The Mysterious Man

"Cheng, who was that skinny guy from before that fought with Qiao Jin?" asked the person, still watching the guys disappearing back.

"Reporting to the boss, he is the Eldest Young Master of the Shen family, Shen Xueran. He is 17 years old this year. Oftenly remains sick and doesn't come to school, skips his classes and lessons. Also known in the school for being a famous gigolo and he likes guys. He even chased after the Young Master of the Fu family recently, and got beaten up by the third Young Master Qiao," Cheng Li reported to his boss, quite amused.

Because There's so many little things in this world that can actually attract the boss's attention.

"Shen Xueran, it's really her..." the person murmured as he looked at the disappearing figure of the skinny guy.

He knew the patriarch of the Shen family, but he never mentioned about his grandson considering his improvement then before. Compared to past, he has changed a lot.

'What made her change like this much? Does she also remember something?' he thought as he remembered the timid guy from the past.

"How is he doing recently?"

"He just came back to school today after recuperating in his home for a week," Cheng Li was swift with his answers.

Being the Personal Assistant of this Demon King was not an easy Task. It means that you have to collect every small information regarding everything. Even any little gossip can't miss out.

Fortunately, Cheng Li was a man of quick wit. He had the ability to maintain everything very well. So, he was able to survive in his job and with the temperament of this guy, putting aside the matter that his salary was also quite high.

He was still thinking about the fighting scene from before. It seemed that the skinny guy was deliberately hiding his strength. He was not as simple as everyone thinks him to be.

"Investigate about him, specially about his recent behavior. Use them if you need," he said very calmly.

'Boss, are you serious?' he can't believe his ears.

'Investigate him, even if I need to use them,' he knew his boss wouldn't do anything unnecessary.

But to the point of using them, It doesn't make any sense.

'He didn't used even half of his power, he just used a little bit portion of his power. If he truly used any power at all, than Qiao Jin would've been on his deathbed right now.'

'Sick? Gigolo? Gay? skipped his classes and lessons.? I'm afraid that is not the case. there is something more than meets the eye. Considering that 'He' is still a 'She'.

'Just how much power does that fella contain now? looks like I have to find it out myself,' he grinned evilly as he was thinking of how to meet her alone to see her true strength and her true face.

When Cheng Li saw his boss was grinning like that, he got creeps all over his body.

'Aish, not good. That Demon king is actually grinning? He is harboring evil thoughts again! Sigh… that Young master of the Shen family really has such bad luck to pick up the boss's interest,' he can only sigh, because he didn't have the power to stop his boss or to hold him back.

He knew about the relation between his boss and the Shen family. But even so, does he really needs to surveillance the Young Master of Shen's this much? Chen Li really can't figure it out what the boss was thinking.

'I can only wish you good luck boy. I really am feeling sorry for that lad right now!'

Far away from school, Shen Xueran got chills all over her body like someone was harboring evil intentions on her.

Thank god that she didn't meet with him today....

'But where was he when they made such a big commotion in his territory?' Shen Xueran didn't understand why he wasn't there.

According to the novel, he was always in the gym, as he was the gym teacher. He always needs to be there to help the students with their exercise. But today he wasn't present there, this was and odd incident that Shen Xueran couldn't figure out.

'Well, it's good that he didn't come, maybe he had some other work to do, and I got out of there safely,' she sighed in relief as she put the matter aside.

The first time was when she was fighting in the gym. It felt as if someone was observing her carefully.

'Again, it's the second time I got this weird feeling today,' Shen Xueran thought.

'Well, whatever. I don't have the time to care about these little things. I need to go back home,' Shen Xueran thought as she put the matter aside and went home.

When she rode the cycle and went towards the highway, every female students were gossiping as she rode by their side.

Of course Shen Xueran listened their gossip, so she looked at them while smiling. There was two or three girls who suddenly looked up at her, she also winked her eye at them as she rode the by-cycle away.

Did he just smile at us?

Did he just wink? 

What's up with him?

The girls blushed when they finally came back to their senses. Just now, what did he do?

They were puzzled as they looked at Shen Xueran's disappearing back.