Jealous Mu Yanran started a fighting...

A girl bravely came and stood in front of Shen Xueran's desk, blushing. 

Shen Xueran tilted her head to look at the girl who was looking like she wanted to say something. 

Mu Yanran was also sitting at her desk, alert of the danger. She glared at the girl,  telling her to scram by gesture. 

But this made her more confident as she called out Shen Xueran. 

"Umm... Student Shen,  I-I have something I would like to give you," she exclaimed shyly, bowing her head down.

'There it goes…'

Shen Xueran raised her eyebrows as she smiled at the girl, "Sure, How can I help you?"

Cheng Fang was dazzled by his smile. 'Since when Shen Xueran became so handsome? I can't breath'

Even other students was also stunned by his handsomeness. 

"Shen Xueran, please accept this," Cheng Fang stretched her hand in front of her,  there was an envelope with candies. 

Mu Yanran's face was already black, now it became even more ugly. 'How dare she give a love letter to my prince charming in front of me!'

'I'll not allow anyone to snatch my prince charming away! hmph!'

"Student Shen, don't take this from her, this is not a good thing. Cheng Fang, I suggest you take it away before I set it on a fire!" Mu Yanran threatened Cheng Fang. 

'Is she treating me like a child, she thinks I don't know what's inside?' Shen Xueran sighed in her heart. 

'Let's play along for now. After all, I'm a straight single person' Shen Xue thought it makes sense to do nothing and only watch the show of how two girls fight over a single boy.

But Cheng Fang is not someone who will back down because of a mere threat. Both of them started quarreling with each other.

Shen Xueran saw that if this quarrel goes on, then they will start fighting. When she was thinking about how to stop them, Shen Xueran looked at the door and saw them.

Fu Jinyan and his friends were passing by the room. When Shen Xueran saw them, she got an idea.

"Hello, Young Master Fu, how have you been these days?" Shen Xueran called him as she walked forward, adjusting his glasses up her nose. 

Fu Jinyan frowned when he saw him coming.

'What's up with this guy? don't tell me...' Fu Jinyan looked at him suspiciously.

Shen Xueran knew from his expression what he was thinking. So she assured him," It's not what Young Master Fu is thinking, so rest assured."

Behind Shen Xueran, there was noise coming from there. 

Shen Xueran directly came and whispered in his ear, "Young Master Fu, your girl is getting in a fight. Take her away before the situation goes worse."

Fu Jinyan was startled by this sudden whisper, the wind brushed over his ear gave him a strange feeling that he blushed subconsciously. 

He backed away hurriedly with his blushing face. Avoiding his gaze, Fu Jinyan walked past Shen Xueran and dragged Mu Yanran out. 

When they were gone, Shen Xueran walked back at the classroom. Cheng Fang asked him excitedly, "So Xueran, please accept me. My feelings I have for you is real!"

However, Shen Xueran gave her a smile, "Well. About that, I'm sorry."

But Cheng Fang wasn't discouraged at the slightest. She asked him bravely, her voice full of confidence, "Please tell me what you don't like about me. I promise I'll try my best to change it."

Shen Xueran, "..."

"Well, the reason I turned you down is because, You're not my type," Shen Xueran exclaimed nonchalantly. 

Cheng Fang was speechless after what she heard. She was the most beautiful girl in the campus after Mu Yanran. She didn't believed that Shen Xueran would actually turn her down.

"Then what type of girl do you like?" She asked him in anger.

"Would you really like to know?" Shen Xueran looked at her with a deep gaze, like a warning. Cheng Fang felt cold on her back slightly. 

'How can a person's gaze be this burning? I feel suffocated,' Cheng Fang shuddered. But she tried to act brave as she asked him again. 

"Yeah, I would like to know, Please do tell me," Cheng Fang mastered up her courage and asked him back.

'She is not going to back down, I have to play my final cards if I want to get rid of this,' Shen Xueran thought. 

"Than, I shall grant your request," Shen Xueran smirked as he got close to her.

"The girl I like has to be pure, not a ran down one," Shen Xueran whispered in her ears carefully, not letting anyone understand. 

'How did he know?' she suddenly felt the fear that grasped her tightly.

"Wha-What do you know, You know nothing!" Cheng Fang screamed in fear and ran away, trembling and shaking. After that incident, other girls also started to send him love letters every day.

'No matter how many love letters you girls send me, this will not change the fact that I'm a girl,' Shen Xueran sighed helplessly.

A/N : What do you think Shen Xueran knows??? :)