A Fight With Qiao Jin Face to Face !!!

Qiao Jin got angry over this challenge, so he charged directly at Shen Xueran with all his strength. But he missed as she dodged the pounce swiftly by getting aside. His whole body crashed on the floor as he groaned in pain.

Shen Xueran, who was standing at the side, looked at him with a provocative smile on her face.


Qiao Jin was even more angry now. He didn't believe he would actually lose before some insect like Shen Xueran. So he went for the fight again as he punched at him again

Shen Xueran lifted her foot, kicking the annoying fella before her. This brat was taller than her, so she almost fell when she kicked on his stomach.


Qiao Jin's stomach was hurting so much as if it was bleeding .

Shen Xueran threw her fist once more, aiming at Qiao Jin's head. But he managed to dodge this time.

He got up and ran to Shen Xueran afterwards. Shen Xueran stepped back at once.

Shen Xueran moved aside and dodged him. She didn't want to use her strength too much because she knew that she was not strong enough to continue this fight for a long time, so she prepared to dodge his attacks, and not to attack him back.

Everyone's mouth was hung open as they watched her dodge his attacks. Qiao Jin was so fast that they were not able to see his next movement. Yet her dodging strategy really surprised them.

'How can he dodge his attacks like that? Did he learn or practice Martial Arts before?'

Everyone in the school knew how skilled Qiao Jin was in Martial Arts, so they didn't thought Shen Xueran can actually dodge his attacks.

This fight was really interesting!

Even girls were screaming and yelling, telling Qiao Jin to beat that punk up. But Qiao Jin wasn't able to punch hi for once.

'How can he dodge and calculate Qiao Jin's every move?'

Everyone was whispering and gossiping about this fight.

'The way I'm fighting with this dude today, I'm afraid it will spread through the whole school by tomorrow,' Shen Xueran thought deeply.

After a few times she dodged his attacks, she was still not attacking him. Qiao Jin was even more angry as he shouted, "Why dodge only? you don't dare to attack me directly?"

"How can I bang that pretty face! my heart hurts just thinking about this!" Shen Xueran didn't missed the chance to flirt with Qiao Jin, making him fume in rage.

"I'm afraid that the Young Master will get hurt and can't leave the hospital for a week or more. So I don't want to attack. Is there any problem with me taking the self-defense only?" Shen Xueran snickered as she continued to dodge him.

Qiao Jin now started to attack without any rules. So others became worried that Shen Xueran will get beaten by him to pulp today.

On the other hand, Shen Xueran was thinking of how to stop this annoying brat. If she doesn't stop him now, then she will have to use more strength that will raise people's suspecion.

'Should I just beat him up, or should I admit defeat?' Shen Xueran was pondering over this.

Before she did anything, there was a sound beside her.

"Groooooowl..... "

Shen Xueran, "..."

Qiao Jin, "..."

Everyone, "..."

The source of sound was Qiao Jin's stomach. He has already stopped in his tracks. In the next moment, he crouched down in pain.

"Ahhhh, it hurt's. Damn it!" Qiao Jin cursed as he clutched his stomach with both hands.

"I… I quit for today. It's~It's not done. I'll do the match again some other day, just you wait, Shen Xueran! Ahhhh..."Qiao Jin started to run towards the infirmary.


"Yeah yeah, I'll wait for you, come back after you get well," Shen Xueran was laughing hard as she sighed in relief.

If his stomach didn't go unwell, then today she almost revealed her strength.

She took her bag and walked out of the gym slowly. As she was leaving, she heard the sound of footsteps. Mu Yanran was running towards her anxiously.

"Shen Xueran, are you alright!?" Mu Yanran was literally screaming as she questioned her.

"Yeah, I'm pretty well. But where were you all this time?" Shen Xueran asked her like she was interrogating her.

"Phew, That's a relief, good that I messed with Qiao Jin's water," Mu Yanran said as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't tell this to anyone, keep it a secret for me, okay? I know what I did was wrong! I shouldn't have taken you to the gym. It's all my fault, Can you forgive me this once, please?" Mu Yanran was giving her puppy dog eyes.

Because she had tempered with none other than Qiao Jin's water, and he was one of the school hunks. Also Fu Jinyan's close friend.

Shen Xueran was happy because she seemed to know what she did wrong.vSo she let her off the hook this time.

"Alright, since you know what you did wrong. So I'll reluctantly forgive you."

"Also you messed with his water because of me, so I'll forget what you did. But remember not to make the same mistake twice," Shen Xueran smiled at Mu Yanran gently.

Mu Yanran was so distracted by his dazzling smile that she didn't know when he left.

'Ahhhhh….I'm dying! Xueran actually smiled at me! that means I'm a special person to him! Yeeeee… ha hah ha…'

Mu Yanran was screaming internally as she was left with a huge and bright smile hanging on her face.

"Alright, alright. I won't make trouble for you anymore, I'm sorry. Good bye then," She ran off, feeling shy.

Shen Xue also watched her standing behind in a daze, not being able to think what made Mu Yanran so happy to run away like that .

After a while, she sighed and left the place as well.

From a distance, another person was also watching the drama from the 2nd floor.