Chapter 10

After Alice had finished upholding justice for her book, she sat the boys on the bed for a game. They were going to play the usual, truth or dare, and after that they would watch a movie then go to bed.

They will each spine a bottle, and the penalty for not doing a dare or not telling the truth, will have to gobble up a blend of banana, ice cream, pizza, fruit bunch, burger, raw eggs and soda combo drink. It looked so funny and smelled weird.

No one really wanted to drink it, it didn't even look digestible so they reluctantly agreed and played the game.

The first spine landed on Alice and Jason.

" Truth or Dare ?" Jason asked as the top of the bottle pointed at his direction.

" Dare ". Alice answered way confident than he expected.

It looked like she didn't know what crazy and ridiculous things Jason could come up with.

Jason rubbing his hands together with a mischievous smirk on his face told Alice her Dare.

" I Dare you to....prank call mom right now on speaker...and tell her only the things I'll tell you."

Alice turned to Jason with a stern look on her face wondering what this trouble maker could be up too, never the less she called her mom, and after some rings she picked up.

But the minute she picked up she started rambling on in that her high pitch voice like a young teenage girl whenever she gets the latest gist of her favorite celebrity.

" Hello!!, My Ally walley... how's my sweet baby doing ?, I missed you so much. I was just about to call you that's why I was with my phone, but I didn't expect you to call me instead. Why did you call tho, do you need more money now, just tell me how much and I'll write down a cheque to you right now...."

" Mom!! " Alice blushed with embarrassment as she listened to her mom on the phone spouting nonsense, what was with that nickname.

It was so humiliating. It was like she knew Kyle and Jason were here and purposely called her that.

With the thought of Kyle and Jason hearing that, she turned to look at them and indeed they were trying to hold in their laughter. She felt so mad for being this humiliated, but she managed to suppress it all in and signaled Jason to tell her what she needed to say.

Jason initially wanted her to ask for money but seeing as mom offered to write a cheque without any effort already, he swept the idea away, parents will do anything for their last Borns so he had a new plan instead.

" Ask her if ...." He whispered into her ear.

Alice was hesitant but soon complied and asked her.

" Hey mom... if aliens exist will you marry one ? ".

" What ?".

" oh, I think I need you to get me some diapers cause..." She stopped, totally embarrassed for what she was about to say next before continuing.

" cause I'm still your Ally...Walley... baby boo ". She regretted saying that the minute it came out of her mouth.

Her mom on the other hand was totally confused but smiled after she called herself her baby, she then replied with an " Okay " before she bade her farewell and left cut the call.

Alice signed in relieve, glad that it was finally over. But it didn't stop there.

Cause from then on the bottle top kept falling on Jason and he kept giving them difficult Dares and Truths, asking them to remove someone's socks with their teeth, saying their deepest fear, put a whole mouth full of water in their mouth and saying their full name, talk to the wall and pretending it responds. It was crazy. They were totally exhausted and were both about to give up when the bottle finally turned to someone else, Alice to be precise.

Alice and Kyle both robbed their hands together in an evil way and shot Jason a murderous look, they were ready for their revenge.

Jason gulped, cause he knew he was about to get it, he was definitely in danger.