Shen Xueran has to go back to the Shen Manor

When Shen Xueran got inside, A'che greeted her first. She also greeted him back with a smile.

A'che got confused when he saw the young master actually greeted him back. But he secretly felt happy.

He worked for Li Hua for years and took care of the young master earnestly, but the young master never cared about him.

But now, it is different. The Young Master seemed to be different from the past. He behaved very politely with him.

And this made him feel very content and warm.

'But, did he get beaten up in school today?'

"I'm home, Mom!" Shen Xueran also called out her mother as she got inside the villa.

"You're back, Ranran. Mom was waiting for you. Go to your room and freshen up. We'll eat together after you come back, today I made your favorite dishes," Li Hua smiled gently at her only precious daughter.

"All right, Mom. I'll come back right away," Shen Xueran went to her room happily.

After she was gone, Li Hua's expression changed into a worried one as she fell into a deep thought.

A'che followed her upstairs to her room. When they were finally alone, he asked her anxiously.

"Young master, did you get beaten up in school today? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need me to call a doctor for a check up?"

Shen Xueran looked up at his anxious face and the first aid kits in his hands with her calm and expressionless face, quietly observing him.

A'che has served her since she was little, he valued this family very much. He always took care of them very sincerely. Even when the mother - daughter duo was fighting with each other, he kept neutral to both sides and did his work as always.

Shen Xueran wanted to make fun of him a little, so she said, " Why are you so anxious? Do you want me to get beaten up?"

A'che immediately retorted, "Not at all, Young Master! But you get beaten up every time you go to school"

Looking at his almost crying face, Shen Xueran easied her facial expression a little as she assured him.

"Today his stomach was upset, so he didn't come to look for trouble with me," Shen Xueran told him with an assurance voice.

"Is that so? then it's good that his stomach was upset. I pray to gods to make his stomach go upset everyday, so he can't beat up the Young Master!" A'che sincerely prayed to god.

Shen Xueran , '...'

He is cursing people for having an upset stomach !

Oh well, it was for her anyway, so she will overlook the matter.

Anyway, A'che was relieved upon hearing this, so he left her room in a good mood. Shen Xueran also went to freshen up.

Shen Xueran came back downstairs to eat after freshening up. They sat together and started eating. Shen Xueran was telling her mother what happened in the class and many things, but Li Hua was still distracted by her own thoughts.

But Li Hua didn't said anything and continued to eat. After they were done eating, Shen Xueran gesture A'che to leave the room. Then she sat down in front of her Mother.

"What is bothering you so much Mom that you can't even eat your dinner properly? If you don't mind, will you share it with me, Mom?" She gently looked at her mother and clasped her hands.

Li Hua saw her child was worried for her, so she felt warm in her heart.

"Actually it's nothing much. Umm…. your father called me today, and he asked you to go back there again."

"Mom just feels a little bad that you have to go back there again. Mom won't be able to see you for this whole month."

"Anyway, Ranran. When you stay there, remember to stay away from that woman and her kids. They are not good people, they might try to harm you. So be careful when living there," Li Hua was anxious about her child.

Sun Qing was a cunning evil woman. She seduced Shen Ming to obtain her goals and currently was living a luxurious life.

But she didn't forget that she was only a mistress and the legal wife had a child as her successor.

So she was always cautious about the position of her and her children's in the Shen family. Because she was just a mistress and she was aware of her position in the family very well.

In the novel, Shen Xueran's death also had a connection with Sun Qing. As the family's only eldest son and the next successor, Shen Xueran had quite a good amount of enemies. So there was also many suspect that was linked with her murder.

But both Shen Mu and Shen Xin were brats who only knew how to enjoy luxury and didn't have any thought about their future.

Although Sun Qing was annoyed by their attitude, they were still her child. So she thought of ways to destroy Shen Xueran so that Shen Mu can become the Successor to the Shen group.

But Li Hua knew about her scheme very well, so she didn't let her harm her child.

Because of this issue, every time Shen Xueran goes to live on the Shen Manor. Li Hua's heart went anxious and didn't have any peace till she came back safely from the manor.

But this time, it was different. Because the Shen Xueran was not the same as before. She knew how to take care of herself, and also knew how to teach the green tea b*tches a lesson.

So, looking at Li Hua's anxious and worried face, Shen Xueran couldn't help but smile.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm not a little child anymore, I know how to take care of myself."

"Also, they wouldn't dare to do anything under dad's nose. So I'll be fine," Although she knew that her father was not a reliable person, Still, she can console her mother with this so she said it.

"Maybe, they wouldn't dare. But still, you have to be more careful, okay?"

"Yes yes, I'll be careful," she nodded her head without hesitation.

"Well, Alright then. I'll go pack your things up," Li Hua stood up as she was preparing to help Shen Xueran pack her things.

"Alright, Let's go then. We'll do it together," Shen Xueran smiled as she looked at her mother and prepared to go with her.

'Shen Manor huh, alright. Let's see who bullies who this time,' thought Shen Xueran as she smirked evilly .

In the novel, every time Shen Xueran goes there, she got bullied by that evil women and those step siblings.

Shen Ming was always thinking of how to make money, so he didn't paid any attention to her at all.

She was not able to say anything because her father didn't pay any attention to this matter. So she got bullied by them continuously.

"But this time, it'll be different!'