.

So it was okay. As long as he was there, saying that he looked over at Kyle.

Kyle knew what that look was for, but he didn't really care, so he just turned his head away to another direction not the least bothered.

After some time, the arrived at Alice's house.


Entering her house, Jason and Kyle were amazed by how simple yet classy the decor was.

It had glass tainted table and a chandelier,

3D flat screen tv with a limited edition package sensor, some gold colored handles and edges of the walls to match, and some furniture in black and white stripings.

Even the kitchen had similar decors to match the living and dinning room.

They couldn't help but say " Wow " when they came in.

" Ally.... from now on, you can never accuse me of showing off ever again." Jason said still dazzled by the scenery.

" Yeah, how much did all this cost anyway ". Kyle asked starring at the tv with upgrades that could match that of a collectors item.

" I don't really was mom that paid for it. I told her not to go overboard thou. It should be around 2.3M."

Jason and Kyle were too speechless to even counter that, they really didn't know what to say anymore.

All Jason could think about was how he on the other hand, had prove himself and earn his money first before spending it. Rich people really did favor their youngest.

" Let's head up too my room first, we can come here afterwards for some snacks."

Alice offered.

They both followed Alice behind wondering what her room would look like, if the living room was like that.

And honestly, when they entered her room, they did not expect to see what they saw.

It was totally different from their imagination, this was beyond what they were expecting.