Chapter 9

Alice just starred at the boys dumbfounded expressions then back at her bedroom, rather confused. ' Did her room really look that weird ' she starred back at her room trying to find what was so odd about it.

Alice's room didn't look like one that belonged to an average teenage girl's and she knew that, infact she was pretty sure that even the nerds at high school would praise her room for looking so dorky and yet so perfect.

It was filled with months of work award winning trophies and medals that she had won through out her childhood, from playing chess to winning science fairs, art crafting to sports and so on.

Because of this, she has her very own trophy room just down the hallway, but it needed some upgrades for more space.

This made her feel really proud of herself and she wasn't afraid to show it off.

Her bed was huge but looked rather odd with the funny chibi anime characters on the sheet.

But it wasn't the funny looking sheets or the trophies and medals that made the guys react like that, but a see through cabinet filled with some tiny dolls or rather collections.

These didn't look like those action figures or play dolls, they were different, and they looked very intriguing that they just had to ask the question.

" What are those ? ". Kyle asked first, breaking the silence.

" oh... those are just my Netsukes ". Alice said beaming with pride but when she saw their dull faces, she blushed with embarrassment.

" Is it that weird ?". She asked shyly this time, all her pride seemed to have faded away when she saw their faces.

They both replied " Yes " in unison but dropped the matter when they saw how embarrassed she was.

" It's okay, we'll work on your room later, right now I want some snacks ". Jason proclaimed.

" Sure, I'll go gets some." Alice then skipped off to the kitchen to prepare some snacks.

As soon as Alice left, Jason went over to the trophies to have a better look at them just to pass the time but noticed that Alice had won awards that he could only dream of winning. There were just so many and he wouldn't be surprised if there were still more. There were some for Polo, badminton, science fairs, painting, dancing, horse back racing, 100 metre racing and so on, it was as if she won every award imaginable.

There were all hard sports that will take at least mouths, maybe even years of practice which made Jason wonder if she ever really enjoyed her childhood. With all these awards and her grades, had she ever just relaxed. Jason was starting to worry about her and pity her, it most have been difficult on her, she might have gone through a lot and it made him want to love and spoil her more. She deserved that.

Jason was still looking around, when he spotted Kyle at the corner close to a shelf, reading a book quietly.

He looked so focused on the book like it was really interesting, that at some point he would smile without knowing it ,this made him so curious as to what he was reading.

" What are you reading that it's making you smile like that ".

" Nothing ". Kyle couldn't bother with him as he was so engrossed in the book and just continued reading, totally ignoring him.

But Jason wouldn't have it. So he tried sneaking over his head to have a look.

He had just cought a glimpse of the book when some footsteps were heard and the next moment a hand flashed by and their head started to throb with pain.

It turns out that when he went over to have a look, Alice had just stepped in as she had returned and dropped the snakes on the bed side table.

" What are you guys doing with my book ". Alice roared at them, rage flaring in her eyes.

" Ouch... Alice, that hurt. I hadn't even seen that book yet, how would I know. What's the big deal ? ". Jason asked rubbing the slight bump that was now visible on his head. He was confused as to why he got hit on the head too when he hadn't even seen the book yet. She looked so fragile and small, so why did her bunches hurt so much.

"It's supposed to hurt. Why were you guys reading my dairy ".

Jason now knew why he got hit, he could understand her reaction and now he felt a little guilty, even thou he hadn't really done anything.

Kyle on the other hand, still had the book in his hand, reading it and this earned him another bump to the head.