
Teacher Ye and others were very satisfied with her performance this time in the exam.

Before this exam,  Shen Xueran always stood second last in every exam. He didn't paid any attention to his studies. 

So he did bad in all the examinations. The school once even decided to get him out of this school.

But his father gave money to the committee members to keep them silent.That's why he survived in the school till now.

But this time, Shen Xueran scored well in all subjects which was a good thing from before. And he has also changed a lot since that incident. 

He has become calm and dignified,  a well behaved student,  his exam scores has also risen up then before. 

In Teacher Ye's Math subject,  Shen Xueran has scored 37 out of 50. This was considered as a good score because in the last term, he only managed to get 13 out of 100. 

So Teacher Ye was happy about it as he told Shen Xueran to keep up the good work when he gave her paper.

Other subjects were also done pretty well compared to last time. Only Si Fang wasn't satisfied with her exam papers.

"How the hell did you manage to write this much without reading? It's very obvious that you cheated on the exam!" Si Fang shouted angrily as she pointed her fingers at Shen Xueran. 

Si Fang hasn't given Shen Xueran any number because of her nasty assumption that Shen Xueran cheated on the exam. 

But Shen Xueran was very calm and indifferent as she said, "I did not cheat in the exam, if Teacher Si doesn't have any proof, then I'll ask you politely not to slander me without any proof in your hand."

Her stare gave Si Fang goosebumps, but she didn't showed it in her face as she retorted back at Shen Xueran.

"What do you think I don't know? Mu Yanran is a good student and you are her desk mate. it's just reasonable that you copied from her," Si Fang hissed.

"Oh. If so, then I will bother the teachers to see my and her paper. I'm sure they can judge whether I copied from her or not," She exclaimed with an expressionless face.

"Classmate Shen didn't copy my paper, teacher. Whatever he has written down,  everything was from his own. I told him that he can copy if he needs, but he declined my offer saying that he can take care of this on his own," Mu Yanran also stood up on his behalf. 

The students and teachers were convinced by her speech, so they didn't take this any further and left.

Though Si Fang was angry, there was nothing she could do at that moment since she didn't had any evidence, nor she had any teacher or students by her side. So she also left the class, fuming madly.

The students saw that this was a sign of his hard work. If he can keep it up,  then he will become a good student very soon.

After this,  they slowly started to talk with her and invite her to have lunch with them.

Although Mu Yanran wasn't happy about this,  she can't stop him from socializing with other students. So she stayed by his side all the time.

Shen Xueran also felt that this was good, because it was important to socialize and keep a good network with others for the sake of her job.

She can build a strong network with others and can seek help from them whenever she needs. 

And doing fairly well in the exam was a part of her plan,  too.

Like the way she intentionally left seven questions without answering in the math test. And gave wrong answers to five questions, so there was no way that a person would get a brilliant result overnight. 

That would be too suspicious, so she did this intentionally in every exam. And as a result, she got marked as a middle level student. 

After this incident, the female students also started to look at him properly this time. Whenever Shen Xueran was passing by, they would try to greet him.

When he greeted them back with a smile on face, they would scream and whisper to each other how handsome Shen Xueran was when he greeted them.

'Hey! Did you see that,  just now, Shen Xueran greeted me!'

'So what, he also greeted me the other day!'

'Do you think he has become more eye candy than before?'

'Yeah, it won't take long for him to become one of the Prince Charming in the school'

'Forget it. I think he's already taken?'

'What? Who is taken?'

'In your dreams!'

'Don't you guys see how Mu Yanran is sticking with him nowadays? '

'So what? They are not a couple for now since Shen Xueran didn't say it by himself, we still have a chance!' 


The rumors that were going around made Shen Xueran a little anxious. If Mu Yanran continues to stick around her, it would be dangerous for her identity. 

Also this will stir up trouble between her and Fu Jinyan. 

'Looks like I need to warn her to stay away from me from now on,' Shen Xueran mumbled quietly.

This incident reached the point of sending him love letters.

'Ah, isn't it too much?' Shen Xueran sighed. They really don't plan to give her any way out.

If she were to take any girls to become her girlfriend, her secret will get exposed easily. She can't risk this point, so Shen Xueran decided to act ded and see what happens from the sidelines.

A/N : Guess what will happen in the next chapter??? ☺️