Shen Ming's Useless Furry

After school, Shen Xueran went to the Cafe as she went there everyday. The Cafe owner has become familiar with her.

So when she saw him, she greeted him first and he also greeted her back.

"The one in the corner is free, you can use it," the Cafe owner showed the direction.

This was where she sat everyday. In this way, no one would come to pick at her, so she always tried to sit in the corner.

But she didn't think that he would reserve the seat for her voluntarily.

"Thank you," Shen Xueran was really grateful, so she thanked him with a smile.

"No need. You are my regular customer, It's natural for me to give you some privilege," he winked at Shen Xueran, which made her smile involuntarily. Then he waved at her, signaling her to start her work and went back to receive other customers.

'He is really a peculiar one,' she thought as she also turned around to seat.

She sat down in front of the computer and logged in.

She checked her mail and found the mail she was waiting for. Shen Xueran opened the mail to see what they replied.

'Hmm... looks like this method worked this time,' She was satisfied with this result.

They will give her a mission to test her potentiality. If she can pass this test, then they will take her in as an official member.

The condition was not bad. So she sent an email back, stating that she agrees with this condition.

After that, there was nothing to do since she had enough money in her hand for now. So she shut the computer and went back home.

'This time when I go back, I'll buy a gift for Mom and A'che,' Shen Xueran thought happily.

Today the manor was quieter than usual. This helped her to confirm something.

When she opened the door, something black flew at her.

Today was the scheduled time for Shen Ming to come back after the business trip. And Shen Xue knew that before she came back home, the b*tch and her puppies will nag at Shen Ming about her.

So when she goes home, Shen Ming will throw tantrums at her. But she was well aware about their plan, so she didn't get afraid and stayed calm.

Shen Xueran raised her hand to cover her face. Still she wasn't able to protect herself fully. The corner of the board still cut over her arm.

'Hiss!' Shen Xueran groaned in pain.

"Why do I have such a disgraceful son like you!"

"You still know to come home after all this!" Shen Ming shouted while fuming mad.

"How dare you cause trouble at school? The teacher called me and told me that you cheated in the exam?"

She cleared her name that day, but Sun Qing bribed her and made her tell Shen Ming that she cheated in the exam. Because Sun Qing knows very well that Shen Ming won't look over the things, and will throw tantrums at Shen Xueran.

So she planned all this to teach him a tight lesson. But what she didn't know was that today Shen Xueran didn't came back at home without any preparation. And the preparation will take effect very soon.

'That woman did inform him about the fake result, huh? Looks like I have to deal with her later,' Shen Xueran knew Si Fang will hold a grudge against her, but she didn't expected her to work together with Sun Qing, that vile woman.

"You actually beat up your sister in public, have you no shame? Do you even dare to go to nightclubs everyday?"

"Are you trying to test my limits? you think I won't kick you out just because you are my first son? Looks like it has been a long time since I punished you, Or was that punishment not enough?"

"You even got the nerves to yell at your aunt?" Shen Ming spitted in anger.

"Mu'er, go open that room, I'll take him to that room myself. He will reflect on what he did wrong, don't you dare to take him out till I let him."

"Honey, honey, don't be mad at him, Xueran is still naive. He didn't mean this… don't punish him, let him go for this time, ok?" Sun Qing provoked him intentionally. She was adding fuel to fire while pretending to be generous.

'Backstabbing sl*t,' she knew her plan, so she remained silent.

Shen Xueran knew her very well. She seemed to have said everything on her behalf, but every time she said something, the angrier Shen Ming would become.

"Didn't mean to? He doesn't have control over himself then?" Shen Ming looked at her with ferocious eyes.

Since he would continue doing all this even after getting beaten up, then don't blame him for being ruthless!

"The thing I regret the most is having a disgraceful b*stard like you as my son and marry that vixen!" Shen Ming was angry that his face and neck flushed crimson red.

But Shen Xue's eyes went cold when she heard how he cursed her mother .

'You are the real b*stard! How dare you curse my mother?'

'Should I destroy his family's fortune?' Shen Xueran was thinking whether or not to teach him a lesson right then.

She calmed herself down with a lot of difficulty. Because it was not the time yet to destroy them.

Even Shen Mu and Shen Xin was watching from the sidelines while Shen Xin was pretending to cry aggrievedly.

Shen Xueran was silently standing there, watching the family drama.

'It's almost time, I should start mine now,' Shen Xue smirked evilly in her mind as tears rolled down from her eyes like pearls. 
